"She's just a little faint," he reassured the startled nurse. "They're blood typing in Biology."
"她只是有点头晕," 他让护士放心的说道。“他们再生物课上测血型。”

The nurse nodded sagely. "There's always one."

He muffled a snicker.

"Just lie down for a minute, honey; it'll pass."

"I know," I sighed. The nausea was already fading.

"Does this happen a lot?" she asked.

"Sometimes," I admitted. Edward coughed to hide another laugh.
“有时,” 我承认道。Edward用咳嗽隐藏着另一阵笑容。

"You can go back to class now," she told him.
“你现在能回去上课了,” 她告诉他。

"I'm supposed to stay with her."

He said this with such assured authority that — even though she pursed her lips — the nurse didn't argue it further.
他用一种确定的权威说着 - 即使她撅起她的嘴唇 - 护士没有再纠缠下去。

"I'll go get you some ice for your forehead, dear," she said to me, and then bustled out of the room.
“我会拿些冰块敷一敷你的额头,亲爱的,” 她对着我说道,然后忙碌的走出了房间。

"You were right," I moaned, letting my eyes close.
“你是对的,” 我抱怨着,闭上了眼睛。

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