网络构架部分代码见Mask_RCNN/mrcnn/model.py中class MaskRCNN的build方法的"inference"分支。
- import os
- os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2"
- import tensorflow as tf
- import keras.backend.tensorflow_backend as KTF
- config = tf.ConfigProto()
- config.gpu_options.allow_growth=True #不全部占满显存, 按需分配
- # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.3 #指定分配30%空间
- sess = tf.Session(config=config)# 设置session
- KTF.set_session(sess)
下面的交互方法几乎都是对keras的函数式API操作的,不过keras的函数模型转换为model对象也极为方便,KM.Model(input_tensors, output_tensors)操作一下即可。
- import tensorflow as tf
- import keras.backend as K
- rpn_match = tf.placeholder(tf.int8, [10, 2])
- tf.where(K.equal(rpn_match, 1))
- class PyramidROIAlign(KE.Layer):
- """Implements ROI Pooling on multiple levels of the feature pyramid.
- Params:
- - pool_shape: [pool_height, pool_width] of the output pooled regions. Usually [7, 7]
- Inputs:
- - boxes: [batch, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized
- coordinates. Possibly padded with zeros if not enough
- boxes to fill the array.
- - image_meta: [batch, (meta data)] Image details. See compose_image_meta()
- - feature_maps: List of feature maps from different levels of the pyramid.
- Each is [batch, height, width, channels]
- Output:
- Pooled regions in the shape: [batch, num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels].
- The width and height are those specific in the pool_shape in the layer
- constructor.
- """
- def __init__(self, pool_shape, **kwargs):
- super(PyramidROIAlign, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.pool_shape = tuple(pool_shape)
- def call(self, inputs):
- # num_boxes指的是proposal数目,它们均会作用于每张图片上,只是不同的proposal作用于图片
- # 的特征级别不同,我通过循环特征层寻找符合的proposal,应用ROIAlign
- # Crop boxes [batch, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coords
- boxes = inputs[0]
- # Image meta
- # Holds details about the image. See compose_image_meta()
- image_meta = inputs[1]
- # Feature Maps. List of feature maps from different level of the
- # feature pyramid. Each is [batch, height, width, channels]
- feature_maps = inputs[2:]
- # Assign each ROI to a level in the pyramid based on the ROI area.
- y1, x1, y2, x2 = tf.split(boxes, 4, axis=2)
- h = y2 - y1
- w = x2 - x1
- # Use shape of first image. Images in a batch must have the same size.
- image_shape = parse_image_meta_graph(image_meta)['image_shape'][0] # h, w, c
- # Equation 1 in the Feature Pyramid Networks paper. Account for
- # the fact that our coordinates are normalized here.
- # e.g. a 224x224 ROI (in pixels) maps to P4
- image_area = tf.cast(image_shape[0] * image_shape[1], tf.float32)
- roi_level = log2_graph(tf.sqrt(h * w) / (224.0 / tf.sqrt(image_area))) # h、w已经归一化
- roi_level = tf.minimum(5, tf.maximum(
- 2, 4 + tf.cast(tf.round(roi_level), tf.int32))) # 确保值位于2到5之间
- roi_level = tf.squeeze(roi_level, 2) # [batch, num_boxes]
- # Loop through levels and apply ROI pooling to each. P2 to P5.
- pooled = []
- box_to_level = []
- for i, level in enumerate(range(2, 6)):
- # tf.where 返回值格式 [坐标1, 坐标2……]
- # np.where 返回值格式 [[坐标1.x, 坐标2.x……], [坐标1.y, 坐标2.y……]]
- ix = tf.where(tf.equal(roi_level, level)) # 返回坐标表示:第n张图片的第i个proposal
- level_boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, ix) # [本level的proposal数目, 4]
- # Box indices for crop_and_resize.
