
题意:铁人三项比赛,给出n个人进行每一项的速度vi, ui, wi;  对每个人判断,通过改变3项比赛的路程,是否能让该人获胜(严格获胜)。

思路:题目实际上是给出了n个式子方程,Ti  = Ai * x + Bi * y + Ci * z , 0 < i < n

要判断第i个人能否获胜,即判断不等式组   Tj - Ti > 0,      0 < j < n && j != i    有解

即 (Aj - Ai)* x + (Bj - Bi) * y + ( Cj - Ci ) * z > 0,   0 < j < n && j != i 有解

由于 z > 0, 所以 可以两边同时除以 z, 将 x / z, y / z 分别看成 x和 y , 这样就化三维为二维,可用半平面交判断是否存在解了,





#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#define MAXN 111111
#define MAXM 211111
#define PI acos(-1.0)
#define eps 1e-8
#define INF 1e10
using namespace std;
int dblcmp(double d)
if (fabs(d) < eps) return 0;
return d > eps ? 1 : -1;
struct point
double x, y;
point(double _x, double _y):
x(_x), y(_y){};
void input()
scanf("%lf%lf",&x, &y);
double dot(point p)
return x * p.x + y * p.y;
double distance(point p)
return hypot(x - p.x, y - p.y);
point sub(point p)
return point(x - p.x, y - p.y);
double det(point p)
return x * p.y - y * p.x;
bool operator == (point a)const
return dblcmp(a.x - x) == 0 && dblcmp(a.y - y) == 0;
bool operator < (point a)const
return dblcmp(a.x - x) == 0 ? dblcmp(y - a.y) < 0 : x < a.x;
} }p[MAXN];
struct line
point a,b;
line(point _a,point _b)
bool parallel(line v)
return dblcmp(b.sub(a).det(v.b.sub(v.a))) == 0;
point crosspoint(line v)
double a1 = v.b.sub(v.a).det(a.sub(v.a));
double a2 = v.b.sub(v.a).det(b.sub(v.a));
return point((a.x * a2 - b.x * a1) / (a2 - a1), (a.y * a2 - b.y * a1) / (a2 - a1));
bool operator == (line v)const
return (a == v.a) && (b == v.b);
struct halfplane:public line
double angle;
//表示向量 a->b逆时针(左侧)的半平面
halfplane(point _a, point _b)
a = _a;
b = _b;
halfplane(line v)
a = v.a;
b = v.b;
void calcangle()
angle = atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x);
bool operator <(const halfplane &b)const
return dblcmp(angle - b.angle) < 0;
struct polygon
int n;
point p[MAXN];
line l[MAXN];
double area;
void getline()
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
l[i] = line(p[i], p[(i + 1) % n]);
void getarea()
area = 0;
int a = 1, b = 2;
while(b <= n - 1)
area += p[a].sub(p[0]).det(p[b].sub(p[0]));
area = fabs(area) / 2;
bool judge(point a, point b, point o)
return dblcmp(a.sub(o).det(b.sub(o))) <= 0; //此处有等于号代表的是求出的半平面交为一个点不合法,去掉等于号则代表交成一个点也行
struct halfplanes
int n;
halfplane hp[MAXN];
point p[MAXN];
int que[MAXN];
int st, ed;
void push(halfplane tmp)
hp[n++] = tmp;
void unique()
int m = 1, i;
for (i = 1; i < n;i++)
if (dblcmp(hp[i].angle - hp[i - 1].angle))hp[m++] = hp[i];
else if (dblcmp(hp[m - 1].b.sub(hp[m - 1].a).det(hp[i].a.sub(hp[m - 1].a)) > 0))hp[m - 1] = hp[i];
n = m;
bool halfplaneinsert()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) hp[i].calcangle();
sort(hp, hp + n);
que[st = 0] = 0;
que[ed = 1] = 1;
p[1] = hp[0].crosspoint(hp[1]);
for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
while (st < ed && judge(hp[i].b, p[ed], hp[i].a)) ed--;
while (st < ed && judge(hp[i].b, p[st + 1], hp[i].a)) st++;
que[++ed] = i;
if (hp[i].parallel(hp[que[ed - 1]])) return false;
p[ed] = hp[i].crosspoint(hp[que[ed - 1]]);
while (st < ed && judge(hp[que[st]].b, p[ed], hp[que[st]].a)) ed--;
while (st < ed && judge(hp[que[ed]].b, p[st + 1], hp[que[ed]].a)) st++;
if (st + 1 >= ed)return false;
return true;
void getconvex(polygon &con)
p[st] = hp[que[st]].crosspoint(hp[que[ed]]);
con.n = ed - st + 1;
int j = st, i = 0;
for (; j <= ed; i++, j++)
con.p[i] = p[j];
int A[MAXN], B[MAXN], C[MAXN];
int n;
int main()
double xa, xb, ya, yb;
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%d%d%d", &A[i], &B[i], &C[i]); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int flag = 0;
h.n = 0;
h.push(halfplane(point(0, 0), point(INF, 0)));
h.push(halfplane(point(INF, 0), point(INF, INF)));
h.push(halfplane(point(INF, INF), point(0, INF)));
h.push(halfplane(point(0, INF), point(0, 0))); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if(j == i) continue;
double a = 1.0 / A[j] - 1.0 / A[i];
double b = 1.0 / B[j] - 1.0 / B[i];
double c = 1.0 / C[j] - 1.0 / C[i];
int d1 = dblcmp(a);
int d2 = dblcmp(b);
int d3 = dblcmp(c);
if(d3 <= 0)
flag = 1;
xa = 0, xb = d2;
ya = yb = -c / b;
xa = xb = -c / a;
ya = 0, yb = -d1;
xa = 0;
ya = -c / b;
xb = d2;
yb = -(c + a * xb) / b;
h.push(halfplane(point(xa, ya), point(xb, yb)));
if(flag || !h.halfplaneinsert() ) puts("No");
else puts("Yes");
return 0;

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