

  Validate if a given string is numeric.

  Some examples:
  "0" => true
  " 0.1 " => true
  "abc" => false
  "1 a" => false
  "2e10" => true

  Note: It is intended for the problem statement to be ambiguous. You should gather all requirements up front before implementing one.




 #include <fstream>
... ...
ifstream in("C:\\Users\\xiehongfeng100\\Desktop\\LeetCode_Valid_Number_Test_Cases.txt");
if (in) // if file exists
string line;
while (getline(in, line)) // read each line from 'in'
string input;
bool expect; // extract 'input'
line.erase(, );
int tmpFind = line.find('"');
input = line.substr(, tmpFind);
while (input.begin() != input.end() && input.front() == ' ')
while (input.begin() != input.end() && input.back() == ' ')
input.pop_back(); // extract 'expect'
string expectStr = line.substr(tmpFind + , line.size() - line.find('\t', tmpFind + ) - );
if (expectStr == "TRUE")
expect = true;
expect = false; // validate
bool isValid = isNumber(input);
if (isValid != expect)
cout << "Something wrong! " << line << endl;
cout << "No such file" << endl;

  1. 法一:基于C++自身正则表达式


 #include <regex>
... ...
bool isNumber(string buf)
regex pattern("[+-]?(\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.?)[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?", regex_constants::extended);
match_results<string::const_iterator> result;
return regex_match(buf, result, pattern);

  2. 法二:基于Boost库正则表达式


 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
... ...
bool isNumber(string buf)
string Reg = "[+-]?(\\.\\d+|\\d+\\.?)\\d*(e[+-]?\\d+)?";
boost::regex reg(Reg);
return boost::regex_match(buf, reg);

  3. 法三:列举所有情况


 class Solution {
bool isValidChar(char c)
string str = "0123456789.e+-";
return str.find(c) != -;
} bool isDigit(int in)
char ref[] = { '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' };
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if (in == ref[i])
return true;
return false;
} bool isNumber(string s) {
// clear spaces
while (s.begin() != s.end() && s.front() == ' ')
s.erase(, );
while (s.begin() != s.end() && s.back() == ' ')
s.pop_back(); int szS = s.size();
if (szS == )
return false;
// only '.'
if (szS == && s[] == '.')
return false;
// 'e' at the first or last position of s
if (s[] == 'e' || s[szS - ] == 'e')
return false;
// too many signs
if (szS > && (s[] == '-' || s[] == '+') && (s[] == '-' || s[] == '+'))
return false;
// sign at the last
if (s[szS - ] == '+' || s[szS - ] == '-')
return false; szS = s.size();
int countDot = ;
int countE = ;
for (int i = ; i < szS; i++)
if (!isValidChar(s[i]))
return false; if (s[i] == '.') //'.e at the begining, ' '.+/-' are not allowed
if (i + < szS && ((i == && s[i + ] == 'e') || s[i + ] == '+' || s[i + ] == '-')) // '.e'
return false;
if (s[i] == 'e') // 'e.' 'e+/-...+/-' are not allowed
if (i + < szS)
int pos1 = s.find('.', i + );
if (pos1 != -)
return false;
if (i + < szS)
int pos2 = s.find('+', i + );
int pos3 = s.find('-', i + );
if (pos2 > (i + ) || pos3 > (i + ))
return false;
if (s[i] == '+') // '+e' '+-' 'digit+/' are not allowed
if (i + < szS && (s[i + ] == 'e' || s[i + ] == '-'))
return false;
if (i > && isDigit(s[i - ]))
return false;
if (s[i] == '-') // '. at the last' '-e' '-+' 'digit+/' are not allowed
if (i + < szS && ((i + == szS - && s[i + ] == '.') || s[i + ] == 'e' || s[i + ] == '+'))
return false;
if (i > && isDigit(s[i - ]))
return false;
} if (countDot > || countE > ) // no double dots or double e can exit
return false; } return true;

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