发现一个 HTTP      Continuation or non-HTTP traffic的数据包,之前没有碰到过。不懂其意义,一看长度,显示1460,与TCP segment of a reassembled PDU有点类似,对于这个字段的意义,GOOGLE了一会,发现有如下的解释:


On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 12:37:41PM +0200, Pierre-Yves LE BIHAN wrote: 

> I've analysed traffic between a W200 workstation and a W2K3 server; 
> I find frames with this information "continuation or non-http traffic".

That means ethereal sees packets on tcp port 80 which don't contain an http header. This is quite common, since many http-objects are larger than 1 tcp packetHence the comment "Continuation". You can probably see an http-packet before those "continuations".

It also means you have some re-assembly settings turned off. Either the "reassemble http headers" and "reassemble http bodies" options are turned off in the http protocol preferences and/or the "allow subdissector to reassemble tcp streams" option is turned off in the tcp protocol preferences.

If they were all turned on, you would have seen "tcp segment of a eassembled PDU" frames, ending in a http frame, containing the 
whole http-request or http-response.


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