
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.io.nativeio; import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.SecureIOUtils.AlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; /**
* JNI wrappers for various native IO-related calls not available in Java.
* These functions should generally be used alongside a fallback to another
* more portable mechanism.
public class NativeIO {
public static class POSIX {
// Flags for open() call from bits/fcntl.h
public static final int O_RDONLY = 00;
public static final int O_WRONLY = 01;
public static final int O_RDWR = 02;
public static final int O_CREAT = 0100;
public static final int O_EXCL = 0200;
public static final int O_NOCTTY = 0400;
public static final int O_TRUNC = 01000;
public static final int O_APPEND = 02000;
public static final int O_NONBLOCK = 04000;
public static final int O_SYNC = 010000;
public static final int O_ASYNC = 020000;
public static final int O_FSYNC = O_SYNC;
public static final int O_NDELAY = O_NONBLOCK; // Flags for posix_fadvise() from bits/fcntl.h
/* No further special treatment. */
public static final int POSIX_FADV_NORMAL = 0;
/* Expect random page references. */
public static final int POSIX_FADV_RANDOM = 1;
/* Expect sequential page references. */
public static final int POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2;
/* Will need these pages. */
public static final int POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED = 3;
/* Don't need these pages. */
public static final int POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED = 4;
/* Data will be accessed once. */
public static final int POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE = 5; /* Wait upon writeout of all pages
in the range before performing the
write. */
public static final int SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE = 1;
/* Initiate writeout of all those
dirty pages in the range which are
not presently under writeback. */
public static final int SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE = 2; /* Wait upon writeout of all pages in
the range after performing the
write. */
public static final int SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER = 4; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NativeIO.class); private static boolean nativeLoaded = false;
private static boolean fadvisePossible = true;
private static boolean syncFileRangePossible = true; static final String WORKAROUND_NON_THREADSAFE_CALLS_KEY =
static final boolean WORKAROUND_NON_THREADSAFE_CALLS_DEFAULT = true; private static long cacheTimeout = -1; private static CacheManipulator cacheManipulator = new CacheManipulator(); public static CacheManipulator getCacheManipulator() {
return cacheManipulator;
} public static void setCacheManipulator(CacheManipulator cacheManipulator) {
POSIX.cacheManipulator = cacheManipulator;
} /**
* Used to manipulate the operating system cache.
public static class CacheManipulator {
public void mlock(String identifier, ByteBuffer buffer,
long len) throws IOException {
POSIX.mlock(buffer, len);
} public long getMemlockLimit() {
return NativeIO.getMemlockLimit();
} public long getOperatingSystemPageSize() {
return NativeIO.getOperatingSystemPageSize();
} public void posixFadviseIfPossible(String identifier,
FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long len, int flags)
throws NativeIOException {
POSIX.posixFadviseIfPossible(identifier, fd, offset,
len, flags);
} public boolean verifyCanMlock() {
return NativeIO.isAvailable();
} /**
* A CacheManipulator used for testing which does not actually call mlock.
* This allows many tests to be run even when the operating system does not
* allow mlock, or only allows limited mlocking.
public static class NoMlockCacheManipulator extends CacheManipulator {
public void mlock(String identifier, ByteBuffer buffer,
long len) throws IOException {
LOG.info("mlocking " + identifier);
} public long getMemlockLimit() {
return 1125899906842624L;
} public long getOperatingSystemPageSize() {
return 4096;
} public boolean verifyCanMlock() {
return true;
} static {
if (NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded()) {
try {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
workaroundNonThreadSafePasswdCalls = conf.getBoolean(
nativeLoaded = true; cacheTimeout = conf.getLong(
LOG.debug("Initialized cache for IDs to User/Group mapping with a " +
" cache timeout of " + cacheTimeout/1000 + " seconds."); } catch (Throwable t) {
// This can happen if the user has an older version of libhadoop.so
// installed - in this case we can continue without native IO
// after warning
LOG.error("Unable to initialize NativeIO libraries", t);
} /**
* Return true if the JNI-based native IO extensions are available.
public static boolean isAvailable() {
return NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded() && nativeLoaded;
} private static void assertCodeLoaded() throws IOException {
if (!isAvailable()) {
throw new IOException("NativeIO was not loaded");
} /** Wrapper around open(2) */
public static native FileDescriptor open(String path, int flags, int mode) throws IOException;
/** Wrapper around fstat(2) */
private static native Stat fstat(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException; /** Native chmod implementation. On UNIX, it is a wrapper around chmod(2) */
private static native void chmodImpl(String path, int mode) throws IOException; public static void chmod(String path, int mode) throws IOException {
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
chmodImpl(path, mode);
} else {
try {
chmodImpl(path, mode);
} catch (NativeIOException nioe) {
if (nioe.getErrorCode() == 3) {
throw new NativeIOException("No such file or directory",
} else {
