ZOJ 1111 Poker Hands --复杂模拟
7.两对: 两对就看谁的对子大,都一样大比单牌
8.一对: 比对子,一样则比单牌
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- #define N 100007
- struct node
- {
- int num,suit;
- }a[],b[];
- int BigstPair[],SecondPair[],Remain[]; //
- int k[][]; //
- int m[][]; //
- int cmp(node ka,node kb)
- {
- return ka.num < kb.num;
- }
- pair<int,int> solve(node a[],int tag)
- {
- int i,j;
- sort(a,a+,cmp);
- int level = ;
- int val = ;
- int flag = ;
- for(i=;i<;i++)
- {
- if(a[i].suit != a[i-].suit)
- break;
- }
- if(i == )
- {
- for(j=;j<;j++)
- {
- if(a[j].num != a[j-].num+)
- break;
- }
- if(j == )
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- }
- //
- level--;
- if((a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num)||(a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num))
- {
- if(a[].num == a[].num)
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- else if(a[].num == a[].num)
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- }
- //
- level--;
- if(a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num)
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- if(a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num)
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- //
- level--;
- if(a[].suit == a[].suit && a[].suit == a[].suit && a[].suit == a[].suit && a[].suit == a[].suit)
- {
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- }
- //
- level--;
- for(i=;i<;i++)
- {
- if(a[i].num != a[i-].num+)
- break;
- }
- if(i == )
- return make_pair(level,a[].num);
- //
- level--;
- int cnt = ;
- for(i=;i>=;i--)
- {
- if(a[i].num == a[i+].num)
- {
- cnt++;
- if(cnt >= )
- return make_pair(level,a[i].num);
- }
- else
- cnt = ;
- }
- //
- level--;
- if(a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- BigstPair[tag] = a[].num;
- SecondPair[tag] = a[].num;
- Remain[tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,BigstPair[tag]);
- }
- if(a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- BigstPair[tag] = a[].num;
- SecondPair[tag] = a[].num;
- Remain[tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,BigstPair[tag]);
- }
- if(a[].num == a[].num && a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- BigstPair[tag] = a[].num;
- SecondPair[tag] = a[].num;
- Remain[tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,BigstPair[tag]);
- }
- //
- level--;
- if(a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,m[][tag]);
- }
- if(a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,m[][tag]);
- }
- if(a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,m[][tag]);
- }
- if(a[].num == a[].num)
- {
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- m[][tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,m[][tag]);
- }
- //9 High Cards
- level--;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- k[][tag] = a[].num;
- return make_pair(level,k[][tag]);
- }
- int compare(pair<int,int> ka,pair<int,int> kb)
- {
- if(ka.first == kb.first)
- {
- if(ka.first == || ka.first == ) //flush or high card
- {
- if(k[][] == k[][])
- {
- if(k[][] == k[][])
- {
- if(k[][] == k[][])
- {
- if(k[][] == k[][])
- {
- if(k[][] == k[][])
- return ;
- else if(k[][] > k[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(k[][] > k[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(k[][] > k[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(k[][] > k[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(k[][] > k[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(ka.first == ) //two pair
- {
- if(BigstPair[] == BigstPair[])
- {
- if(SecondPair[] == SecondPair[])
- {
- if(Remain[] == Remain[])
- return ;
- else if(Remain[] > Remain[])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(SecondPair[] > SecondPair[])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(BigstPair[] > BigstPair[])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(ka.first == ) //pair
- {
- if(m[][] == m[][])
- {
- if(m[][] == m[][])
- {
- if(m[][] == m[][])
- {
- if(m[][] == m[][])
- return ;
- else if(m[][] > m[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(m[][] > m[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(m[][] > m[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else if(m[][] > m[][])
- return ;
- else
- return -;
- }
- else
- {
- if(ka.second == kb.second)
- return ;
- else if(ka.second > kb.second)
- return ;
- else
- return ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(ka.first > kb.first)
- return ;
- else if(ka.first < kb.first)
- return -;
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- int i,j;
- char ss[][];
- while(scanf("%s",ss[])!=EOF)
- {
- for(i=;i<;i++)
- scanf("%s",ss[i]);
- for(i=;i<;i++)
- {
- char pre = ss[i][];
- char back = ss[i][];
- if(pre >= '' && pre <= '')
- a[i].num = pre-'';
- else if(pre == 'T')
- a[i].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'J')
- a[i].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'Q')
- a[i].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'K')
- a[i].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'A')
- a[i].num = ;
- // 0:C 1:D 2:H 3:S
- if(back == 'C')
- a[i].suit = ;
- else if(back == 'D')
- a[i].suit = ;
- else if(back == 'H')
- a[i].suit = ;
- else
- a[i].suit = ;
- }
- for(i=;i<;i++)
- {
- char pre = ss[i][];
- char back = ss[i][];
- if(pre >= '' && pre <= '')
- b[i-].num = pre-'';
- else if(pre == 'T')
- b[i-].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'J')
- b[i-].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'Q')
- b[i-].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'K')
- b[i-].num = ;
- else if(pre == 'A')
- b[i-].num = ;
- // 0:C 1:D 2:H 3:S
- if(back == 'C')
- b[i-].suit = ;
- else if(back == 'D')
- b[i-].suit = ;
- else if(back == 'H')
- b[i-].suit = ;
- else
- b[i-].suit = ;
- }
- int res = compare(solve(a,),solve(b,));
- if(res > )
- puts("Black wins.");
- else if(res == )
- puts("Tie.");
- else
- puts("White wins.");
- }
- return ;
- }
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