editplus 常用正则
Expression Description
\t Tab character.
\n New line.
. Matches any character.
| Either expression on its left and right side matches the target string.
For example, "a|b" matches "a" and "b".
[] Any of the enclosed characters may match the target character.
For example, "[ab]" matches "a" and "b". "[0-9]" matches any digit.
[^] None of the enclosed characters may match the target character.
For example, "[^ab]" matches all character EXCEPT "a" and "b".
"[^0-9]" matches any non-digit character.
* Character to the left of asterisk in the expression should match 0 or more times.
For example "be*" matches "b", "be" and "bee".
+ Character to the left of plus sign in the expression should match 1 or more times.
For example "be+" matches "be" and "bee" but not "b".
? Character to the left of question mark in the expression should match 0 or 1 time.
For example "be?" matches "b" and "be" but not "bee".
^ Expression to the right of ^ matches only when it is at the beginning of line.
For example "^A" matches an "A" that is only at the beginning of line.
$ Expression to the left of $ matches only when it is at the end of line.
For example "e$" matches an "e" that is only at the end of line.
() Affects evaluation order of expression and also used for tagged expression.
\ scape character. If you want to use character "\" itself, you should use "\\".
^[^D].*$ 获取不是以D开头的行
^[ \t]*\n 获取空行
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