1. Multiple Assertions

.then( item => {
  • 用 then()就不会retry, 即使页面发生变化, expect assertion也不会retry.
.should( item => {
if (item.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Not enough elements!')
  • 用should(), 如果页面上元素发生变化, assert前面的一个命令就会retry。
  • 可以加一些logic决定要不要做assertion。

2. Invisible element - changing the DOM

当Dom里面有一些invisible的element, 我们需要用.click(force:true) 来click到。更好的办法是让这个element显示出来。

.get('[data-cy=star]') // invisible element, only display when mouse over the 'board-item'.

同时我们也可以通过trigger()的办法来测试元素什么时候display。当鼠标靠近时display, 鼠标离开时disappear.

.trigger('mouseover') cy
.should('be.visible') cy
.trigger('mouseout') cy
  • Cypress checks actionability of elements
  • .invoke() function can change attributes of DOM elements.
  • Trigger different type of events. Event listeners can be triggererd by .trigger() command.

3. Cookies


方法一: 保存cookies 里面的token在support file>index.js里面,所有的tests都会share这个token。

preserve: 'trello_token'

方法二: 只是单个文件share这个token, 则可以放在 berore each里面:

 beforeEach(() => {


.visit('/') }) it('test #1', () => { cy
.setCookie('trello_token', 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImZpbGlwQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNjE1OTg5MTkyLCJleHAiOjE2MTU5OTI3OTIsInN1YiI6IjIifQ.c3HqS_RRCJp4IPYvwbUkxWPwBx4VXJa_0ArzKq7qx_M') cy
.reload() }); it('test #2', () => { });
  • Cypress deletes cookies and other storage in between tests
  • Cypress.Cookies API enables you to change cookies rules.

4.  Intercepting Network Requests

  • use .intercept() to match any http request our app makes.
  • intercepted http requests can be waited for.
  • Intercepted http requests can be tested.
it('Intercept requests', () => {

method: 'POST',
url: '/api/boards'
}).as('createBoard') cy
.visit('/') cy
.click() cy
.type('launching a rocket{enter}') cy
.then( (board) => {
expect(board.request.body.name).to.eq('launching a rocket')
}) });

5. Stubbing Responses

stubbing response, 举例 如果get response stubbing empty.

method: 'GET',
url: '/api/boards'
}, {
body: []

can use fixture to load a json file as request reponse body:

method: 'GET',
url: '/api/boards'
}, {
fixture: 'threeBoards'

stubbing network error:

method: 'POST',
url: '/api/boards'
}, {
forceNetworkError: true
}).as('boardList') cy.visit('/') cy.get('[data-cy-create-board]')
.click() cy.get('[data-cy=new-board-input]')
.type('new board{enter}') cy.get('#errorMessge')
  • Second argument modifies intercepted request
  • We can dynamically change just a part of response data.
it('Stubbing response', () => {

method: 'GET',
url: '/api/boards'
}, (req) => { req.reply( (res) => {
res.body[0].starred = true return res
}).as('boardList') cy
.visit('/') });

6. Creating a custom command

  • Create .d.ts definmitions file to get autocomplete of custom command.
  • JSDoc adds documentation to custom comands.

create a custom comman in the test file or under the support folder > commands.js.(notes: can add the command in a index  to load type definitions that come tish cypress module.E.g. command.d.ts or index.d.ts check in cypress documents. )

Cypress.Commands.add('addBoard', (input) => {
.click(); cy
.type(input + '{enter}');
}) it('Custom commands', () => { cy
.visit('/'); cy
.addBoard('groceries'); });

More powerful custom command using prevSubject: true or prevSubject: 'optional' command to call a child command only.

  • custom commands can be parent, child or dual.
  • https://testautomationu.applitools.com/advanced-cypress-tutorial/chapter9.html
Cypress.Commands.add('take', {prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, input) => {

  if (subject) {

.find(`[data-cy=${input}]`) } else { cy
.get(`[data-cy=${input}]`) } }) it('Custom commands', () => { cy
.visit('/board/77787127477'); cy
.take('task') });

7. Install Plugins

8. Running a Task

We can run a task in the background , wait for it to finish, and then continue on with our test.

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