October 08th 2017 Week 41st Sunday
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
But the most talented guys can help his team win the triumphs even if his teammates may be infeiror to his oppenents, and of course, I mean that his teammates can't be the undercover of the opposing team.
If you are not the one who can hold the whip land easily all the time, it would be better to make good use of the abilities of your teammates, at least you should make sure they can help you in defence and let you worry-free when you launch your attacks.
Some so-called life-mentors always try to tell us that nothing is impossible and it all depends on man, that is, you would win through if you can persist in your current understakings.
Just bull-shit. Most often your personal capabilities are not the decisive factors on the results.
Just as you want to make it plain in an interview that you are not too timid to speak up, you want to make it clear you are not over-confident or intent on dominating the process.
One should count each day a separate life.
From Seneca.
You can't live each day as a separate life, because each day is based on the day of yesterday and is the foundation for the day of tomorrow as well.
There are close relationships among them and we can't easily separate them from one another.
So, I would rather to live every day a little better than the yesterday of it.
That is the very dream I have pursued these years, but it is quite hard to be realized, even just a petty part of it.
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