Python每日一题 009
# coding: utf-8
import os
import re
# 代码所在目录
FILE_PATH = 'TestDir'
def count_line(file):
note_line = 0 # 注释行数
blank_line = 0 # 空行
with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
total_line = len(lines) # 代码总行数
line_index = 0
# 遍历每一行
while line_index < total_line:
line = lines[line_index]
# 检查是否为注释
if line.startswith("#"):
note_line += 1
elif re.match(r"\s*'''", line) is not None:
note_line += 1
while re.match(".*'''$", line) is None:
line = lines[line_index]
note_line += 1
line_index += 1
# 检查是否为空行
elif line == "\n":
blank_line += 1
line_index += 1
print(" 在文件%s中:" % file)
print("代码总行数:", total_line)
print("注释行数:", note_line, "占%0.2f%%" % (note_line * 100 / total_line))
print("空行数: ", blank_line, "占%0.2f%%" % (blank_line * 100 / total_line))
return [total_line, note_line, blank_line]
def run(file_path):
# 切换到code所在目录
# 遍历该目录下的py文件
total_lines = 0
total_note_lines = 0
total_blank_lines = 0
for i in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
if os.path.splitext(i)[1] == '.py':
line = count_line(i)
total_lines = total_lines + line[0]
total_note_lines = total_note_lines + line[1]
total_blank_lines = total_blank_lines + line[2]
print("总代码行数:", total_lines)
print("总注释行数:", total_note_lines, "占%0.2f%%" % (total_note_lines * 100 / total_lines))
print("总空行数: ", total_blank_lines, "占%0.2f%%" % (total_blank_lines * 100 / total_lines))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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