LOG.warn(String.format("NativeIO.chmod error (%d): %s",
nioe.getErrorCode(), nioe.getMessage()));
throw new NativeIOException("Unknown error", Errno.UNKNOWN);
} /** Wrapper around posix_fadvise(2) */
static native void posix_fadvise(
FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long len, int flags) throws NativeIOException; /** Wrapper around sync_file_range(2) */
static native void sync_file_range(
FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long nbytes, int flags) throws NativeIOException; /**
* Call posix_fadvise on the given file descriptor. See the manpage
* for this syscall for more information. On systems where this
* call is not available, does nothing.
* @throws NativeIOException if there is an error with the syscall
static void posixFadviseIfPossible(String identifier,
FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long len, int flags)
throws NativeIOException {
if (nativeLoaded && fadvisePossible) {
try {
posix_fadvise(fd, offset, len, flags);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
fadvisePossible = false;
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) {
fadvisePossible = false;
} /**
* Call sync_file_range on the given file descriptor. See the manpage
* for this syscall for more information. On systems where this
* call is not available, does nothing.
* @throws NativeIOException if there is an error with the syscall
public static void syncFileRangeIfPossible(
FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long nbytes, int flags)
throws NativeIOException {
if (nativeLoaded && syncFileRangePossible) {
try {
sync_file_range(fd, offset, nbytes, flags);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
syncFileRangePossible = false;
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) {
syncFileRangePossible = false;
} static native void mlock_native(
ByteBuffer buffer, long len) throws NativeIOException;
static native void munlock_native(
ByteBuffer buffer, long len) throws NativeIOException; /**
* Locks the provided direct ByteBuffer into memory, preventing it from
* swapping out. After a buffer is locked, future accesses will not incur
* a page fault.
* See the mlock(2) man page for more information.
* @throws NativeIOException
static void mlock(ByteBuffer buffer, long len)
throws IOException {
if (!buffer.isDirect()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot mlock a non-direct ByteBuffer");
mlock_native(buffer, len);
} /**
* Unlocks a locked direct ByteBuffer, allowing it to swap out of memory.
* This is a no-op if the ByteBuffer was not previously locked.
* See the munlock(2) man page for more information.
* @throws NativeIOException
public static void munlock(ByteBuffer buffer, long len)
throws IOException {
if (!buffer.isDirect()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot munlock a non-direct ByteBuffer");
munlock_native(buffer, len);
} /**
* Unmaps the block from memory. See munmap(2).
* There isn't any portable way to unmap a memory region in Java.
* So we use the sun.nio method here.
* Note that unmapping a memory region could cause crashes if code
* continues to reference the unmapped code. However, if we don't
* manually unmap the memory, we are dependent on the finalizer to
* do it, and we have no idea when the finalizer will run.
* @param buffer The buffer to unmap.
public static void munmap(MappedByteBuffer buffer) {
if (buffer instanceof sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer) {
sun.misc.Cleaner cleaner =
} /** Linux only methods used for getOwner() implementation */
private static native long getUIDforFDOwnerforOwner(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;
private static native String getUserName(long uid) throws IOException; /**
* Result type of the fstat call
public static class Stat {
private int ownerId, groupId;
private String owner, group;
private int mode; // Mode constants
public static final int S_IFMT = 0170000; /* type of file */
public static final int S_IFIFO = 0010000; /* named pipe (fifo) */
public static final int S_IFCHR = 0020000; /* character special */
public static final int S_IFDIR = 0040000; /* directory */
public static final int S_IFBLK = 0060000; /* block special */
public static final int S_IFREG = 0100000; /* regular */
public static final int S_IFLNK = 0120000; /* symbolic link */
public static final int S_IFSOCK = 0140000; /* socket */
public static final int S_IFWHT = 0160000; /* whiteout */
public static final int S_ISUID = 0004000; /* set user id on execution */
public static final int S_ISGID = 0002000; /* set group id on execution */
public static final int S_ISVTX = 0001000; /* save swapped text even after use */
public static final int S_IRUSR = 0000400; /* read permission, owner */
public static final int S_IWUSR = 0000200; /* write permission, owner */
public static final int S_IXUSR = 0000100; /* execute/search permission, owner */ Stat(int ownerId, int groupId, int mode) {
this.ownerId = ownerId;
this.groupId = groupId;
this.mode = mode;
} Stat(String owner, String group, int mode) {
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
this.owner = owner;
} else {
this.owner = stripDomain(owner);
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
this.group = group;
} else {
this.group = stripDomain(group);
this.mode = mode;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "Stat(owner='" + owner + "', group='" + group + "'" +
", mode=" + mode + ")";
} public String getOwner() {
return owner;
public String getGroup() {
return group;
public int getMode() {
return mode;
} /**
* Returns the file stat for a file descriptor.
* @param fd file descriptor.
* @return the file descriptor file stat.
* @throws IOException thrown if there was an IO error while obtaining the file stat.
