


./ -rep ZYFS_REP -user admin -pass admin -param:file_name=/home/etluser/etl_data/test/etl_test.csv -dir /test -job JB_ETL_TEST


./  -file /home/rdb/JB_QFPD.kjb


./  -file /home/rdb//TR_QFPD.ktr 相关参数说明

-rep = Repository name
-user = Repository username
-pass = Repository password
-job = The name of the job to launch
-dir = The directory (dont forget the leading /)
-file = The filename (Job XML) to launch
-level = The logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Minimal, Nothing)
-logfile = The logging file to write to
-listdir = List the directories in the repository
-listjobs = List the jobs in the specified directory
-listrep = List the available repositories
-norep = Do not log into the repository
-version = show the version, revision and build date
-param = Set a named parameter <NAME>=<VALUE>. For example -param:FILE=customers.csv
-listparam = List information concerning the defined parameters in the specified job.
-export = Exports all linked resources of the specified job. The argument is the name
of a ZIP file.
-custom = Set a custom plugin specific option as a String value in the job using
<NAME>=<Value>,for example: -custom:COLOR=Red
-maxloglines = The maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by Kettle.
Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
-maxlogtimeout = The maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by Kettle.
Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default) 相关参数说明

-rep = 资源库名称
-user = 资源库用户名
-pass = 资源库密码
-trans = 要启动的转换名称
-dir = 目录(不要忘了前缀 /)
-file = 要启动的文件名(转换所在的 XML 文件)
-level = 日志等级 (基本, 详细, 调试, 行级, 错误, 没有)
-logfile = 要写入的日志文件
-listdir = 列出资源库里的目录
-listtrans = 列出指定目录下的转换
-listrep = 列出可用资源库
-exprep = 将资源库里的所有对象导出到 XML 文件中
-norep = 不要将日志写到资源库中
-safemode = 安全模式下运行: 有额外的检查
-version = 显示版本,校订和构建日期
-param = Set a named parameter <NAME>=<VALUE>. For example -param:FOO=bar
-listparam = List information concerning the defined named parameters in the specified
-metrics = Gather metrics during execution
-maxloglines = The maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by Kettle.
Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
-maxlogtimeout = The maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by Kettle.
Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default)





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