Console Designer

1 Console Designer

  • Console Designer

    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 Dataset Tab
    • 1.3 Summary Panel Tab
    • 1.4 Detail Panel Tab
    • 1.5 Deploy

1.1 Introduction

In this quick start guide we introduce the Console Designer inside the SpagoBI Studio. This editor let you create template for the SpagoBI Console without having to write it manually. Remember that you can always write manually your template for advanced features that aren't included in the Console Designer. For more information about the template' syntax and functionality of the Console visit this wiki page: Console.

In this guide We will reconstruct a Console template that's included in the SpagoBI Demo. Let's start creating a new SpagoBI Project inside the SpagoBI Studio (File > New > SpagoBI Project). To Create a new Console Template select the “Business Analisys” node and right click with the mouse, then choose “Console” > “Console Template” and insert a name for the file. Note that you have to previously configure an active SpagoBI Server connection in the SpagoBI Studio in order to work properly. If you don't know how, see this page: Studio settings and templates management.

Now you can configure your template using the tree tab placed below the window.

1.2 Dataset Tab

In this tab you can add the datasets used inside your console. In the first combo box “Dataset to Select” there are listed all the dataset found on the active SpagoBI Server. Select one of them, then assign an ID, a local name used inside the template to point to this dataset, and specifiy some options like “Refresh Time”, “Rows Limit” and “Memory Pagination”. Default values are assigned to these options if you don't specify one. Click the “Add Dataset” button to actually add the dataset to the template. You can also remove a dataset selecting the corresponding row in the grid on the bottom and pressing the “Remove Dataset” button.

In our example we will add two datasets that will be used for the Summary Panel and the Detail panel. See the screenshot below for the correct configuration.

1.3 Summary Panel Tab

In the Summary Panel Tab we can add some graphical widgets that will be placed on the top of the console window, above the classic console grid visualization (if any). This is an optional section: if not specified, no summary panel will be shown in the console.

First of all we have to configure some general properties of the layout like the height of this section, the options to collapse or hide it or make it collapsable. In the “Column Layout” section you must specify how many columns are used in your layout and the width used for each column. Note that the column width is specified in this syntax: .25 is equal to 25% of width for each column. Also please pay attention that each widget will be inserted in a different column, so one column for each widget is required.

See the screenshot for our example:

Now we can add our widgets. Clicking on the “Add Widget” button a new empty row will be added inside the grid on the bottom. On each column we can assign some general properties for the new widget: -Title: a generic title that will be showed on the top of the widget. -Dataset: the dataset used by the widget to obtain data (only the datasets added previosuly in the Dataset panel will be listed) -Width and Height: the area occupied on the screen by the widget -Widget type: the kind of Widget that you want to use. Note that each widget has specific properties. -Define button: open a new dialog where you can insert the properties of the widget. -Remove button: remove this widget from the template. Note that each time you add a new widget you must insert this information and click on the define button to specify the required properties in order to correctly create your widget.

Let's go back to our example. We will add three widgets with this properties:

Multi led Widget:

Speedometer Widget:

Live Lines Widget:

Note: if you want the ticks without labels on the x axe you have to insert blank spaces separated by commas inside the “Domain Values” text box. You must enter values equal to the number specified in “Domain Value Number”. In our case “Fields” is not compiled.

1.4 Detail Panel Tab

The Detail Panel is often the most used component of the console. At this time the Console Designer let you create a single page with a grid that show the contents of a dataset. You can specifiy a Title that will be showed on the top of the grid, then in the “Dataset Selection” combo select a dataset (from the previously defined in the Dataset Tab). After selecting a Dataset the grid will be populate with all the columns found. For each column you can edit the Header, Header Type, Type and Width. Default values are already inserted. Note that you can also specify some optional attributes like the “Column Id” (an unique column used to identify each rows) and the “Dataset labels” used to specify labels with a dataset.

For our example see the screenshot below:

1.5 Deploy

Now that we have configured our template properties we can save the file (File > Save or clicking on the disk icon) and deploy our document on the server. In the SpagoBI Project tree, right click on the newly created console document and select “Deploy”.

Now, like all the documents, you have to insert a label and a position in the functionalities tree and some other optional information to deploy your console template on the SpagoBI Server.

Then if you run your console inside SpagoBI, You will see this:








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