1、void Render();


  Render the camera manually.

This will render the camera. It will use the camera's clear flags, target texture and all other settings.

  The camera will send OnPreCullOnPreRender & OnPostRender to any scripts attached, and render any eventual image filters.

  This is used for taking precise control of render order. To make use of this feature, create a camera and disable it. Then call Render on it.

  You are not able to call the Render function from a camera that is currently rendering. If you wish to do this create a copy of the camera, and make it match the original one using CopyFrom.

2、void CopyFrom(Cameraother);


  Makes this camera's settings match other camera.

  This will copy all camera's variables (field of view, clear flags, culling mask, ...) from the other camera. It will also set this camera's transform to match the other camera, as well as this camera's layer to match the layer of the other camera.

3、static Camera main;

  The first enabled camera tagged "MainCamera" (Read Only).

  Returns null if there is no such camera in the scene.

  This can be useful if you want one camera to match the other camera's setup, when doing custom rendering effects. For example when usingRenderWithShader.

4、void RenderWithShader(Shadershader, string replacementTag);

  Render the camera with shader replacement.

  This will render the camera. It will use the camera's clear flags, target texture and all other settings.

  The camera will not send OnPreCullOnPreRender or OnPostRender to attached scripts. Image filters will not be rendered either.

  This is used for special effects, e.g. rendering screenspace normal buffer of the whole scene, heat vision and so on. To make use of this feature, usually you create a camera and disable it. Then call RenderWithShader on it.


You are not able to call the Render function from a camera that is currently rendering. If you wish to do this create a copy of the camera, and make it match the original one using CopyFrom.

5、ResetReplacementShader(): void;


  Remove shader replacement from camera.

  Call this to end the effect of setting SetReplacementShader.
6、SetReplacementShader(shader: Shader, replacementTag: string): void;


  Make the camera render with shader replacement.

  After calling this function, camera will render its view with shader replacement. Call ResetReplacementShader to reset it back to normal rendering.

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