public static Stat getFstat(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
Stat stat = null;
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
stat = fstat(fd);
stat.owner = getName(IdCache.USER, stat.ownerId);
stat.group = getName(IdCache.GROUP, stat.groupId);
} else {
try {
stat = fstat(fd);
} catch (NativeIOException nioe) {
if (nioe.getErrorCode() == 6) {
throw new NativeIOException("The handle is invalid.",
} else {
LOG.warn(String.format("NativeIO.getFstat error (%d): %s",
nioe.getErrorCode(), nioe.getMessage()));
throw new NativeIOException("Unknown error", Errno.UNKNOWN);
return stat;
} private static String getName(IdCache domain, int id) throws IOException {
Map<Integer, CachedName> idNameCache = (domain == IdCache.USER)
String name;
CachedName cachedName = idNameCache.get(id);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (cachedName != null && (cachedName.timestamp + cacheTimeout) > now) {
name = cachedName.name;
} else {
name = (domain == IdCache.USER) ? getUserName(id) : getGroupName(id);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
String type = (domain == IdCache.USER) ? "UserName" : "GroupName";
LOG.debug("Got " + type + " " + name + " for ID " + id +
" from the native implementation");
cachedName = new CachedName(name, now);
idNameCache.put(id, cachedName);
return name;
} static native String getUserName(int uid) throws IOException;
static native String getGroupName(int uid) throws IOException; private static class CachedName {
final long timestamp;
final String name; public CachedName(String name, long timestamp) {
this.name = name;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
} private static final Map<Integer, CachedName> USER_ID_NAME_CACHE =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, CachedName>(); private static final Map<Integer, CachedName> GROUP_ID_NAME_CACHE =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, CachedName>(); private enum IdCache { USER, GROUP } public final static int MMAP_PROT_READ = 0x1;
public final static int MMAP_PROT_WRITE = 0x2;
public final static int MMAP_PROT_EXEC = 0x4; public static native long mmap(FileDescriptor fd, int prot,
boolean shared, long length) throws IOException; public static native void munmap(long addr, long length)
throws IOException;
} private static boolean workaroundNonThreadSafePasswdCalls = false; public static class Windows {
// Flags for CreateFile() call on Windows
public static final long GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000L;
public static final long GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000L; public static final long FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001L;
public static final long FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 0x00000002L;
public static final long FILE_SHARE_DELETE = 0x00000004L; public static final long CREATE_NEW = 1;
public static final long CREATE_ALWAYS = 2;
public static final long OPEN_EXISTING = 3;
public static final long OPEN_ALWAYS = 4;
public static final long TRUNCATE_EXISTING = 5; public static final long FILE_BEGIN = 0;
public static final long FILE_CURRENT = 1;
public static final long FILE_END = 2; /** Wrapper around CreateFile() on Windows */
public static native FileDescriptor createFile(String path,
long desiredAccess, long shareMode, long creationDisposition)
throws IOException; /** Wrapper around SetFilePointer() on Windows */
public static native long setFilePointer(FileDescriptor fd,
long distanceToMove, long moveMethod) throws IOException; /** Windows only methods used for getOwner() implementation */
private static native String getOwner(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException; /** Supported list of Windows access right flags */
public static enum AccessRight {
ACCESS_EXECUTE (0x0020); // FILE_EXECUTE private final int accessRight;
AccessRight(int access) {
accessRight = access;
} public int accessRight() {
return accessRight;
}; /** Windows only method used to check if the current process has requested
* access rights on the given path. */
private static native boolean access0(String path, int requestedAccess); /**
* Checks whether the current process has desired access rights on
* the given path.
* Longer term this native function can be substituted with JDK7
* function Files#isReadable, isWritable, isExecutable.
* @param path input path
* @return true if access is allowed
* @throws IOException I/O exception on error
public static boolean access(String path, AccessRight desiredAccess)
throws IOException {
return true;
//return access0(path, desiredAccess.accessRight());
} static {
if (NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded()) {
try {
nativeLoaded = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// This can happen if the user has an older version of libhadoop.so
// installed - in this case we can continue without native IO
// after warning
LOG.error("Unable to initialize NativeIO libraries", t);
} private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NativeIO.class); private static boolean nativeLoaded = false; static {
if (NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded()) {
try {
nativeLoaded = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// This can happen if the user has an older version of libhadoop.so
// installed - in this case we can continue without native IO
// after warning
LOG.error("Unable to initialize NativeIO libraries", t);
} /**
* Return true if the JNI-based native IO extensions are available.
public static boolean isAvailable() {
return NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded() && nativeLoaded;
} /** Initialize the JNI method ID and class ID cache */
private static native void initNative(); /**