- box_indices = tf.cast(ix[:, 0], tf.int32) # 记录每个propose对应图片序号
- # Keep track of which box is mapped to which level
- box_to_level.append(ix)
- # Stop gradient propogation to ROI proposals
- level_boxes = tf.stop_gradient(level_boxes)
- box_indices = tf.stop_gradient(box_indices)
- # Crop and Resize
- # From Mask R-CNN paper: "We sample four regular locations, so
- # that we can evaluate either max or average pooling. In fact,
- # interpolating only a single value at each bin center (without
- # pooling) is nearly as effective."
- #
- # Here we use the simplified approach of a single value per bin,
- # which is how it's done in tf.crop_and_resize()
- # Result: [this_level_num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels]
- pooled.append(tf.image.crop_and_resize(
- feature_maps[i], level_boxes, box_indices, self.pool_shape,
- method="bilinear"))
- # 输入参数shape:
- # [batch, image_height, image_width, channels]
- # [this_level_num_boxes, 4]
- # [this_level_num_boxes]
- # [height, pool_width]
- # Pack pooled features into one tensor
- pooled = tf.concat(pooled, axis=0) # [batch*num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels]
- # Pack box_to_level mapping into one array and add another
- # column representing the order of pooled boxes
- box_to_level = tf.concat(box_to_level, axis=0) # [batch*num_boxes, 2]
- box_range = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(tf.shape(box_to_level)[0]), 1) # [batch*num_boxes, 1]
- box_to_level = tf.concat([tf.cast(box_to_level, tf.int32), box_range],
- axis=1) # [batch*num_boxes, 3]
- # 截止到目前,我们获取了记录全部ROIAlign结果feat集合的张量pooled,和记录这些feat相关信息的张量box_to_level,
- # 由于提取方法的原因,此时的feat并不是按照原始顺序排序(先按batch然后按box index排序),下面我们设法将之恢复顺
- # 序(ROIAlign作用于对应图片的对应proposal生成feat)
- # Rearrange pooled features to match the order of the original boxes
- # Sort box_to_level by batch then box index
- # TF doesn't have a way to sort by two columns, so merge them and sort.
- # box_to_level[i, 0]表示的是当前feat隶属的图片索引,box_to_level[i, 1]表示的是其box序号
- sorting_tensor = box_to_level[:, 0] * 100000 + box_to_level[:, 1] # [batch*num_boxes]
- ix = tf.nn.top_k(sorting_tensor, k=tf.shape(
- box_to_level)[0]).indices[::-1]
- ix = tf.gather(box_to_level[:, 2], ix)
- pooled = tf.gather(pooled, ix)
- # Re-add the batch dimension
- # [batch, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)], [batch*num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels]
- shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(boxes)[:2], tf.shape(pooled)[1:]], axis=0)
- pooled = tf.reshape(pooled, shape)
- return pooled # [batch, num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels]
- def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
- return input_shape[0][:2] + self.pool_shape + (input_shape[2][-1], )
- rpn_bbox = KL.Lambda(lambda t: tf.reshape(t, [tf.shape(t)[0], -1, 4]))(x)
- class BatchNorm(KL.BatchNormalization):
- """Extends the Keras BatchNormalization class to allow a central place
- to make changes if needed.
- Batch normalization has a negative effect on training if batches are small
- so this layer is often frozen (via setting in Config class) and functions
- as linear layer.
- """
- def call(self, inputs, training=None):
- """
- Note about training values:
- None: Train BN layers. This is the normal mode
- False: Freeze BN layers. Good when batch size is small
- True: (don't use). Set layer in training mode even when making inferences
- """
- return super(self.__class__, self).call(inputs, training=training)
- class MaskRCNN():
- """Encapsulates the Mask RCNN model functionality.
- The actual Keras model is in the keras_model property.
- """
- def __init__(self, mode, config, model_dir):
- """
- mode: Either "training" or "inference"
- config: A Sub-class of the Config class
- model_dir: Directory to save training logs and trained weights
- """
- assert mode in ['training', 'inference']
- self.mode = mode
- self.config = config
- self.model_dir = model_dir
- self.set_log_dir()
- self.keras_model = self.build(mode=mode, config=config)
- def build(self, mode, config):
- """Build Mask R-CNN architecture.
