118. Pascal's Triangle


Given a non-negative integer numRows, generate the first numRows of Pascal's triangle.

In Pascal's triangle, each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it.


Input: 5
package leetcode.easy;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; public class PascalSTriangle {
public void test() {
} public List<List<Integer>> generate(int numRows) {
List<List<Integer>> triangle = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); // First base case; if user requests zero rows, they get zero rows.
if (numRows == 0) {
return triangle;
} // Second base case; first row is always [1].
triangle.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
triangle.get(0).add(1); for (int rowNum = 1; rowNum < numRows; rowNum++) {
List<Integer> row = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> prevRow = triangle.get(rowNum - 1); // The first row element is always 1.
row.add(1); // Each triangle element (other than the first and last of each row)
// is equal to the sum of the elements above-and-to-the-left and
// above-and-to-the-right.
for (int j = 1; j < rowNum; j++) {
row.add(prevRow.get(j - 1) + prevRow.get(j));
} // The last row element is always 1.
row.add(1); triangle.add(row);
} return triangle;

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