[io benchmark]常用磁盘基准/压力测试工具
Unix Disk I/O Benchmarks
fio - NEW!
fio is an I/O tool meant to be used both for benchmark and stress/hardware verification. It has support for 13 different types of I/O engines (sync, mmap, libaio, posixaio, SG v3, splice, null, network, syslet, guasi, solarisaio, and more), I/O priorities (for newer Linux kernels), rate I/O, forked or threaded jobs, and much more. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OS X, OpenSolaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Windows.
Bonnie++ - NEW!
Greatly improved disk I/O benchmark based on the code for Bonnie by Tim Bray. Bonnie++, rewritten in C++ by Russell Coker (russell@coker.com.au), adds the facility to test more than 2Gb of storage on 32-bit machines, and tests for file creat(), stat(), unlink() operations.
Bonnie v.2.0.6
One of the best "open systems" benchmarks available. It can be compiled under different UNIX flavors. We have successfully run it under SCO UNIX, Linux, Solaris, and BSDI. It should also compile with minimal changes under other UNIXes.
Another great benchmark, in our opinion. The benchmark generates and measures a variety of file operations. IOzone is useful for performing broad filesystem analysis of a vendor's computer platform. It can also be used for NFS performance testing and the latest version now supports cluster testing as well. IOzone had been ported to numerous UNIX OSes and Windows NT. Read more about it and download the source by clicking on the link above.
Xbench - NEW!
Xbench is a a comprehensive benchmarking solution for Mac OS X. In addition to various system component benchmarks, it provides performance testing capabilities for sequential and random uncached disk I/O performance.
IOstone is a multi-platform disk, file I/O and buffer cache efficiencies benchmark program. This benchmark was originally created for UNIX and later ported to OS/2 and DOS. Included in this archive are the OS/2 and DOS executables with source code.
Disktest allows any direct access device (and some sequential devices) to be tested while UNIX is still available to other users. Care should be taken to make the device which is to be tested unavailable to other system users.
Excellent I/O throughput and fixed workload benchmark for UNIX. There are two versions of IOBENCH contained in sub-directories of this directory. These two versions contain the same source files and differ only in the scripts that drive the benchmark. Directory 073.iobench contains the throughput variant; directory 084.iobenchpf contains the fixed workload variant. This is the SPEC 2.6 distribution of IOBENCH.
IOCALL measures OS performance, in fact that is nearly all it measures. It also concentrates on system call interface efficiency, and especially read() system call performance, the most used system call on most systems. IOCALL is intended for UNIX systems only.
Low-level raw device benchmarking program written by Greg Lehey, the author of the book "The Complete FreeBSD", published by Walnut Creek. This benchmark will only compile under BSD as it uses BSD specific mmap() call. Port to Linux is currently in progress.
PostMark - NEW
A new benchmark to measure performance of e-mail, netnews, and e-commerce classes of applications. PostMark was created to simulate heavy small-file system loads with a minimal amount of software and configuration effort and to provide complete reproducibility. It can be compiled under Solaris, Digital Unix, and Win32 environments. Learn more about the PostMark and download the source code by following the link above.
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