Grammar focus 语法点: in 和 on

in the desk    在桌子抽屉里

on the desk  在桌子面上

Practice 练习

Where's my pencil?

In the desk

Where's my dictionary?

In the filing cabinet

Where's my notebook?

on the desk

Where's my ruler?

on the table

Where 's my pen?

on the floor

Where is   单数

Where are 复数

there is 那儿有

Is there 那里有


in front of ... 前面

behind 后面

next to 旁边

a lot of  许多

on the left 左边

on the right 右边

on the top 上面

under 下面

between 之间

in the middle of  在...中间

corner 角落  ['kɔːnə]

look for something... 查找...

magazing 杂志

plug 插头  [plʌg]

plastic bag 熟料口袋   ['plæstɪk]

plate 盘子,碟子

windows sill  [sɪl] 窗台

a row of tables 一排桌子

toy 玩具 [tɔɪ]

fire hydrate 消防栓 hyd.ra.te ['haɪdreɪt]

a box of glass cup 一箱玻璃杯


it's keybroad in front of dispaly   # 它是显示器前面的键盘

it's mouse between keyboard and english books   # 它是键盘和英文书籍之间的鼠标

there is notebook on the desk  # 桌上有笔记本

there are some bottle of water on the table  # 桌子上有一瓶水

There is a fire hydrant between the pink wall and the plant  在粉色墙与植物之间有个消防栓

there is box behind filing cabinet  文件柜后面有盒子

it's pencli in the notebook 它是笔记本中的笔

there is whiteboard on the wall  墙上有白板

there are chairs on the floor 地板上有椅子



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