Recurrent Function
Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 1233   Accepted: 336


Dr. Yao is involved in a secret research on the topic of the properties of recurrent function. Some of the functions in this research are in the following pattern:

in which set {ai} = {1, 2, …, d-1} and {bi} = {0, 1, …, d-1}.
We denote:

Yao's question is that, given two positive integer m and k, could you find a minimal non-negative integer x that


There are several test cases. The first line of each test case contains an integer d (2≤d≤100). The second line contains 2d-1 integers: a1, …, ad-1, followed by b0, ..., bd-1. The third line contains integer m (0<m≤10100), and the forth line contains integer k (0<k≤10100). The input file ends with integer -1. 


For each test case if it exists such an integer x, output the minimal one. We guarantee the answer is less than 263. Otherwise output a word "NO". 

Sample Input

1 0
0 1

Sample Output



For the first sample case, we can see that f(4)=7. And for the second one, the function is f(i)=i
x==c1 mod(loop(1))
x==c2 mod(loop(2))
x==cn mod(loop(n))
using namespace std;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
const int N_MAX = +;
typedef long long ll;
// 大数类
class bign
#define base 1000
#define digit 3
int _arr[];
int _m;
void bign::_simplify(void)
for (int i = ; i <= _m; i++)
if (i == _m && _arr[i] >= base) _m++;
_arr[i + ] += _arr[i] / base;
_arr[i] %= base;
bign::bign(void) : _m() { memset(_arr, , sizeof(_arr)); }
bign::bign(int init) : _m()
memset(_arr, , sizeof(_arr));
_arr[] = init;
friend istream& operator >> (istream& fin, bign& a)
char init[]; int len, b, t;
fin >> init;
len = strlen(init); a._m = -;
for (int i = len - ; i >= ;)
t = , b = ;
for (int j = ; j < digit && i >= ; j++, i--)
t += (init[i] - '') * b;
b *= ;
a._arr[++a._m] = t;
return fin;
friend bign operator / (bign a, int b)
for (int i = a._m; i >= ; i--)
if (a._arr[i] < b && i == a._m && i != ) a._m--;
if (i > ) a._arr[i - ] += (a._arr[i] % b) * base;
a._arr[i] /= b;
} return a;
friend int operator % (bign a, int b)
for (int i = a._m; i >= ; i--)
if (i == ) return a._arr[i] % b;
else a._arr[i - ] += (a._arr[i] % b) * base;
friend bool operator == (bign a, bign b)
if (a._m != b._m) return false;
for (int i = ; i <= a._m; i++)
if (a._arr[i] != b._arr[i]) return false;
return true;
}; pair<ll,ll> trans(ll *a,ll m,ll k ) {//采用a置换,m为需要置换的数,k为m置换的终点,返回循环次和圈的大小
ll num = ;//num为从m到k的循环次数,不存在则为-1
ll tmp = m;
while (tmp!=k) {
if (num != && tmp == m) { num = -; break; }
tmp = a[tmp];
if (num == -)return make_pair(-, );
int loop = ;
while () {
if (loop != && tmp == k) { break; }
tmp = a[tmp];
return make_pair(num,loop);
} ll gcd(ll a,ll b) {
if (b == )return a;
return gcd(b, a%b);
} ll extgcd(ll a,ll b,ll &x,ll &y) {
if (b == ) {
x = ; y = ;
return a;
ll ans = extgcd(b,a%b,x,y);
ll tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp - a / b*y;
return ans;
ll mod_inverse(ll a,ll m) {
ll x, y;
return (m + x%m) % m;
} pair<ll, ll>linear_congruence(const ll *A,const ll *B,const ll*M,const int& num) {
ll x = ,m = ;
for (int i = ; i < num;i++) {
ll a = A[i] * m, b = B[i] - A[i] * x, d = gcd(M[i], a);
if (b%d != )return make_pair(, -);
ll t = b / d*mod_inverse(a / d, M[i] / d) % (M[i] / d);
x = x + m*t;
m *= M[i] / d;
return make_pair((x%m+m)%m, m);
} ll d;
ll a[N_MAX], b[N_MAX];
bign k, m;
ll kd[N_MAX], md[N_MAX];//存储k和m的D进制形式
ll A[N_MAX], B[N_MAX], M[N_MAX];
int main() {
while(scanf("%lld",&d)&&d!=-) {
for (int i = ; i < d;i++)scanf("%lld",&a[i]);
for (int i = ; i < d;i++)scanf("%lld",&b[i]);
cin >> m >> k;
int num = ;
while (!(m==)) {
md[num++] = m%d;
m =m/ d;
int num2 = ;
while (!(k == )) {
kd[num2++] = k%d;
k = k / d;
if (num != num2) { puts("NO"); continue; }
pair<ll, ll>P;
bool flag = ;
for (int i = ; i < num-;i++) {
P = trans(b,md[i],kd[i]);
if (P.first == -) { puts("NO"); flag = ; break; }
A[i] = , B[i] = P.first, M[i] = P.second;
if (flag)continue; P = trans(a, md[num - ], kd[num - ]);
if (P.first == -) { puts("NO"); continue; }
A[num - ] = , B[num - ] = P.first, M[num - ] = P.second;
P = linear_congruence(A,B,M,num);
if(P.second==-) { puts("NO"); continue; }
else printf("%lld\n",P.first);
return ;

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