- input_shape: The shape of the input image.
- mode: Either "training" or "inference". The inputs and
- outputs of the model differ accordingly.
- """
- assert mode in ['training', 'inference']
- # Image size must be dividable by 2 multiple times
- h, w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2] # [1024 1024 3]
- if h / 2**6 != int(h / 2**6) or w / 2**6 != int(w / 2**6):
- raise Exception("Image size must be dividable by 2 at least 6 times "
- "to avoid fractions when downscaling and upscaling." # <-----
- "For example, use 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, ... etc. ")
- # Inputs
- input_image = KL.Input(
- shape=[None, None, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[2]], name="input_image")
- input_image_meta = KL.Input(shape=[config.IMAGE_META_SIZE],
- name="input_image_meta")
- if mode == "training":
- ……
- elif mode == "inference":
- # Anchors in normalized coordinates
- input_anchors = KL.Input(shape=[None, 4], name="input_anchors")
input_image:输入图片,[batch, None, None, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[2]]
input_image_meta:图片的信息(包含形状、预处理信息等,后面会介绍),[batch, config.IMAGE_META_SIZE]
input_anchors:锚框,[batch, None, 4]
- # Build the shared convolutional layers.
- # Bottom-up Layers
- # Returns a list of the last layers of each stage, 5 in total.
- # Don't create the thead (stage 5), so we pick the 4th item in the list.
- if callable(config.BACKBONE):
- _, C2, C3, C4, C5 = config.BACKBONE(input_image, stage5=True,
- train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
- else:
- _, C2, C3, C4, C5 = resnet_graph(input_image, config.BACKBONE,
- stage5=True, train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
- ############################################################
- # Resnet Graph
- ############################################################
- # Code adopted from:
- # https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/blob/master/resnet50.py
- def identity_block(input_tensor, kernel_size, filters, stage, block,
- use_bias=True, train_bn=True):
- """The identity_block is the block that has no conv layer at shortcut
- # Arguments
- input_tensor: input tensor
- kernel_size: default 3, the kernel size of middle conv layer at main path
- filters: list of integers, the nb_filters of 3 conv layer at main path
- stage: integer, current stage label, used for generating layer names
- block: 'a','b'..., current block label, used for generating layer names
- use_bias: Boolean. To use or not use a bias in conv layers.
- train_bn: Boolean. Train or freeze Batch Norm layers
- """
- nb_filter1, nb_filter2, nb_filter3 = filters
- conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
- bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
- x = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter1, (1, 1), name=conv_name_base + '2a',
- use_bias=use_bias)(input_tensor)
- x = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '2a')(x, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)
- x = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter2, (kernel_size, kernel_size), padding='same',
- name=conv_name_base + '2b', use_bias=use_bias)(x)
- x = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '2b')(x, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)
- x = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter3, (1, 1), name=conv_name_base + '2c',
- use_bias=use_bias)(x)
- x = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '2c')(x, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Add()([x, input_tensor])
- x = KL.Activation('relu', name='res' + str(stage) + block + '_out')(x)
- return x
- def conv_block(input_tensor, kernel_size, filters, stage, block,
- strides=(2, 2), use_bias=True, train_bn=True):
- """conv_block is the block that has a conv layer at shortcut
- # Arguments
- input_tensor: input tensor
- kernel_size: default 3, the kernel size of middle conv layer at main path
- filters: list of integers, the nb_filters of 3 conv layer at main path
- stage: integer, current stage label, used for generating layer names
- block: 'a','b'..., current block label, used for generating layer names
- use_bias: Boolean. To use or not use a bias in conv layers.
