[翻译] SACalendar
Introducing SACalendar - Easy to use and customizable iOS 7 Calendar
SACalendar - 使用非常傻瓜,非常便于定制
Only need 3 lines of code to set up. Every view customizable to fit your need.
This project uses the customized version of DMLazyScrollView (https://github.com/malcommac/DMLazyScrollView)
这个源码中部分使用到了DMLazyScrollView (https://github.com/malcommac/DMLazyScrollView)
Add the SACalendar folder into your project. Make sure the "copy items into destination group's folder" box is checked 将SACalendar添加到你的项目当中,记得勾选“folder”
Done 完啦
Basic Usage
Import the class header
#import "SACalendar.h"
Initialize your calendar with the appropriate frame. The calendar will scale to fit your frame automatically.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad]; SACalendar *calendar = [[SACalendar alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 20, 320, 400)]; calendar.delegate = self; [self.view addSubview:calendar];
Delegate (optional)
SACalendar provides two delegate methods. didSelectDate gets called when a user click on a specific date. didDisplayCalendarForMonth gets called when the user swipe the calendar to a different month. To use it, implement the delegate in your view controller.
@interface ViewController () <SACalendarDelegate>
Then implement the optional delegate functions
// Prints out the selected date
-(void) SACalendar:(SACalendar*)calendar didSelectDate:(int)day month:(int)month year:(int)year
} // Prints out the month and year displaying on the calendar
-(void) SACalendar:(SACalendar *)calendar didDisplayCalendarForMonth:(int)month year:(int)year{
- To customize the view properties such as cell size, font, colors, please see the class 为了定制view的属性,例如cell的size,font,colors,你可以到cell中去看看
All ratio and UI constants are defined in this class. Change them to support your need.
- To customize the logic behind what's being displayed in the cells (i.e. red circle at selected date), see this function in SACalendar.m 你可以查看SACalendar.m文件来自定义cell背后的逻辑
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
- To customize the components (subviews) of the cell or to add some views to the cell, please see this function in SACalendarCell.m 你可以查看SACalendarCell.m文件来自定义cell的显示样式
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
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