558. 四叉树交集

四叉树是一种树数据,其中每个结点恰好有四个子结点:topLeft、topRight、bottomLeft 和 bottomRight。四叉树通常被用来划分一个二维空间,递归地将其细分为四个象限或区域。

我们希望在四叉树中存储 True/False 信息。四叉树用来表示 N * N 的布尔网格。对于每个结点, 它将被等分成四个孩子结点直到这个区域内的值都是相同的。每个节点都有另外两个布尔属性:isLeaf 和 val。当这个节点是一个叶子结点时 isLeaf 为真。val 变量储存叶子结点所代表的区域的值。

例如,下面是两个四叉树 A 和 B:


+-------+-------+   T: true
| | | F: false
| T | T |
| | |
| | |
| F | F |
| | |
topLeft: T
topRight: T
bottomLeft: F
bottomRight: F


| | F | F |
| T +---+---+
| | T | T |
| | |
| T | F |
| | |
topLeft: T
topLeft: F
topRight: F
bottomLeft: T
bottomRight: T
bottomLeft: T
bottomRight: F


A: B: C (A or B):

+-------+-------+  +-------+---+---+  +-------+-------+
| | | | | F | F | | | |
| T | T | | T +---+---+ | T | T |
| | | | | T | T | | | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+---+---+ +-------+-------+
| | | | | | | | |
| F | F | | T | F | | T | F |
| | | | | | | | |
+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ +-------+-------+


A 和 B 都表示大小为 N * N 的网格。

N 将确保是 2 的整次幂。

如果你想了解更多关于四叉树的知识,你可以参考这个 wiki 页面。

逻辑或的定义如下:如果 A 为 True ,或者 B 为 True ,或者 A 和 B 都为 True,则 “A 或 B” 为 True。

// Definition for a QuadTree node.
class Node {
public boolean val;
public boolean isLeaf;
public Node topLeft;
public Node topRight;
public Node bottomLeft;
public Node bottomRight; public Node() {} public Node(boolean _val,boolean _isLeaf,Node _topLeft,Node _topRight,Node _bottomLeft,Node _bottomRight) {
val = _val;
isLeaf = _isLeaf;
topLeft = _topLeft;
topRight = _topRight;
bottomLeft = _bottomLeft;
bottomRight = _bottomRight;
class Solution {
public Node intersect(Node quadTree1, Node quadTree2) {
if(quadTree1.isLeaf && quadTree2.isLeaf){
Node res = new Node(false, false, null, null, null, null);
res.val = quadTree1.val || quadTree2.val;
res.isLeaf = true;
return res;
else if(quadTree1.isLeaf && !quadTree2.isLeaf){
return quadTree1;
return quadTree2;
else if(quadTree2.isLeaf && !quadTree1.isLeaf){
return quadTree2;
return quadTree1;
Node res = new Node(false, false, null, null, null, null);
res.topLeft = intersect(quadTree1.topLeft, quadTree2.topLeft);
res.topRight = intersect(quadTree1.topRight, quadTree2.topRight);
res.bottomLeft = intersect(quadTree1.bottomLeft, quadTree2.bottomLeft);
res.bottomRight = intersect(quadTree1.bottomRight, quadTree2.bottomRight);
if(res.topLeft.isLeaf && res.topRight.isLeaf
&& res.bottomLeft.isLeaf && res.bottomRight.isLeaf
&& res.topLeft.val == res.topRight.val
&& res.topRight.val == res.bottomLeft.val
&& res.bottomLeft.val == res.bottomRight.val){
res = res.topLeft;
return res;

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