1. Right click on the project and go to
"Properties" //鼠标右键点击项目,然后选中Properties
   2. Select "Java Build Path" on the
left //选择java Build Path
   3. Open "Source" tab // 打开源文件的tab栏
   4. Click
"Add Folder..." //点击添加文件夹
   5. Check "gen" folder and click Ok and Ok again
//选中gen目录 然后点确定  应该就可以了
   6. Again right click on the project and in the
"Andriod Tools" click on "Fix Project Properties"  //右键点击项目 选择     Andriod Tools
点击 Fix Project Properties

gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it 的解决办法的更多相关文章

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