
Densely Connected Convolutional Networks 其实很早就出来了,cvpr 2017 best paper

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上图是一个5层的dense block,每个dense block的growth rate k=4


1、Our proposed DenseNet architecture explicitly differentiates between information that is added to the network and information that is preserved.DenseNet layers are very narrow (e.g., 12 filters per layer),adding only a small set of feature-maps to the “collective knowledge” of the network and keep the remaining featuremaps
unchanged—and the final classifier makes a decision based on all feature-maps in the network

densnet 网络结构参数少,每个block里面的filter也比较少,而我们在使用alexnet,通常filter都是上百的,而这里的filter 12、24、16 等,所以非常narrow

2、one big advantage of DenseNets is their improved flow of information and gradients throughout the network, which makes them easy to train.


3、we also observe that dense connections have a regularizing effect, which reduces overfitting on tasks with smaller training set sizes.



transition layers:

这层就是连接两个block之间的层,由BN层,1x1 卷积层和2x2的avg pooling层构成,如下图所示

Growth rate:

也就是每个block里面的层数,如图一中,每个block里面有4层,所以growth rate=4

Botttleneck layers:

It has been noted in [36, 11] that a 1X1 convolution can be introduced as bottleneck layer before each 3X3 convolution to reduce the number of input feature-maps, and thus to improve computational efficiency.



If a dense block contains m feature-maps, we let the following transition layer generate  [θm] output featuremaps,where 0<θ <=1referred to as the compression factor.

让transition layer压缩block输出的feature map数量。

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