

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding=utf-8 from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import cycle import jinja2
from PIL import Image Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
Pixel = namedtuple('Pixel', ['r', 'g', 'b'])
RenderItem = namedtuple('RenderItem', ['color', 'char'])
RenderGroup = list
HTMLImage = list TEMPLATE = '''
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0px; padding: 0px; line-height:100%; letter-spacing:0px; text-align: center;
min-width: {{width}}px;
width: auto !important;
font-size: {{size}}px;
background-color: #{{background}};
font-family: {{font_family}};
{% for group in html_image %}
{% for item in group %}<font color="#{{ item.color }}">{{ item.char }}</font>{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
</html>''' _c = cycle(r'/-\|') def _progress_callback(percent):
if percent == 100:
print('\rDone! ')
import sys, time
lca = getattr(_progress_callback, '_last_call_at', 0)
if time.time() - lca > 0.1:
_progress_callback._last_call_at = time.time()
# _c.next() => next(_c)
sys.stdout.write('\r{} progress: {:.2f}%'.format(next(_c), percent))
sys.stdout.flush() class Img2HTMLConverter(object):
def __init__(self,
title='img2html by xlzd',
self.font_size = font_size
self.background = background
self.title = title
self.font_family = font_family
# if isinstance(char, str):
# char = char.decode('utf-8')

self.char = cycle(char)
self._prg_cb = progress_callback or _progress_callback def convert(self, source):
image = Image.open(source) width, height = image.size
row_blocks = int(round(float(width) / self.font_size))
col_blocks = int(round(float(height) / self.font_size)) html_image = HTMLImage()
progress = 0.0
step = 1. / (col_blocks * row_blocks)
# xrange => range
for col in range(col_blocks):
render_group = RenderGroup()
for row in range(row_blocks):
pixels = []
for y in range(self.font_size):
for x in range(self.font_size):
point = Point(row * self.font_size + x, col * self.font_size + y)
if point.x >= width or point.y >= height:
average = self.get_average(pixels=pixels)
color = self.rgb2hex(average)
# render_item = RenderItem(color=color, char=self.char.next())
render_item = RenderItem(color=color, char=next(self.char))
render_group.append(render_item) progress += step
self._prg_cb(progress * 100) html_image.append(render_group) self._prg_cb(100)
return self.render(html_image) def render(self, html_image):
template = jinja2.Template(TEMPLATE)
return template.render(
width=self.font_size * len(html_image[0]) * 2
) @staticmethod
def rgb2hex(pixel):
return '{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(*pixel) @staticmethod
def get_average(pixels):
r, g, b = 0, 0, 0
for pixel in pixels:
r += pixel.r
g += pixel.g
b += pixel.b
base = float(len(pixels))
return Pixel(
r=int(round(r / base)),
g=int(round(g / base)),
b=int(round(b / base)),


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Nola
img2html : Convert image to HTML optional arguments:
-b #RRGGBB, --background #RRGGBB background color (#RRGGBB format)
-s (4~30), --size (4~30) font size (int)
-c CHAR, --char CHAR characters
-t TITLE, --title TITLE html title
-f FONT, --font FONT html font
-i IN, --in IN 要转换的图片
-o OUT, --out OUT 输出文件名
$ img2html -i timg.jpg -o timg_html.html
from img2html.converter import Img2HTMLConverter converter = Img2HTMLConverter(char='爱',title='金木研')
html = converter.convert('timg.jpg')
with open('timg_html.html',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f:





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