



from random import *

def printIntro():
print("程序运行需要A和B的能力值(以0到1之间的小数表示)") #输入,获取能力值和比赛场数
def getInputs():
#获取数据 a = 0.45
b = 0.5
n = 5
a = eval(input("请输入a选手的能力值:"))
b = eval(input("请输入b选手的能力值:"))
n = eval(input("模拟比赛场次:"))
return a,b,n #比赛全过程
def simNGames(n,probA,probB):
winsA, winsB = 0,0
m =eval(input("1.排球,2乒乓球,3足球,4篮球,请输入选择的规则:")) for i in range(1, int(n/2)+2): #n为比赛场数
scoreA, scoreB=simOneGame(int(n/2)+1, probA, probB, m) #单场比赛过程
print("第{}场比赛得分情况,A:{},B:{}".format(i, scoreA, scoreB))
if scoreA > scoreB:
winsA += 1
winsB += 1
return winsA, winsB #单场比赛过程,返回比分
def simOneGame(i, probA, probB, m):
global k #记录局数
k += 1
if m == 1 :
scoreA, scoreB = Volleyball_game(k, i, probA, probB)
elif m == 2:
scoreA, scoreB = Table_Tennis_game(k, i, probA, probB)
elif m == 3:
scoreA, scoreB = Football_game(i, probA, probB)
elif m == 4:
scoreA, scoreB = Basketball_game(i, probA, probB) return scoreA, scoreB #输出获胜场数和比例
def printSummary(winsA, winsB):
n = winsA + winsB
print("选手A获胜{}场比赛,占比例{:0.2%}".format(winsA, winsA/n))
print("选手B获胜{}场比赛,占比例{:0.2%}".format(winsB, winsB/n)) #排球比赛单局
def Volleyball_game(k, i, probA, probB):
scoreA, scoreB = 0,0
serving = 'A'
if k!=i: #不是最终局
while not ((scoreA == 25 and scoreA >= scoreB-2) or (scoreB == 25 and scoreB >= scoreA-2)) : #如果未达到单场结束条件
if serving == 'A':
if random()<probA:
scoreA += 1
if random()<probB:
scoreB += 1
else: #最终局
while not ((scoreA == 15 and scoreA >= scoreB-2) or (scoreB == 15 and scoreB >= scoreA-2)):
if serving == 'A':
if random()<probA:
scoreA += 1
if random()<probB:
scoreB += 1
return scoreA, scoreB #足球比赛一场
def Football_game(i, probA, probB):
scoreA, scoreB = 0, 0
a, b = randint(int(probA*7), int(probA*14)), randint(int(probB*7), int(probB*14)) #根据能力值随机出进攻次数
for i in range(int(a)):
if random() - 0.1 > probA:
scoreA += 1
for i in range(int(b)):
if random() - 0.1 > probB:
scoreB += 1 while scoreA == scoreB : #点球大战
if random() > probA:
scoreA += 1
if random() > scoreB :
scoreB += 1
return scoreA, scoreB #乒乓球比赛单局
def Table_Tennis_game(k, i, probA, probB):
scoreA, scoreB = 0, 0
serving = 'A'
while not ((scoreA == 11 and scoreA >= scoreB-2) or (scoreB == 11 and scoreB >= scoreA-2)): #如果未达到单场结束条件
if serving == 'A':
if random() < probA:
scoreA += 1
serving = 'B'
if random() < probB:
scoreB += 1
serving = 'A'
return scoreA, scoreB #篮球比赛一场
def Basketball_game(k, i, probA, probB):
scoreA, scoreB = 0, 0
a, b = randint(int(probA * 150), int(probA * 170)), randint(int(probB * 150), int(probB * 170)) # 根据能力值随机出进攻次数
for i in range(int(a)):
if random() > probA:
if random() > 0.62:
scoreA += 3
scoreA += 2
for i in range(int(b)):
if random() > probB:
if random() > 0.62:
scoreB += 3
scoreB += 2 while scoreA == scoreB: # 加时赛
a, b = randint(int(probA * 10), int(probA * 15)), randint(int(probB * 10), int(probB * 15)) # 根据能力值随机出进攻次数
for i in range(int(a)):
if random() > probA:
if random() > 0.62:
scoreA += 3
scoreA += 2
for i in range(int(b)):
if random() > probB:
if random() > 0.62:
scoreB += 3
scoreB += 2
return scoreA, scoreB def main():
probA, probB, n = getInputs()
winsA, winsB = simNGames(n, probA, probB)
printSummary(winsA, winsB) k = 0


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