


insert into test2(username,email) values('liulm7',encrypt('liulm7@xxxxx.com','aa','aes-128')); postgres=# select * from test2 where username='liulm7';
username | email | phone | address
liulm7 | \x39162fadc179498413b75b69bc65c98d19e454a0c67bd644118ab9df3c7b49ef | |
(1 row) #解密查看
postgres=# select username,convert_from(decrypt(email::bytea,'aa'::bytea,'aes-128'),'utf8') as email from test2 where username='liulm7';
username | email
liulm7 | liulm7@xxxxx.com
(1 row)


insert into test2(username,email) values('pgp_sym',pgp_sym_encrypt('pgp@lenovo.com','abc','cipher-algo=aes256, compress-algo=2, compress-level=9'));
insert into test2(username,email) values('pgp_sym',pgp_sym_encrypt('pgppp@lenovo.com','abc','cipher-algo=aes256, compress-algo=2, compress-level=9'));
postgres=# select username,pgp_sym_decrypt(email::bytea,'abc') from test2 where username='pgp_sym';
username | pgp_sym_decrypt
pgp_sym | pgp@lenovo.com
pgp_sym | pgppp@lenovo.com
(2 rows)


select routine_name from information_schema.routines where routine_catalog = 'uat_updated' and routine_schema = 'public' order by routine_name;
说明:routine_catalog: DBname routine_schema: schema名称


uat_updated=#  \df *pgp_sym_encrypt*
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
public | pgp_sym_encrypt | bytea | text, text | func
public | pgp_sym_encrypt | bytea | text, text, text | func
public | pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea | bytea | bytea, text | func
public | pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea | bytea | bytea, text, text | func
(4 rows)


uat_updated=# select * from pg_available_extensions where name ~ 'pgcrypto';
name | default_version | installed_version | comment
pgcrypto | 1.3 | 1.3 | cryptographic functions
(1 row)


ERROR:  function pgp_sym_encrypt(unknown, unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: insert into my_test values('pgp_sym',pgp_sym_encrypt('pgp@le...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.


1 通过上面的命令查看是否已经安装这个模块,
uat_updated=# create extension pgcrypto;
3 测试这个模块里面的一个函数
select encrypt('123456','aa','aes');


cipher-algo  加密算法
compress-algo 压缩类型,使用的压缩算法,取值 0,1(zip),2(zlib)
compress-level 压缩比,级别越高压缩比越大,速度也会更慢,压缩级别(0~9)
convert-crlf 是否在加密的时候将\n装换为\r\n,在解密的时候将\r\n转换为\n
disable-mdc 是否使用SHA1保护数据
sess-key 是否使用单独的会话密钥
s2k-mode 使用哪一种S2K算法
s2k-count 使用S2K的迭代次数
s2k-digest-algo 在s2k中使用哪种摘要算法
s2k-cipher-algo 要用哪种密码来加密独立的会话密钥
unicode-mode 是否将文本数据从数据库内部编码转为UTF-8并返回


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