* Get the maximum number of bytes that can be locked into memory at any
* given point.
* @return 0 if no bytes can be locked into memory;
* Long.MAX_VALUE if there is no limit;
* The number of bytes that can be locked into memory otherwise.
static long getMemlockLimit() {
return isAvailable() ? getMemlockLimit0() : 0;
} private static native long getMemlockLimit0(); /**
* @return the operating system's page size.
static long getOperatingSystemPageSize() {
try {
Field f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
Unsafe unsafe = (Unsafe)f.get(null);
return unsafe.pageSize();
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to get operating system page size. Guessing 4096.", e);
return 4096;
} private static class CachedUid {
final long timestamp;
final String username;
public CachedUid(String username, long timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.username = username;
private static final Map<Long, CachedUid> uidCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, CachedUid>();
private static long cacheTimeout;
private static boolean initialized = false; /**
* The Windows logon name has two part, NetBIOS domain name and
* user account name, of the format DOMAIN\UserName. This method
* will remove the domain part of the full logon name.
* @param the full principal name containing the domain
* @return name with domain removed
private static String stripDomain(String name) {
int i = name.indexOf('\\');
if (i != -1)
name = name.substring(i + 1);
return name;
} public static String getOwner(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
if (Shell.WINDOWS) {
String owner = Windows.getOwner(fd);
owner = stripDomain(owner);
return owner;
} else {
long uid = POSIX.getUIDforFDOwnerforOwner(fd);
CachedUid cUid = uidCache.get(uid);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (cUid != null && (cUid.timestamp + cacheTimeout) > now) {
return cUid.username;
String user = POSIX.getUserName(uid);
LOG.info("Got UserName " + user + " for UID " + uid
+ " from the native implementation");
cUid = new CachedUid(user, now);
uidCache.put(uid, cUid);
return user;
} /**
* Create a FileInputStream that shares delete permission on the
* file opened, i.e. other process can delete the file the
* FileInputStream is reading. Only Windows implementation uses
* the native interface.
public static FileInputStream getShareDeleteFileInputStream(File f)
throws IOException {
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
// On Linux the default FileInputStream shares delete permission
// on the file opened.
return new FileInputStream(f);
} else {
// Use Windows native interface to create a FileInputStream that
// shares delete permission on the file opened.
FileDescriptor fd = Windows.createFile(
return new FileInputStream(fd);
} /**
* Create a FileInputStream that shares delete permission on the
* file opened at a given offset, i.e. other process can delete
* the file the FileInputStream is reading. Only Windows implementation
* uses the native interface.
public static FileInputStream getShareDeleteFileInputStream(File f, long seekOffset)
throws IOException {
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
RandomAccessFile rf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");
if (seekOffset > 0) {
return new FileInputStream(rf.getFD());
} else {
// Use Windows native interface to create a FileInputStream that
// shares delete permission on the file opened, and set it to the
// given offset.
FileDescriptor fd = Windows.createFile(
if (seekOffset > 0)
Windows.setFilePointer(fd, seekOffset, Windows.FILE_BEGIN);
return new FileInputStream(fd);
} /**
* Create the specified File for write access, ensuring that it does not exist.
* @param f the file that we want to create
* @param permissions we want to have on the file (if security is enabled)
* @throws AlreadyExistsException if the file already exists
* @throws IOException if any other error occurred
public static FileOutputStream getCreateForWriteFileOutputStream(File f, int permissions)
throws IOException {
if (!Shell.WINDOWS) {
// Use the native wrapper around open(2)
try {
FileDescriptor fd = POSIX.open(f.getAbsolutePath(),
| POSIX.O_EXCL, permissions);
return new FileOutputStream(fd);
} catch (NativeIOException nioe) {
if (nioe.getErrno() == Errno.EEXIST) {
throw new AlreadyExistsException(nioe);
throw nioe;
} else {
// Use the Windows native APIs to create equivalent FileOutputStream
try {
FileDescriptor fd = Windows.createFile(f.getCanonicalPath(),
POSIX.chmod(f.getCanonicalPath(), permissions);
return new FileOutputStream(fd);
} catch (NativeIOException nioe) {
if (nioe.getErrorCode() == 80) {
// 80 (0x50)
// The file exists
throw new AlreadyExistsException(nioe);
throw nioe;
} private synchronized static void ensureInitialized() {
if (!initialized) {
cacheTimeout =
new Configuration().getLong("hadoop.security.uid.cache.secs",
4*60*60) * 1000;
LOG.info("Initialized cache for UID to User mapping with a cache" +
" timeout of " + cacheTimeout/1000 + " seconds.");
initialized = true;
} /**
* A version of renameTo that throws a descriptive exception when it fails.
* @param src The source path
* @param dst The destination path
* @throws NativeIOException On failure.
public static void renameTo(File src, File dst)
throws IOException {
if (!nativeLoaded) {
if (!src.renameTo(dst)) {
throw new IOException("renameTo(src=" + src + ", dst=" +
dst + ") failed.");
} else {
renameTo0(src.getAbsolutePath(), dst.getAbsolutePath());
} /**
* A version of renameTo that throws a descriptive exception when it fails.
* @param src The source path
* @param dst The destination path
* @throws NativeIOException On failure.
private static native void renameTo0(String src, String dst)
throws NativeIOException;

