Exercise:Softmax Regression

习题的链接:Exercise:Softmax Regression


function [cost, grad] = softmaxCost(theta, numClasses, inputSize, lambda, data, labels)

% numClasses - the number of classes
% inputSize - the size N of the input vector
% lambda - weight decay parameter
% data - the N x M input matrix, where each column data(:, i) corresponds to
% a single test set
% labels - an M x matrix containing the labels corresponding for the input data
% % Unroll the parameters from theta
theta = reshape(theta, numClasses, inputSize); numCases = size(data, ); % labels row, numCases col
groundTruth = full(sparse(labels, :numCases, ));
cost = ; thetagrad = zeros(numClasses, inputSize); %% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
% Instructions: Compute the cost and gradient for softmax regression.
% You need to compute thetagrad and cost.
% The groundTruth matrix might come in handy. M = theta * data;
M = bsxfun(@minus, M, max(M, [], ));
M = exp(M);
M = bsxfun(@rdivide, M, sum(M));
diff = groundTruth - M; cost = -(/numCases) * sum(sum(groundTruth .* log(M))) + (lambda/) * sum(sum(theta .* theta));
for i=:numClasses
thetagrad(i, :) = -(/numCases) * (sum(data .* repmat(diff(i, :), inputSize, ), ))' + lambda * theta(i, :);
% ------------------------------------------------------------------
% Unroll the gradient matrices into a vector for minFunc
grad = [thetagrad(:)];


function [pred] = softmaxPredict(softmaxModel, data)

% softmaxModel - model trained using softmaxTrain
% data - the N x M input matrix, where each column data(:, i) corresponds to
% a single test set
% Your code should produce the prediction matrix
% pred, where pred(i) is argmax_c P(y(c) | x(i)). % Unroll the parameters from theta
theta = softmaxModel.optTheta; % this provides a numClasses x inputSize matrix
pred = zeros(, size(data, )); %% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
% Instructions: Compute pred using theta assuming that the labels start
% from . [~, pred] = max(theta * data); % --------------------------------------------------------------------- end

Accuracy: 92.640%

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