Complete list of APDU responses
List of APDU responses for EMV processing with their description.
Note that the same list with extended searching options is implemented in our freeware BP-Tools product.
SW1 | SW2 | Info/ Warning/ Error/ Security |
Description |
6 | E | Class not supported. | |
61 | -- | I | Response bytes still available |
61 | XX | I | Command successfully executed; 'XX' bytes of data are available and can be requested using GET RESPONSE. |
62 | -- | W | State of non-volatile memory unchanged |
62 | 00 | W | No information given (NV-Ram not changed) |
62 | 01 | W | NV-Ram not changed 1. |
62 | 81 | W | Part of returned data may be corrupted |
62 | 82 | W | End of file/record reached before reading Le bytes |
62 | 83 | W | Selected file invalidated |
62 | 84 | W | Selected file is not valid. FCI not formated according to ISO |
62 | 85 | W | No Purse Engine enslaved for R3bc |
62 | A2 | W | Wrong R-MAC |
62 | A4 | W | Card locked (during reset( )) |
62 | CX | W | Counter with value x (command dependent) |
62 | F1 | W | Wrong C-MAC |
62 | F3 | W | Internal reset |
62 | F5 | W | Default agent locked |
62 | F7 | W | Cardholder locked |
62 | F8 | W | Basement is current agent |
62 | F9 | W | CALC Key Set not unblocked |
62 | FX | W | - |
62 | XX | W | RFU |
63 | -- | W | State of non-volatile memory changed |
63 | 00 | W | No information given (NV-Ram changed) |
63 | 81 | W | File filled up by the last write. Loading/updating is not allowed. |
63 | 82 | W | Card key not supported. |
63 | 83 | W | Reader key not supported. |
63 | 84 | W | Plaintext transmission not supported. |
63 | 85 | W | Secured transmission not supported. |
63 | 86 | W | Volatile memory is not available. |
63 | 87 | W | Non-volatile memory is not available. |
63 | 88 | W | Key number not valid. |
63 | 89 | W | Key length is not correct. |
63 | C0 | W | Verify fail, no try left. |
63 | C1 | W | Verify fail, 1 try left. |
63 | C2 | W | Verify fail, 2 tries left. |
63 | C3 | W | Verify fail, 3 tries left. |
63 | CX | W | The counter has reached the value ‘x’ (0 = x = 15) (command dependent). |
63 | FX | W | - |
63 | XX | W | RFU |
64 | -- | E | State of non-volatile memory unchanged |
64 | 00 | E | No information given (NV-Ram not changed) |
64 | 01 | E | Command timeout. |
64 | XX | E | RFU |
65 | -- | E | State of non-volatile memory changed |
65 | 00 | E | No information given |
65 | 01 | E | Write error. Memory failure. There have been problems in writing or reading the EEPROM. Other hardware problems may also bring this error. |
65 | 81 | E | Memory failure |
65 | FX | E | - |
65 | XX | E | RFU |
66 | -- | S | |
66 | 69 | S | Incorrect Encryption/Decryption Padding |
66 | XX | S | - |
67 | -- | E | |
67 | 00 | E | Wrong length |
67 | XX | E | length incorrect (procedure)(ISO 7816-3) |
68 | -- | E | Functions in CLA not supported |
68 | 00 | E | No information given (The request function is not supported by the card) |
68 | 81 | E | Logical channel not supported |
68 | 82 | E | Secure messaging not supported |
68 | 83 | E | Last command of the chain expected |
68 | 84 | E | Command chaining not supported |
68 | FX | E | - |
68 | XX | E | RFU |
69 | -- | E | Command not allowed |
69 | 00 | E | No information given (Command not allowed) |
69 | 81 | E | Command incompatible with file structure |
69 | 82 | E | Security condition not satisfied. |
69 | 83 | E | Authentication method blocked |
69 | 84 | E | Referenced data reversibly blocked (invalidated) |
69 | 85 | E | Conditions of use not satisfied |
69 | 86 | E | Command not allowed (no current EF) |
69 | 87 | E | Expected secure messaging (SM) object missing |
69 | 88 | E | Incorrect secure messaging (SM) data object |
69 | 96 | E | Data must be updated again |
69 | F0 | E | Permission Denied |
69 | F1 | E | Permission Denied - Missing Privilege |
69 | FX | E | - |
69 | XX | E | RFU |
6A | -- | E | Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2 |
6A | 00 | E | No information given (Bytes P1 and/or P2 are incorrect) |
6A | 80 | E | The parameters in the data field are incorrect. |
6A | 81 | E | Function not supported |
6A | 82 | E | File not found |
6A | 83 | E | Record not found |
6A | 84 | E | There is insufficient memory space in record or file |
6A | 85 | E | Lc inconsistent with TLV structure |
6A | 86 | E | Incorrect P1 or P2 parameter. |
6A | 87 | E | Lc inconsistent with P1-P2 |
6A | 88 | E | Referenced data not found |
6A | 89 | E | File already exists |
6A | 8A | E | DF name already exists. |
6A | F0 | E | Wrong parameter value |
6A | FX | E | - |
6A | XX | E | RFU |
6B | -- | E | |
6B | 00 | E | Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2 |
6B | XX | E | Reference incorrect (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3) |
6C | -- | E | Wrong length Le |
6C | 00 | E | Incorrect P3 length. |
6C | XX | E | Bad length value in Le; 'xx' is the correct exact Le |
6D | -- | E | |
6D | 00 | E | Instruction code not supported or invalid |
6D | XX | E | Instruction code not programmed or invalid (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3) |
