
词源: to make fit, suitable; 近/反义词: adapt, adjust, lodge; disoblige, incommode, misfit

Lodging is a form of the sharing economy. Lodging is done in a hotel, motel, hostel, inn or hostal, a private home (commercial, i.e. a bed and breakfast, a guest house, a vacation rental, or non-commercially, as in certain homestays or in the home of friends), in a tent, caravan/campervan (often on a campsite). Lodgings may be self-catering, whereby no food is provided, but cooking facilities are available.

Lodging is offered by an owner of real property or a leasehold estate, including the hotel industry, hospitality industry, real estate investment trusts, and owner-occupancy houses. Lodging can be facilitated by an intermediary such as a travel website. The hospitality industry is a broad group of businesses that provide services to customers. The industry can be broken down into three basic areas: accommodations, food and beverage, and travel and tourism. The service industry is a type of business that provides services to customers rather than producing a product.

The accommodation reflex (or accommodation-convergence [会聚] reflex) is a reflex action of the eye, in response to focusing on a near object, then looking at a distant object (and vice versa), comprising coordinated changes in vergence, lens shape (accommodation) and pupil size. The word vergence has two meanings: 1. the inward or outward turning of one or both eyes that occurs when focusing on an object; 2. a measure of the convergence or divergence [发散] of a pair of light rays. Apparently both con- and di- are prefixes. When I said apparently, I meant "according to the way a situation appears, although I cannot be sure".

六级/考研单词: lodge, motel, inn, tent, caravan, seldom, whereby, hospitable, invest, website, beverage, accommodate, vice, comprise, coordinate, lens, outward, converge, diverge, ray, accord, situate


词源: "to be in company with", "take as a companion". company的词源是companion,除了公司外,还有group of people, friends的意思。In fact,我认为这才是核心意思。friends开公司未必是好主意,但开公司总得几个人吧?一个人开的叫小店。电影里常有的We've got company. 不是我们开公司了(got a company才是),是“有人来陪伴我们了”。来人和武侠小说里的“朋友”一样,未必是好人,译为“有人来了”得了。enterprise的核心意思是事业心、进取心,事业,引申为企业,因为aforesaid是创办企业所必须的。entrepreneur和enterprise的词源都有undertake的意思。

近义词: convoy, escort. accompaniment: 伴随物,伴奏

SAN JOSE, Calif. – May 10, 2018 – Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) announced today it has completed the acquisition of Accompany, a privately held company based in Los Altos, Calif. The company provides an AI-driven relationship intelligence platform for finding new prospects (potential buyers or clients), navigating the selling process, and strengthening relationships. Accompany's AI technology and talent will help Cisco accelerate priority areas across its collaboration portfolio. Cisco acquired Accompany for $270 million in cash and assumed equity awards. Accompany Founder and CEO Amy Chang has been named senior vice president in charge of Cisco's Collaboration Technology Group (CTG).The Accompany team joins the CTG under Chang's leadership.

六级/考研单词: intellect, navigate, talent, accelerate, collaborate, portfolio, million, equity, vice

If sb assumes responsibility, they take it.

[LDOCE] a lot of talent, musical talent, many talents, 可数不可数都可以。意为"person/people with a natural ability/skill"时不可数。什么叫talent? LDOCE说*natural*, 牛津说special or very great,没提natural. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) once said that, "talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.". 我打17881860没打通,手机可能欠费了。

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