log.info "starting"
// we use class to create objects of a class
Planet p1 = new Planet()
Planet p2 = new Planet()
Planet p3 = new Planet() //Planet.name = "Pluto" illegal
Planet.shape = "Circle" p1.name = "earth"
//p1.shape = "circle" p2.name = "jupiter"
//p2.shape = "circle" p3.name = "mars"
//p3.shape = "circle" log.info p1.name+" "+p1.shape
log.info p2.name+" "+p2.shape
log.info p3.name+" "+p3.shape p1 = p2
log.info "*************************************"
log.info p1.name+" "+p1.shape
log.info p2.name+" "+p2.shape
log.info p3.name+" "+p3.shape p1.name = "pluto"
log.info "*************************************"
log.info p1.name+" "+p1.shape //pluto
log.info p2.name+" "+p2.shape //pluto
log.info p3.name+" "+p3.shape class Planet{
// variables and functions
def name // non static variable
def static shape // static variable


Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:starting
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:earth Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:jupiter Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:mars Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:*************************************
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:jupiter Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:jupiter Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:mars Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:*************************************
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:pluto Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:pluto Circle
Tue Oct 06 16:27:27 CST 2015:INFO:mars Circle

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