Apache Module mod_reqtimeout
Apache Module mod_reqtimeout
Available Languages: en
Description: | Set timeout and minimum data rate for receiving requests |
Status: | Extension |
Module Identifier: | reqtimeout_module |
Source File: | mod_reqtimeout.c |
Compatibility: | Available in Apache 2.2.15 and later |
- Allow 10 seconds to receive the request including the headers and 30 seconds for receiving the request body:
RequestReadTimeout header=10 body=30
- Allow at least 10 seconds to receive the request body. If the client sends data, increase the timeout by 1 second for every 1000 bytes received, with no upper limit for the timeout (exept for the limit given indirectly by
):RequestReadTimeout body=10,MinRate=1000
- Allow at least 10 seconds to receive the request including the headers. If the client sends data, increase the timeout by 1 second for every 500 bytes received. But do not allow more than 30 seconds for the request including the headers:
RequestReadTimeout header=10-30,MinRate=500
- Usually, a server should have both header and body timeouts configured. If a common configuration is used for http and https virtual hosts, the timeouts should not be set too low:
RequestReadTimeout header=20-40,MinRate=500 body=20,MinRate=500
RequestReadTimeout Directive
Description: | Set timeout values for receiving request headers and body from client. |
Syntax: | RequestReadTimeout [header=timeout[[-maxtimeout],MinRate=rate] [body=timeout[[-maxtimeout],MinRate=rate] |
Default: | Unset; no limit |
Context: | server config, virtual host |
Status: | Extension |
Module: | mod_reqtimeout |
This directive can set various timeouts for receiving the request headers and the request body from the client. If the client fails to send headers or body within the configured time, a 408 REQUEST TIME OUT
error is sent.
For SSL virtual hosts, the header timeout values include the time needed to do the initial SSL handshake. If the user's browser is configured to query certificate revocation lists and the CRL server is not reachable, the initial SSL handshake may take a significant time until the browser gives up waiting for the CRL. Therefore the header timeout values should not be set to very low values for SSL virtual hosts. The body timeout values include the time needed for SSL renegotiation (if necessary).
When an AcceptFilter
is in use (usually the case on Linux and FreeBSD), the socket is not sent to the server process before at least one byte (or the whole request for httpready
) is received. The header timeout configured with RequestReadTimeout
is only effective after the server process has received the socket.
For each of the two timeout types (header or body), there are three ways to specify the timeout:
- Fixed timeout value:
The time in seconds allowed for reading all of the request headers or body, respectively. A value of 0 means no limit.
- Timeout value that is increased when data is received:
Same as above, but whenever data is received, the timeout value is increased according to the specified minimum data rate (in bytes per second).
- Timeout value that is increased when data is received, with an upper bound:
Same as above, but the timeout will not be increased above the second value of the specified timeout range.
Available Languages: en
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Anonymous 431 days ago Rating: 0 (register an account in order to rate comments)
Some third party modules that require an active connection, like apache-websockets, will fail due module. These connections could be sleeping for a time and when they wake up, the timeout close the connection.
covener 431 days ago Rating: 0 (register an account in order to rate comments)
Seems fixable via a some small pseudo-API (connection level note) to mark the conn as n/a for end to end mod_reqtimeout.
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