一、问题描述(Problem Description):

在jenkins中创建新任务时候选择“拷贝已存在任务”,点击OK,跳转到下一步时候弹出如下错误信息:"No valid crumb was included in the request"

jenkins new job -> copy existing job -> click OK -> "No valid crumb was included in the request"

jenkins 填写构建参数,点击“BUILD”,提示: "No valid crumb was included in the request"


apache + jboss-as-7.1.1.Final,Windows XP SP3,jdk 1.6.0_33


jenkins在http请求头部中放置了一个名为.crumb的token。在使用了反向代理,并且在jenkins设置中勾选了“防止跨站点请求伪造(Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits)”之后此token会被转发服务器apache/nginx认为是不合法头部而去掉。导致跳转失败。

The problem is that jenkins stores its' csrf token in a http header called '.crumb', AFAIK headers must only contain alphanumerics and dashes, and apache/nginx will remove invalid headers from the request (unless configured not to).



2.在jenkins全局安全设置中取消勾选“防止跨站点请求伪造(Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits)”。

1.Set ignore_invalid_headers in your apache/nginx server, or:

2.Uncheck "Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits" in jenkins global security settings.


文章来源: https://blog.csdn.net/ljj_9/article/details/70056466

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