UVa-11582:Colossal Fibonacci Numbers!(模算术)
The i’th Fibonacci number f(i) is recursively defined in the following way:
• f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1
• f(i + 2) = f(i + 1) + f(i) for every i ≥ 0
Your task is to compute some values of this sequence.
Input begins with an integer t ≤ 10,000, the number of test cases. Each test case consists of three integers a, b, n where 0 ≤ a,b < 264 (a and b will not both be zero) and 1 ≤ n ≤ 1000.
For each test case, output a single line containing the remainder of f(ab) upon division by n.
Sample Input
1 1 2
2 3 1000
18446744073709551615 18446744073709551615 1000
Sample Output
概译:对于斐波那契数列f = {0,1,1,2……},给出n,f数列的所有项都%=n,还给了a和b,求f[ab]等于几。
--> 斐波那契是固定的那循环长度应该跟n有关
--> 余数最多有n种,(注意序列是0,1开头),则最坏情况下n个数以后又爆出0
--> 斐波那契数列只要确定两个数则后面的序列都是确定的,确定了0以后,0后面那个数一旦确定则循环节就确定了
--> 最坏情况,0的后面n次以后爆出1
--> 故在n²个数以内必出循环节,n²的暴力还是可以承受的,找一下循环节长度L,输出f[ab%L(快速幂)]
--> 如果真的存在了,由于z+0=2,所以一旦02循环,则02将成为永远的循环节,不会再出现01了,只会有01abc,02xyz,02xyz,02xyz,……
--> (c+0)%n=2,c又在0~n之内,c=2=z
--> (b+c)%n=0,b又在0~n之内,b=n-2=y
--> ……以此类推,01何以创造02帝国?
--> 矛盾。故斐波那契一定是以01开头的循环节,n次内必爆1.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ull; int test, n, f[]={,};
ull a, b; ull qpow(ull a, ull b, int mod)//为了防爆ull,a传入a%mod
ull ans = ;
while (b)
if (b% == ) ans = ans*a%mod;
a = a*a%mod;
b >>= ;
return ans;
} int main()
scanf("%d", &test);
while (test--)
int record = ;
scanf("%llu%llu%d", &a, &b, &n);
for (int i = ; i <= n*n + ; i++)
f[i] = (f[i-] + f[i-]) % n;
if (f[i] == && f[i-] == )
record = i-;//循环节长度
printf("%d\n", n == ? : f[qpow(a%record, b, record)]);
// UVa11582 Colossal Fibonacci Numbers! // Rujia Liu #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; const int maxn = + ; typedef unsigned long long ULL; int f[maxn][maxn*], period[maxn]; int pow_mod(ULL a, ULL b, int n) { if(!b) return ; int k = pow_mod(a, b/, n); k = k * k % n; if(b % ) k = k * a % n; return k; } int solve(ULL a, ULL b, int n) { if(a == || n == ) return ; // attention! int p = pow_mod(a % period[n], b, period[n]); return f[n][p]; } int main() { for(int n = ; n <= ; n++) { f[n][] = ; f[n][] = ; for(int i = ; ; i++) { f[n][i] = (f[n][i-] + f[n][i-]) % n; if(f[n][i-] == && f[n][i] == ) { period[n] = i - ; break; } } } ULL a, b; int n, T; cin >> T; while(T--) { cin >> a >> b >> n; cout << solve(a, b, n) << "\n"; } return ; }
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