The immediate function pattern is a syntax that enables you to execute a function as soon as it is defined.

(function () {

    alert('watch out!');


• You define a function using a function expression. (A function declaration won’t work.)

• You add a set of parentheses at the end, which causes the function to be executed immediately.

• You wrap the whole function in parentheses (required only if you don’t assign the function to a variable).

(function () {

    var days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],

         today = new Date(),

         msg = 'Today is ' + days[today.getDay()] + ', ' + today.getDate();


}()); // "Today is Fri, 13"

If  this  code  weren’t  wrapped  in  an  immediate  function,  then  the  variables  days, today, and msg would all be global variables, leftovers from the initialization code.

Parameters of an Immediate Function

// prints:

// I met Joe Black on Fri Aug 13 2010 23:26:59 GMT-0800 (PST)

(function (who, when) {

    console.log("I met " + who + " on " + when);

}("Joe Black", new Date())); 

Commonly, the global object is passed as an argument to the immediate function so that it’s accessible inside of the function without having to use window.

(function (global) {

    // access the global object via `global`


Shouldn’t pass too many parameters to an immediate function, because it could quickly become a burden to constantly scroll to the top and to the bottom of the function to understand how it works.

Returned Values from Immediate Functions

var result = (function () {

    return 2 + 2;


use the scope of the immediate function to privately store some data, specific to the inner function you return.

var getResult = (function () {

    var res = 2 + 2;

    return function () {

        return res;



Used for Defining object properties

var o = {

    message: (function () {

        var who = "me",

            what = "call";

        return what + " " + who;


    getMsg: function () {

        return this.message;



// usage

o.getMsg(); // "call me"

o.message; // "call me" 

Benefits and Usage

It helps you wrap an amount of work you want to do without leaving any global variables behind. All the variables you define will be local to the self-invoking functions and you don’t have to worry about polluting the global space with temporary variables.

Enables you to wrap individual features into self-contained modules.

// module1 defined in module1.js

(function () {

    // all the module 1 code ...


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