- train_bn: Boolean. Train or freeze Batch Norm layers
- Note that from stage 3, the first conv layer at main path is with subsample=(2,2)
- And the shortcut should have subsample=(2,2) as well
- """
- nb_filter1, nb_filter2, nb_filter3 = filters
- conv_name_base = 'res' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
- bn_name_base = 'bn' + str(stage) + block + '_branch'
- x = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter1, (1, 1), strides=strides,
- name=conv_name_base + '2a', use_bias=use_bias)(input_tensor)
- x = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '2a')(x, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)
- x = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter2, (kernel_size, kernel_size), padding='same',
- name=conv_name_base + '2b', use_bias=use_bias)(x)
- x = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '2b')(x, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)
- x = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter3, (1, 1), name=conv_name_base +
- '2c', use_bias=use_bias)(x)
- x = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '2c')(x, training=train_bn)
- shortcut = KL.Conv2D(nb_filter3, (1, 1), strides=strides,
- name=conv_name_base + '1', use_bias=use_bias)(input_tensor)
- shortcut = BatchNorm(name=bn_name_base + '1')(shortcut, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Add()([x, shortcut])
- x = KL.Activation('relu', name='res' + str(stage) + block + '_out')(x)
- return x
- def resnet_graph(input_image, architecture, stage5=False, train_bn=True):
- """Build a ResNet graph.
- architecture: Can be resnet50 or resnet101
- stage5: Boolean. If False, stage5 of the network is not created
- train_bn: Boolean. Train or freeze Batch Norm layers
- """
- assert architecture in ["resnet50", "resnet101"]
- # Stage 1
- x = KL.ZeroPadding2D((3, 3))(input_image)
- x = KL.Conv2D(64, (7, 7), strides=(2, 2), name='conv1', use_bias=True)(x)
- x = BatchNorm(name='bn_conv1')(x, training=train_bn)
- x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)
- C1 = x = KL.MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding="same")(x)
- # Stage 2
- x = conv_block(x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='a', strides=(1, 1), train_bn=train_bn)
- x = identity_block(x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='b', train_bn=train_bn)
- C2 = x = identity_block(x, 3, [64, 64, 256], stage=2, block='c', train_bn=train_bn)
- # Stage 3
- x = conv_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='a', train_bn=train_bn)
- x = identity_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='b', train_bn=train_bn)
- x = identity_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='c', train_bn=train_bn)
- C3 = x = identity_block(x, 3, [128, 128, 512], stage=3, block='d', train_bn=train_bn)
- # Stage 4
- x = conv_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block='a', train_bn=train_bn)
- block_count = {"resnet50": 5, "resnet101": 22}[architecture]
- for i in range(block_count):
- x = identity_block(x, 3, [256, 256, 1024], stage=4, block=chr(98 + i), train_bn=train_bn)
- C4 = x
- # Stage 5
- if stage5:
- x = conv_block(x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='a', train_bn=train_bn)
- x = identity_block(x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='b', train_bn=train_bn)
- C5 = x = identity_block(x, 3, [512, 512, 2048], stage=5, block='c', train_bn=train_bn)
- else:
- C5 = None
- return [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5]
- class BatchNorm(KL.BatchNormalization):
- """Extends the Keras BatchNormalization class to allow a central place
- to make changes if needed.
- Batch normalization has a negative effect on training if batches are small
- so this layer is often frozen (via setting in Config class) and functions
- as linear layer.
- """
- def call(self, inputs, training=None):
- """
- Note about training values:
- None: Train BN layers. This is the normal mode
- False: Freeze BN layers. Good when batch size is small
- True: (don't use). Set layer in training mode even when making inferences
- """
- return super(self.__class__, self).call(inputs, training=training)
- # Top-down Layers
- # TODO: add assert to varify feature map sizes match what's in config
- P5 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c5p5')(C5) # 256
- P4 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p4add")([
- KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p5upsampled")(P5),
- KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c4p4')(C4)])
- P3 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p3add")([
- KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p4upsampled")(P4),
- KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c3p3')(C3)])
- P2 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p2add")([
- KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p3upsampled")(P3),
- KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c2p2')(C2)])
- # Attach 3x3 conv to all P layers to get the final feature maps.