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    pycharm安装第三方库时报错Non-zero exit co? 原因:版本找不到 解决思路: 1.用pip install pandas报错,尝试用python -m pip install -- ...

  5. Visual Studio Code 格式化ESlint 的方法

    既然要格式化ESlint,就不得不先介绍一下什么是ESlint.后面再介绍格式化的方法 1.ESlint ESLint 是在 ECMAScript/JavaScript 代码中识别和报告模式匹配的工具 ...

  6. MySql数据库慢查询

    一.什么是数据库慢查询? 数据库慢查询,就是查询时间超过了我们设定的时间的语句. 可以查看设定的时间: 默认的设定时间是10秒.也可以自己根据实际项目设定. set long_query_time=0 ...

  7. jqGrid不支持IE8的解决办法


  8. 小笔记----about JC

    JC  project JAVA,Mysql. 页面用velocity template engine render的html/css Apache Velocity template engine ...

  9. Spring事务原理分析-部分一

    Spring事务原理分析-部分一 什么事务 事务:逻辑上的一组操作,组成这组操作的各个单元,要么全都成功,要么全都失败. 事务基本特性 ⑴ 原子性(Atomicity) 原子性是指事务包含的所有操作要 ...

  10. AngularJs 禁止模板缓存

    因为AngularJs的特性(or 浏览器本身的缓存?),angular默认的HTML模板加载都会被缓存起来.导致每次修改完模板之后都得经常需要清除浏览器的缓存来保证浏览器去获得最新的html模板,自 ...