#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 400001
// 生成不重复的随机数序列写入文件
void gen_test_data(uint32_t cnt)
if( cnt >= MAX_SIZE){printf("cnt too largr\n");return;}
uint32_t i = ;
char buf[MAX_SIZE];
for(;i < cnt;++i){buf[i] = ;}
uint32_t n = ;
char file_name[];
FILE *fp = fopen(file_name,"w");
if(NULL == fp){printf("open %s error!\n",file_name);return;}
while(n < cnt)
int32_t nRand = rand() % cnt;
while(buf[nRand] == )nRand = (nRand + )%cnt;
buf[nRand] = ;
fprintf(fp,"%d ",nRand);
} // 读取文件
void read_data(int32_t arr[],const uint32_t size,uint32_t *cnt,const int32_t data_cnt)
FILE *fp = NULL;
char file_name[];
if(data_cnt > size){printf("data_cnt too largr\n");return;}
fp = fopen(file_name,"r");
if(NULL == fp){printf("open %s error!\n",file_name);return;}
while(!feof(fp) && *cnt < size)
fscanf(fp,"%d ",&arr[*cnt]);
} // 快速排序
void quick_sort(int32_t arr[],int32_t low,int32_t high)
if(low >= high)return;
int32_t i = low,j = high,tmp = arr[i];
while(i<j && arr[j] <= tmp)j--;
if(i<j){arr[i] = arr[j];i++;}
while(i<j && arr[i] > tmp)i++;
if(i<j){arr[j] = arr[i];j--;}
arr[i] = tmp;
} // 找出最大n个数
void get_topn(int32_t arr[],int32_t low,int32_t high,const int32_t topn)
if(low >= high || topn > high)return;
int32_t i = low,j = high,tmp = arr[i];
while(i<j && arr[j] < tmp)j--;
if(i<j)arr[i++] = arr[j];
while(i<j && arr[i] >= tmp)i++;
if(i<j)arr[j--] = arr[i];
arr[i] = tmp;
int32_t n = i - low + ;
if (n == topn)return;
else if (n > topn)
get_topn(arr, low, i-, topn);
else if (n < topn)
get_topn(arr, i+, high, topn - n);
} void dump(int32_t arr[],const uint32_t cnt)
uint32_t i = ;
for(;i < cnt;++i)
printf("%6d ",arr[i]);
} int32_t main(int32_t argc,char *argv[])
int32_t data_cnt = ,top = ;
int32_t arr[MAX_SIZE];
uint32_t cnt = ;
return ;


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