- P2 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p2")(P2)
- P3 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p3")(P3)
- P4 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p4")(P4)
- P5 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p5")(P5)
- # P6 is used for the 5th anchor scale in RPN. Generated by
- # subsampling from P5 with stride of 2.
- P6 = KL.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(1, 1), strides=2, name="fpn_p6")(P5)
- # Note that P6 is used in RPN, but not in the classifier heads.
- rpn_feature_maps = [P2, P3, P4, P5, P6]
- mrcnn_feature_maps = [P2, P3, P4, P5]
其中rpn_feature_maps对应图中的实线输出,送入RPN网络分类/回归得到锚框的前景/背景鉴别结果;而mrcnn_feature_maps则是后面进行ROI Align时的切割目标。
- def build(self, mode, config):
- """Build Mask R-CNN architecture.
- input_shape: The shape of the input image.
- mode: Either "training" or "inference". The inputs and
- outputs of the model differ accordingly.
- """
- assert mode in ['training', 'inference']
- # Image size must be dividable by 2 multiple times
- h, w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2] # [1024 1024 3]
- if h / 2**6 != int(h / 2**6) or w / 2**6 != int(w / 2**6): # 这里就限定了下采样不会产生坐标误差
- raise Exception("Image size must be dividable by 2 at least 6 times "
- "to avoid fractions when downscaling and upscaling."
- "For example, use 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, ... etc. ")
- # Inputs
- input_image = KL.Input(
- shape=[None, None, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[2]], name="input_image")
- input_image_meta = KL.Input(shape=[config.IMAGE_META_SIZE],
- name="input_image_meta")
- if mode == "training":
- # RPN GT
- input_rpn_match = KL.Input(
- shape=[None, 1], name="input_rpn_match", dtype=tf.int32)
- input_rpn_bbox = KL.Input(
- shape=[None, 4], name="input_rpn_bbox", dtype=tf.float32)
- # Detection GT (class IDs, bounding boxes, and masks)
- # 1. GT Class IDs (zero padded)
- input_gt_class_ids = KL.Input(
- shape=[None], name="input_gt_class_ids", dtype=tf.int32)
- # 2. GT Boxes in pixels (zero padded)
- # [batch, MAX_GT_INSTANCES, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in image coordinates
- input_gt_boxes = KL.Input(
- shape=[None, 4], name="input_gt_boxes", dtype=tf.float32)
- # Normalize coordinates
- gt_boxes = KL.Lambda(lambda x: norm_boxes_graph(
- x, K.shape(input_image)[1:3]))(input_gt_boxes)
- # 3. GT Masks (zero padded)
- # [batch, height, width, MAX_GT_INSTANCES]
- if config.USE_MINI_MASK:
- input_gt_masks = KL.Input(
- shape=[config.MINI_MASK_SHAPE[0],
- config.MINI_MASK_SHAPE[1], None],
- name="input_gt_masks", dtype=bool)
- else:
- input_gt_masks = KL.Input(
- shape=[config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1], None],
- name="input_gt_masks", dtype=bool)
- elif mode == "inference":
- # Anchors in normalized coordinates
- input_anchors = KL.Input(shape=[None, 4], name="input_anchors")
- # Build the shared convolutional layers.
- # Bottom-up Layers
- # Returns a list of the last layers of each stage, 5 in total.
- # Don't create the thead (stage 5), so we pick the 4th item in the list.
- if callable(config.BACKBONE):
- _, C2, C3, C4, C5 = config.BACKBONE(input_image, stage5=True,
- train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
- else:
- _, C2, C3, C4, C5 = resnet_graph(input_image, config.BACKBONE,
- stage5=True, train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
- # Top-down Layers
- # TODO: add assert to varify feature map sizes match what's in config
- P5 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c5p5')(C5) # 256
- P4 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p4add")([
- KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p5upsampled")(P5),
- KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c4p4')(C4)])
- P3 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p3add")([
- KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p4upsampled")(P4),
- KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c3p3')(C3)])
- P2 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p2add")([
- KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p3upsampled")(P3),
- KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c2p2')(C2)])
- # Attach 3x3 conv to all P layers to get the final feature maps.
