1. don't translate everything into your native language
2. start by small ,
    talk to your pet in english,
    set your phone in english.
    listen to english podcast, play it in background.
3. try guessing or planning what native speaker is going to say.
4.stop learning exclusive through translation. learn through association, through experience , watching, listening, touching. associate the word with the meaning.

5. stop using a bilingual dictionary. use a monolingual dictionary.
6. label objects in your environment in english.
7. talk to yourself in English.

for example right now i'm thinking what am i going to eat for lunch today?

it's okay if you make a mistake talking out loud to yourself.
because the point is not to be perfect. the point is for you to develop that habit of thinking and speaking the language.
sing a english song.

8. use a motto to encourage yourself.
    I'm improving my English everyday.

9. think in english a little bit everyday.

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