



//头文件加入:#include "AbilitySystemComponent.h"






// Create a follow camera

FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("FollowCamera"));

FollowCamera->SetupAttachment(CameraBoom, USpringArmComponent::SocketName); // Attach the camera to the end of the boom and let the boom adjust to match the controller orientation

FollowCamera->bUsePawnControlRotation = false; // Camera does not rotate relative to arm


AbilitySystem = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAbilitySystemComponent>(TEXT("AbilitySystem"));

// Note: The skeletal mesh and anim blueprint references on the Mesh component (inherited from Character)

// are set in the derived blueprint asset named MyCharacter (to avoid direct content references in C++)







Binding to Character Input


First of all, we will bind our ability system to our character's input, because it's the slightly more complicated issue and it's actually pretty interesting on how you do it. So first of all, go back to your character's cpp file, and go to the SetupPlayerInputComponent function. It's the one responsible for binding your character's inputs to the player controlling it, and takes a UInputComponent as parameter. This is important, we need it to bind our ability system to it. We want to call AbilitySystem->BindAbilityActivationToInputComponent within the SetupPlayerInputComponent. It takes two parameters: The UInputComponent pointer at hand and a struct called FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds. This is not a typo! It is not called FGameplayAbilityInputBinds, but FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds!

首先,我们会将我们的能力系统绑定到我们的角色的输入,因为这是一个稍微复杂的问题,它实际上很有趣你是怎么做的。首先,回到你的角色的cpp文件,去SetupPlayerInputComponent函数。它负责将角色的输入绑定到控制它的玩家,并将UInputComponent作为参数。这很重要,我们需要它来约束我们的能力系统。我们想叫AbilitySystem - > BindAbilityActivationToInputComponent SetupPlayerInputComponent内。它接受两个参数:UInputComponent指针和结构称为FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds。这不是一个打字错误!这不是叫FGameplayAbilityInputBinds,但FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds !


The constructor for FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds takes at least 3 parameters: The first two are strings, and represent the input names that will be used to define "Confirm" and "Cancel"-input commands. You do not necessarily need these depending on your game, but abilities can be set up to listen to these while they're active, and targeting actors (basically, actors that return an ability viable targets/locations to aim at for an ability, if an ability requests one) will use these too, so generally it can't hurt to have these even if you will never use them. The third parameter is the name of an arbitrary UEnum of all things. This is one of the witchcraft-ier aspects of the system: The ability system component will look into the enum whose name you've given and will map its ability slots to the names of the elements contained within the enum. This probably sounds way complicated from the way I'm describing this, but it's actually quite simple. This is an input enum lifted from my own project:


//Example for an enum the FGameplayAbiliyInputBinds may use to map input to ability slots.

//It's very important that this enum is UENUM, because the code will look for UENUM by the given name and crash if the UENUM can't be found. BlueprintType is there so we can use these in blueprints, too. Just in case. Can be neat to define ability packages.
enum class AbilityInput : uint8
UseAbility1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Spell 1"), //This maps the first ability(input ID should be 0 in int) to the action mapping(which you define in the project settings) by the name of "UseAbility1". "Use Spell 1" is the blueprint name of the element. UseAbility2 UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Spell 2"), //Maps ability 2(input ID 1) to action mapping UseAbility2. "Use Spell 2" is mostly used for when the enum is a blueprint variable.
UseAbility3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Spell 3"),
UseAbility4 UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Spell 4"),
WeaponAbility UMETA(DisplayName = "Use Weapon"), //This finally maps the fifth ability(here designated to be your weaponability, or auto-attack, or whatever) to action mapping "WeaponAbility". //You may also do something like define an enum element name that is not actually mapped to an input, for example if you have a passive ability that isn't supposed to have an input. This isn't usually necessary though as you usually grant abilities via input ID,
//which can be negative while enums cannot. In fact, a constant called "INDEX_NONE" exists for the exact purpose of rendering an input as unavailable, and it's simply defined as -1.
//Because abilities are granted by input ID, which is an int, you may use enum elements to describe the ID anyway however, because enums are fancily dressed up ints.





void AGATutCharacter::BeginPlay()
if (AbilitySystem == nullptr)return; UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Char Beginplay 97"));
if (HasAuthority() && MyAbilities.Num()) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Char Bplay 99"));
for (auto i = ; i<MyAbilities.Num(); i++)
if (MyAbilities[i] == nullptr)continue;
AbilitySystem->GiveAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpec(MyAbilities[i].GetDefaultObject(), , ));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("103bp we register an ability!"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("All Ablities registered"));
AbilitySystem->InitAbilityActorInfo(this, this);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString("Char Bplay 105"));








AbilitySystem->GiveAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpec(MyAbilities[i].GetDefaultObject(), 1, 0));






An ability is also able to control its own instancing state, and each ability may independently choose whether they do not want to be instanced (no ability tasks, no personal state and variables and some other limited functionality, but ridiculously cheap so preferable if you can get away with it).


instanced on activation (personal state limited to a per-activation basis, variables and such can be replicated but it is not recommended).


or instanced per ability owner (most expensive, but variables can easily be replicated, state can be carried across activations [for example, a fireball that gets stronger with each use would be possible without permanently considering the ability active] and most functions are intact).









Step3:在A3中看Class Default,设置为每个Actor实例化一次。




将上面步骤中的实例化模式设置为Instanced per execution,将会得到:



设置为no instanced,运行,结果宕机。具体是怎么使用的,存疑。


——小江村儿的文杰 zouwj5@qq.com 2017年7月14日14:40:39

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