Week 1

History: Dawn of Electronic Computing

Welcome to Week 1! This week, we’ll be covering the early history of electric computing. World War II emphasized the strategic importance of computation, communication, and information. There was unprecedented investment in the development of new technologies during the war. We start with Alan Turing and others at Bletchley Park.
I want you to take some time to get to know our Community Teaching Assistants (CTAs). They have been with the class for several sessions now and add a great deal to the class. Here is a thread in the forum where the Community TAs are introducing themselves. The Community TAs are all volunteers so I owe them a very public 'thank you' for all of their effort in the class.
Hope things are going well with you and the course. Hit us up on the forums if we need to hear how things are going.

War Time Computing and Communication

High Stakes Research in Computing, and Communication


Alan Turing and Bletchley Park

本节视频介绍艾伦·图灵在二战中的布莱克利公园所做的工作,他和其它聪明的人被集中在这里一起解决难题,其中就包括密码学问题和计算学等问题。当时的德军研制了著名的“恩尼格玛密码机”(Enigma machine)来加密德军所使用的无线电通讯,并配合“闪电战”作战。当时的波兰人十分擅长用数学方法来解决这些加密问题,于是把这些方法技术都授予英国人。波兰人自己所建用于破解德军的机器叫做“Bomba”,他们把所做的研究告诉图灵,于是图灵发现了其中的缺点,从而得到了一套基于明文破译的方法,制造出了名为"Bombe"的机器(有点致敬Bomba)。
后来在1941年德军制造了另外一套加密系统,用于希特勒与其手下将军通信,名为“Lorenz SZ42”的加密机器。针对这种情况,英国方面的一名年轻工程师弗劳尔斯的核心团队组建了第一台巨人计算机,命名为“马克1号”,包含超过1500个的电子管。随之制造的“马克2号”在诺曼底登陆战中发挥了极其重要的作用,极大缩短了破译的时间。(这里图灵并没有参加)


Computing with Phone Lines

Post-War Computing and Communication



这一周的视频主要介绍了早期计算机的发展、通信,尤其是在二战时期信息的重要性,在Bletchley Park的艾伦·图灵的人的非凡贡献。在战争虽残酷,但其中的技术发展却如此之快,要是和平时期政府也能加大投入就好了。

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