
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std; class polygon
int number;
int side_length[100];
polygon(int a = 0):number(a){memset(side_length, 0, sizeof(side_length));};
int perimeter();//计算多边形边长
void display();//输出多边形边数和周长
int* reachsidelen();
}; int polygon::perimeter()
int i;
int tot = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= number; i++)
tot += side_length[i];
} return tot;
} void polygon::display()
cout << number << " " << perimeter() << endl;
} int* polygon::reachsidelen()
return side_length;
} class rectangle : protected polygon
int height;
int width;
rectangle(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0):polygon(a), height(b), width(c){};
int perimeter();//计算矩形边长
void display();//输出多边形边数和周长
}; int rectangle::perimeter()
int tot = 0;
tot = height * 2 + width * 2;
return tot;
} void rectangle::display()
cout << number << " " << perimeter() << endl;
} class equal_polygon : protected polygon
int side_len;
equal_polygon(int a = 0, int b = 0):polygon(a), side_len(b){};
int perimeter();//计算等边多边形边长
void display();//输出多边形边数和周长
}; int equal_polygon::perimeter()
int tot = 0;
tot = number * side_len;
return tot;
} void equal_polygon::display()
cout << number << " " << perimeter() << endl;
} int main()
int b[105];
int i,j; int cnt = 0;
cin >> cnt; int ope;
while(cnt --)
memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); cin >> ope;
if(ope == 0)
int tot = 1;
int idata;
while(cin >> idata)
if(idata == -1)break; b[tot++] = idata;
tot --; polygon P(tot);
int *p = P.reachsidelen(); for (i = 1; i <= tot; i++)
*(p + i) = b[i];
} P.display();
else if(ope == 1)
int iwide, ilen;
cin >> iwide >> ilen;
rectangle R(4, ilen, iwide);
else if(ope == 2)
int inumber, ilen;
cin >> inumber >> ilen;
equal_polygon E(inumber, ilen);
} return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std; class Point_1D
float x;//1D 点的x坐标
Point_1D(float a = 0): x(a){}; float distance( );//计算当前点到原点的距离
}; float Point_1D::distance()
float d = x;
if(d < 0) d = -d;
return d;
} class Point_2D : protected Point_1D
float y;
Point_2D(float a = 0, float b = 0): Point_1D(a), y(b){};
float distance( );
}; float Point_2D::distance()
float d;
d = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
return d;
} class Point_3D : protected Point_2D
float z;
Point_3D(float a = 0, float b = 0, float c = 0): Point_2D(a, b), z(c){};
float distance( );
}; float Point_3D::distance()
float d;
d = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
return d;
} int main()
int ope;
while(cin >> ope)
if(ope == 0)break;
if(ope == 1)
float ix;
cin >> ix;
Point_1D p1(ix); cout << "Distance from Point " << ix << " to original point is "
<< p1.distance() << endl;
else if(ope == 2)
float ix, iy;
cin >> ix >> iy;
Point_2D p2(ix, iy); cout << "Distance from Point(" << ix << "," << iy
<< ") to original point is " << p2.distance() << endl;;
else if(ope == 3)
float ix, iy, iz;
cin >> ix >> iy >> iz;
Point_3D p3(ix, iy, iz); cout << "Distance from Point(" << ix << "," << iy << "," << iz
<< ") to original point is " << p3.distance() << endl;;
return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std; class Date
int year;
int month;
int day;
Date(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0):year(a), month(b), day(c){};
}; class Time
int hour;
int minute;
int second;
Time(int a = 0, int b = 0, int c = 0):hour(a), minute(b), second(c){};
}; class Schedule : protected Date, protected Time
int ID;
Schedule(int y = 10000, int m = 0, int d = 0, int h = 0, int min = 0, int s = 0, int id = 0):
Date(y, m, d), Time(h, min, s), ID(id){}; bool operator < (const Schedule & s2); void display();
}; void Schedule::display() //The urgent schedule is No.1: 2014/6/27 8:0:1
cout << ID << ": " << year << "/" << month << "/" << day << " " << hour
<< ":" << minute << ":" << second << endl;
} bool Schedule::operator < (const Schedule & s2)
int dtot1 = 0, tot1 = 0;
int dtot2 = 0, tot2 = 0;
dtot1 = year * 365 + month * 30 + day;
dtot2 = s2.year * 365 + s2.month * 30 + s2.day; tot1 = hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second;
tot2 = s2.hour * 3600 + s2.minute * 60 + s2.second; if(dtot1 < dtot2)return true;
else if(dtot1 > dtot2)return false;
if(tot1 < tot2)return true;
else return false;
} int main()
int id;
int i;
int record;
Schedule sch; while(cin >> id)
if(id == 0)break; string date, time;
cin >> date >> time; stringstream stream;
string s1, s2; int y = 0, m = 0, d = 0, h = 0, min = 0, s = 0;
bool flag = false;
for(i = 0; i < date.length(); i++)
if(date[i] == '/')
stream << s1;
stream >> m;
s1 = "";
stream << s1;
stream >> y;
stream.clear(); s1 = "";
flag = true;
s1 += date[i];
stream << s1;
stream >> d;
stream.clear(); bool flag2 = false; for(i = 0; i < time.length(); i++)
if(time[i] == ':')
stream << s2;
stream >> min;
s2 = "";
stream << s2;
stream >> h;
s2 = ""; flag2 = true;
s2 += time[i];
stream << s2;
stream >> s;
stream.clear(); Schedule sch1(y, m, d, h, min, s, id);
if(sch1 < sch)sch = sch1;
} cout << "The urgent schedule is No.";
return 0;


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