- P2 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p2")(P2)
- P3 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p3")(P3)
- P4 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p4")(P4)
- P5 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p5")(P5)
- # P6 is used for the 5th anchor scale in RPN. Generated by
- # subsampling from P5 with stride of 2.
- P6 = KL.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(1, 1), strides=2, name="fpn_p6")(P5)
- # Note that P6 is used in RPN, but not in the classifier heads.
- rpn_feature_maps = [P2, P3, P4, P5, P6]
- mrcnn_feature_maps = [P2, P3, P4, P5]
- # Anchors
- if mode == "training":
- anchors = self.get_anchors(config.IMAGE_SHAPE)
- # Duplicate across the batch dimension because Keras requires it
- # TODO: can this be optimized to avoid duplicating the anchors?
- anchors = np.broadcast_to(anchors, (config.BATCH_SIZE,) + anchors.shape)
- # A hack to get around Keras's bad support for constants
- anchors = KL.Lambda(lambda x: tf.Variable(anchors), name="anchors")(input_image)
- else:
- anchors = input_anchors
- # RPN Model, 返回的是keras的Module对象, 注意keras中的Module对象是可call的
- rpn = build_rpn_model(config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE, # 1 3 256
- # Loop through pyramid layers
- layer_outputs = [] # list of lists
- for p in rpn_feature_maps:
- layer_outputs.append(rpn([p])) # 保存各pyramid特征经过RPN之后的结果
- # Concatenate layer outputs
- # Convert from list of lists of level outputs to list of lists
- # of outputs across levels.
- # e.g. [[a1, b1, c1], [a2, b2, c2]] => [[a1, a2], [b1, b2], [c1, c2]]
- output_names = ["rpn_class_logits", "rpn_class", "rpn_bbox"]
- outputs = list(zip(*layer_outputs)) # [[logits2,……6], [class2,……6], [bbox2,……6]]
- outputs = [KL.Concatenate(axis=1, name=n)(list(o))
- for o, n in zip(outputs, output_names)]
- # [batch, num_anchors, 2/4]
- # 其中num_anchors指的是全部特征层上的anchors总数
- rpn_class_logits, rpn_class, rpn_bbox = outputs
- # Generate proposals
- # Proposals are [batch, N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates
- # and zero padded.
- proposal_count = config.POST_NMS_ROIS_TRAINING if mode == "training"\
- # [IMAGES_PER_GPU, num_rois, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
- # IMAGES_PER_GPU取代了batch,之后说的batch都是IMAGES_PER_GPU
- rpn_rois = ProposalLayer(
- proposal_count=proposal_count,
- nms_threshold=config.RPN_NMS_THRESHOLD, # 0.7
- name="ROI",
- config=config)([rpn_class, rpn_bbox, anchors])
- if mode == "training":
- # Class ID mask to mark class IDs supported by the dataset the image
- # came from.
- active_class_ids = KL.Lambda(
- lambda x: parse_image_meta_graph(x)["active_class_ids"]
- )(input_image_meta)
- if not config.USE_RPN_ROIS:
- # Ignore predicted ROIs and use ROIs provided as an input.
- input_rois = KL.Input(shape=[config.POST_NMS_ROIS_TRAINING, 4],
- name="input_roi", dtype=np.int32)
- # Normalize coordinates
- target_rois = KL.Lambda(lambda x: norm_boxes_graph(
- x, K.shape(input_image)[1:3]))(input_rois)
- else:
- target_rois = rpn_rois
- # Generate detection targets
- # Subsamples proposals and generates target outputs for training
- # Note that proposal class IDs, gt_boxes, and gt_masks are zero
- # padded. Equally, returned rois and targets are zero padded.
