
进行CDQ 分治,回溯的时候按x轴排序,然后用树状数组维护y的值。

  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2. #define LL long long
  3. #define fi first
  4. #define se second
  5. #define mk make_pair
  6. #define pii pair<int, int>
  7. #define x2 skdjflsdg
  8. #define y2 sdkfjsktge
  10. using namespace std;
  12. const int N = 2e6 + ;
  13. const int M = 1e6 + ;
  14. const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
  15. const LL INF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
  16. const int mod = 1e9 +;
  18. int s, w, cnt, tot, op;
  20. LL ans[M], a[N];
  21. struct Qus {
  22. int x, y, idx, id;
  23. } qus[M], tmp[M];
  25. void modify(int x, int v) {
  26. for(int i = x; i < N; i += i & -i) {
  27. a[i] += v;
  28. }
  29. }
  31. LL sum(int x) {
  32. LL ans = ;
  33. for(int i = x; i; i -= i & -i) {
  34. ans += a[i];
  35. }
  36. return ans;
  37. }
  39. void cdq(int l, int r) {
  41. if(l == r) return;
  42. int mid = l + r >> ;
  43. cdq(l, mid); cdq(mid + , r);
  45. int p = l, q = mid + , cnt = l;
  47. for(int i = mid + ; i <= r; i++) {
  48. while(p <= mid && qus[p].x <= qus[i].x) {
  49. if(qus[p].idx == )
  50. modify(qus[p].y, qus[p].id);
  51. p++;
  52. }
  53. ans[qus[i].id] += qus[i].idx * sum(qus[i].y);
  54. }
  56. for(int i = l; i < p; i++) {
  57. if(qus[i].idx == ) {
  58. modify(qus[i].y, -qus[i].id);
  59. }
  60. }
  62. p = l, q = mid + , cnt = l;
  64. while(p <= mid && q <= r) {
  65. if(qus[p].x <= qus[q].x) {
  66. tmp[cnt++] = qus[p++];
  67. } else {
  68. tmp[cnt++] = qus[q++];
  69. }
  70. }
  72. while(p <= mid) tmp[cnt++] = qus[p++];
  73. while(q <= r) tmp[cnt++] = qus[q++];
  75. for(int i = l; i <= r; i++) qus[i] = tmp[i];
  77. }
  79. int main() {
  80. scanf("%d%d", &s, &w);
  81. while(scanf("%d", &op) && op < ) {
  82. if(op == ) {
  83. int x, y, a; scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &a);
  84. x += ; y += ;
  85. qus[++tot].x = x;
  86. qus[tot].y = y;
  87. qus[tot].id = a;
  88. qus[tot].idx = ;
  89. } else {
  90. int x1, y1, x2, y2;
  91. scanf("%d%d%d%d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
  92. x1 += , y1 += ;
  93. x2 += , y2 += ;
  94. qus[++tot].x = x2;
  95. qus[tot].y = y2;
  96. qus[tot].id = ++cnt;
  97. qus[tot].idx = ;
  99. qus[++tot].x = x2;
  100. qus[tot].y = y1 - ;
  101. qus[tot].id = cnt;
  102. qus[tot].idx = -;
  104. qus[++tot].x = x1 - ;
  105. qus[tot].y = y2;
  106. qus[tot].id = cnt;
  107. qus[tot].idx = -;
  109. qus[++tot].x = x1 - ;
  110. qus[tot].y = y1 - ;
  111. qus[tot].id = cnt;
  112. qus[tot].idx = ;
  114. ans[cnt] = 1ll * (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) * s;
  115. }
  116. }
  117. cdq(, tot);
  118. for(int i = ; i <= cnt; i++)
  119. printf("%lld\n", ans[i]);
  120. return ;
  121. }
  122. /*
  123. */

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