Index Settings 重要索引配置

Index level settings can be set per-index. Settings may be:

1 static 静态索引配置

They can only be set at index creation time or on a closed index.



The number of primary shards that an index should have. Defaults to 5. This setting can only be set at index creation time. It cannot be changed on a closed index. Note: the number of shards are limited to 1024 per index.

2 dynamic 动态索引配置

They can be changed on a live index using the update-index-settings API.



The number of replicas each primary shard has. Defaults to 1.


How often to perform a refresh operation, which makes recent changes to the index visible to search. Defaults to 1s. Can be set to -1 to disable refresh.


Set to true to make the index and index metadata read only, false to allow writes and metadata changes.

Set to true to disable read operations against the index.


Set to true to disable data write operations against the index. Unlike read_only, this setting does not affect metadata. For instance, you can close an index with a write block, but not an index with a read_only block.


The maximum number of threads on a single shard that may be merging at once. Defaults to Math.max(1, Math.min(4, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2)) which works well for a good solid-state-disk (SSD). If your index is on spinning platter drives instead, decrease this to 1.


Whether or not to fsync and commit the translog after every index, delete, update, or bulk request. This setting accepts the following parameters:

request: (default) fsync and commit after every request. In the event of hardware failure, all acknowledged writes will already have been committed to disk.
async: fsync and commit in the background every sync_interval. In the event of hardware failure, all acknowledged writes since the last automatic commit will be discarded.


1 Use bulk requests


Bulk requests will yield much better performance than single-document index requests.

2 Use multiple workers/threads to send data to Elasticsearch


Make sure to watch for TOO_MANY_REQUESTS (429) response codes (EsRejectedExecutionException with the Java client), which is the way that Elasticsearch tells you that it cannot keep up with the current indexing rate. When it happens, you should pause indexing a bit before trying again, ideally with randomized exponential backoff.

3 Increase the refresh interval


The default index.refresh_interval is 1s, which forces Elasticsearch to create a new segment every second. Increasing this value (to say, 30s) will allow larger segments to flush and decreases future merge pressure.

4 Disable refresh and replicas for initial loads


If you need to load a large amount of data at once, you should disable refresh by setting index.refresh_interval to -1 and set index.number_of_replicas to 0. This will temporarily put your index at risk since the loss of any shard will cause data loss, but at the same time indexing will be faster since documents will be indexed only once. Once the initial loading is finished, you can set index.refresh_interval and index.number_of_replicas back to their original values.

5 Disable swapping


You should make sure that the operating system is not swapping out the java process by disabling swapping.

# swapoff -a

6 Give memory to the filesystem cache

The filesystem cache will be used in order to buffer I/O operations. You should make sure to give at least half the memory of the machine running Elasticsearch to the filesystem cache.

7 Use auto-generated ids


When indexing a document that has an explicit id, Elasticsearch needs to check whether a document with the same id already exists within the same shard, which is a costly operation and gets even more costly as the index grows. By using auto-generated ids, Elasticsearch can skip this check, which makes indexing faster.

8 Use faster hardware


If indexing is I/O bound, you should investigate giving more memory to the filesystem cache (see above) or buying faster drives. In particular SSD drives are known to perform better than spinning disks.

9 Indexing buffer size


If your node is doing only heavy indexing, be sure indices.memory.index_buffer_size is large enough to give at most 512 MB indexing buffer per shard doing heavy indexing (beyond that indexing performance does not typically improve).


Accepts either a percentage or a byte size value. It defaults to 10%, meaning that 10% of the total heap allocated to a node will be used as the indexing buffer size shared across all shards.


1 索引动态配置

$ curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:9200/testdoc/_settings' -d '{
"index": {


2 集群配置

$ vi elasticsearch.yml
indices.memory.index_buffer_size: 40%
thread_pool.write.queue_size: 1024



The bulk thread pool has been renamed to the write thread pool. This change was made to reflect the fact that this thread pool is used to execute all write operations: single-document index/delete/update requests, as well as bulk requests.



The prefix on all thread pool settings has been changed from threadpool to thread_pool.
Thread pool settings are now node-level settings. As such, it is not possible to update thread pool settings via the cluster settings API.



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