- rois, target_class_ids, target_bbox, target_mask =\
- DetectionTargetLayer(config, name="proposal_targets")([
- target_rois, input_gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, input_gt_masks])
- # Network Heads
- # TODO: verify that this handles zero padded ROIs
- mrcnn_class_logits, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox =\
- fpn_classifier_graph(rois, mrcnn_feature_maps, input_image_meta,
- config.POOL_SIZE, config.NUM_CLASSES,
- train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN,
- fc_layers_size=config.FPN_CLASSIF_FC_LAYERS_SIZE)
- mrcnn_mask = build_fpn_mask_graph(rois, mrcnn_feature_maps,
- input_image_meta,
- config.MASK_POOL_SIZE,
- config.NUM_CLASSES,
- train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
- # TODO: clean up (use tf.identify if necessary)
- output_rois = KL.Lambda(lambda x: x * 1, name="output_rois")(rois)
- # Losses
- rpn_class_loss = KL.Lambda(lambda x: rpn_class_loss_graph(*x), name="rpn_class_loss")(
- [input_rpn_match, rpn_class_logits])
- rpn_bbox_loss = KL.Lambda(lambda x: rpn_bbox_loss_graph(config, *x), name="rpn_bbox_loss")(
- [input_rpn_bbox, input_rpn_match, rpn_bbox])
- class_loss = KL.Lambda(lambda x: mrcnn_class_loss_graph(*x), name="mrcnn_class_loss")(
- [target_class_ids, mrcnn_class_logits, active_class_ids])
- bbox_loss = KL.Lambda(lambda x: mrcnn_bbox_loss_graph(*x), name="mrcnn_bbox_loss")(
- [target_bbox, target_class_ids, mrcnn_bbox])
- mask_loss = KL.Lambda(lambda x: mrcnn_mask_loss_graph(*x), name="mrcnn_mask_loss")(
- [target_mask, target_class_ids, mrcnn_mask])
- # Model
- inputs = [input_image, input_image_meta,
- input_rpn_match, input_rpn_bbox, input_gt_class_ids, input_gt_boxes, input_gt_masks]
- if not config.USE_RPN_ROIS:
- inputs.append(input_rois)
- outputs = [rpn_class_logits, rpn_class, rpn_bbox,
- mrcnn_class_logits, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox, mrcnn_mask,
- rpn_rois, output_rois,
- rpn_class_loss, rpn_bbox_loss, class_loss, bbox_loss, mask_loss]
- model = KM.Model(inputs, outputs, name='mask_rcnn')
- else:
- # Network Heads
- # Proposal classifier and BBox regressor heads
- # output shapes:
- # mrcnn_class_logits: [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES] classifier logits (before softmax)
- # mrcnn_class: [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES] classifier probabilities
- # mrcnn_bbox(deltas): [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
- mrcnn_class_logits, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox =\
- fpn_classifier_graph(rpn_rois, mrcnn_feature_maps, input_image_meta,
- config.POOL_SIZE, config.NUM_CLASSES,
- train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN,
- fc_layers_size=config.FPN_CLASSIF_FC_LAYERS_SIZE)
- # Detections
- # output is [batch, num_detections, (y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id, score)] in
- # normalized coordinates
- detections = DetectionLayer(config, name="mrcnn_detection")(
- [rpn_rois, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox, input_image_meta])
- # Create masks for detections
- detection_boxes = KL.Lambda(lambda x: x[..., :4])(detections)
- mrcnn_mask = build_fpn_mask_graph(detection_boxes, mrcnn_feature_maps,
- input_image_meta,
- config.MASK_POOL_SIZE,
- config.NUM_CLASSES,
- train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
- model = KM.Model([input_image, input_image_meta, input_anchors],
- [detections, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox,
- mrcnn_mask, rpn_rois, rpn_class, rpn_bbox],
- name='mask_rcnn')
- # Add multi-GPU support.
- if config.GPU_COUNT > 1:
- from mrcnn.parallel_model import ParallelModel
- model = ParallelModel(model, config.GPU_COUNT)
- return model
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