6E | -- | E | |
6E | 00 | E | Class not supported |
6E | XX | E | Instruction class not supported (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3) |
6F | -- | E | Internal exception |
6F | 00 | E | Command aborted - more exact diagnosis not possible (e.g., operating system error). |
6F | FF | E | Card dead (overuse, …) |
6F | XX | E | No precise diagnosis (procedure byte), (ISO 7816-3) |
9- | -- | ||
90 | 00 | I | Command successfully executed (OK). |
90 | 04 | W | PIN not succesfully verified, 3 or more PIN tries left |
90 | 08 | Key/file not found | |
90 | 80 | W | Unblock Try Counter has reached zero |
91 | 01 | States.activity, States.lock Status or States.lockable has wrong value | |
91 | 02 | Transaction number reached its limit | |
92 | 0x | I | Writing to EEPROM successful after 'x' attempts. |
92 | 10 | E | Insufficient memory. No more storage available. |
92 | 40 | E | Writing to EEPROM not successful. |
93 | 01 | Integrity error | |
93 | 02 | Candidate S2 invalid | |
94 | 00 | E | No EF selected. |
94 | 01 | Candidate currency code does not match purse currency | |
94 | 02 | Candidate amount too high | |
94 | 02 | E | Address range exceeded. |
94 | 03 | Candidate amount too low | |
94 | 04 | E | FID not found, record not found or comparison pattern not found. |
94 | 05 | Problems in the data field | |
94 | 07 | Bad currency : purse engine has no slot with R3bc currency | |
94 | 08 | R3bc currency not supported in purse engine | |
94 | 08 | E | Selected file type does not match command. |
95 | 80 | Bad sequence | |
96 | 81 | Slave not found | |
97 | 00 | PIN blocked and Unblock Try Counter is 1 or 2 | |
97 | 02 | Main keys are blocked | |
97 | 04 | PIN not succesfully verified, 3 or more PIN tries left | |
97 | 84 | Base key | |
97 | 85 | Limit exceeded - C-MAC key | |
97 | 86 | SM error - Limit exceeded - R-MAC key | |
97 | 87 | Limit exceeded - sequence counter | |
97 | 88 | Limit exceeded - R-MAC length | |
97 | 89 | Service not available | |
98 | 02 | E | No PIN defined. |
98 | 04 | E | Access conditions not satisfied, authentication failed. |
98 | 35 | E | ASK RANDOM or GIVE RANDOM not executed. |
98 | 40 | E | PIN verification not successful. |
98 | 50 | E | INCREASE or DECREASE could not be executed because a limit has been reached. |
99 | 00 | 1 PIN try left | |
99 | 04 | PIN not succesfully verified, 1 PIN try left | |
99 | 85 | Wrong status - Cardholder lock | |
99 | 86 | E | Missing privilege |
99 | 87 | PIN is not installed | |
99 | 88 | Wrong status - R-MAC state | |
9A | 00 | 2 PIN try left | |
9A | 04 | PIN not succesfully verified, 2 PIN try left | |
9A | 71 | Wrong parameter value - Double agent AID | |
9A | 72 | Wrong parameter value - Double agent Type | |
9D | 05 | E | Incorrect certificate type |
9D | 07 | E | Incorrect session data size |
9D | 08 | E | Incorrect DIR file record size |
9D | 09 | E | Incorrect FCI record size |
9D | 0A | E | Incorrect code size |
9D | 10 | E | Insufficient memory to load application |
9D | 11 | E | Invalid AID |
9D | 12 | E | Duplicate AID |
9D | 13 | E | Application previously loaded |
9D | 14 | E | Application history list full |
9D | 15 | E | Application not open |
9D | 17 | E | Invalid offset |
9D | 18 | E | Application already loaded |
9D | 19 | E | Invalid certificate |
9D | 1A | E | Invalid signature |
9D | 1B | E | Invalid KTU |
9D | 1D | E | MSM controls not set |
9D | 1E | E | Application signature does not exist |
9D | 1F | E | KTU does not exist |
9D | 20 | E | Application not loaded |
9D | 21 | E | Invalid Open command data length |
9D | 30 | E | Check data parameter is incorrect (invalid start address) |
9D | 31 | E | Check data parameter is incorrect (invalid length) |
9D | 32 | E | Check data parameter is incorrect (illegal memory check area) |
9D | 40 | E | Invalid MSM Controls ciphertext |
9D | 41 | E | MSM controls already set |
9D | 42 | E | Set MSM Controls data length less than 2 bytes |
9D | 43 | E | Invalid MSM Controls data length |
9D | 44 | E | Excess MSM Controls ciphertext |
9D | 45 | E | Verification of MSM Controls data failed |
9D | 50 | E | Invalid MCD Issuer production ID |
9D | 51 | E | Invalid MCD Issuer ID |
9D | 52 | E | Invalid set MSM controls data date |
9D | 53 | E | Invalid MCD number |
9D | 54 | E | Reserved field error |
9D | 55 | E | Reserved field error |
9D | 56 | E | Reserved field error |
9D | 57 | E | Reserved field error |
9D | 60 | E | MAC verification failed |
9D | 61 | E | Maximum number of unblocks reached |
9D | 62 | E | Card was not blocked |
9D | 63 | E | Crypto functions not available |
9D | 64 | E | No application loaded |
9E | 00 | PIN not installed | |
9E | 04 | PIN not succesfully verified, PIN not installed | |
9F | 00 | PIN blocked and Unblock Try Counter is 3 | |
9F | 04 | PIN not succesfully verified, PIN blocked and Unblock Try Counter is 3 | |
9F | XX | Command successfully executed; 'xx' bytes of data are available and can be requested using GET RESPONSE. | |
9x | XX | Application related status, (ISO 7816-3) |
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