





坐标太分散了,据说可以到 long long,但是就这么多个点,所以离散化一下,方便处理。








 #include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std; #define Lson(x) (x<<1) //左儿子
#define Rson(x) (x<<1|1) //左儿子
#define Mid(l, r) ( (l+r)>>1 )
#define LL long long
const int MAXN = 2e5 + ;
int N, M; //N is the number of wall
int ans[MAXN];
vector<LL> cor_x, cor_y;
struct Wall
LL x1, y1;
LL x2, y2;
struct Bird
LL x, y;
struct Dist
int id;
LL dist;
//这里必须用long long 的无穷大,因为给的数据会超过int
dist = __LONG_LONG_MAX__;
enum Type
}; struct Object //处理对象
Type type;
int id; //bird's or wall's id
int x, y1, y2;
Object(int x, int y1, int y2, int id, Type type):x(x),y1(y1),y2(y2),id(id),type(type){}
bool operator < (const Object &t)const
return x < t.x;
}; struct SegTree
int Left[MAXN<<], Right[MAXN<<], Value[MAXN<<];
void init(int p, int l, int r)
Left[p] = l;
Right[p] = r;
Value[p] = ;
if(l == r)
init(Lson(p), l, Mid(l, r));
init(Rson(p), Mid(l, r) + , r);
void update(int p, int l, int r, int id)
if(Left[p] == l && Right[p] == r)
Value[p] = id;
if(Value[p] > )
Value[Lson(p)] = Value[p];
Value[Rson(p)] = Value[p];
Value[p] = ; //一定记得清0
// int mid = Mid(l, r);
int mid = Mid(Left[p], Right[p]);
if(l > mid)
update(Rson(p), l, r, id);
else if(r <= mid)
update(Lson(p), l, r, id);
update(Lson(p), l, mid, id);
update(Rson(p), mid + , r, id);
//出现了bird, 在线段树中寻找合适的wall被撞
// loc 如果是沿x轴飞,那么loc应该是y值,只有这样才能保证撞的有效
int find(int p, int loc)
if(Left[p] == Right[p] && Left[p] == loc)
return Value[p];
if(Value[p] > )
Value[Lson(p)] = Value[p];
Value[Rson(p)] = Value[p];
Value[p] = ; //一定记得清0
int mid = Mid(Left[p], Right[p]);
if(loc > mid)
return find(Rson(p), loc);
return find(Lson(p), loc);
}STree; //计算距离
LL cal_dis(bool dir, int x1, int x2)
LL d1, d2;
d1 = cor_x[x1 - ];
d2 = cor_x[x2 - ];
d1 = cor_y[x1 - ];
d2 = cor_y[x2 - ];
d1 = d1 - d2;
if(d1 < )
return -d1;
return d1;
} void scan(const vector<Object> &arr, bool dir) //dir表示方向
STree.init(, , max(cor_x.size(), cor_y.size()) + );
vector<Object>::const_iterator itr;
for(itr = arr.begin(); itr != arr.end(); itr++)
if(itr->type == WALL)
STree.update(, itr->y1, itr->y2, itr->id);
int pos = STree.find(, itr->y1); if(pos)
LL len;
if(dir) // dir = 1 表示沿x轴方向
//len = cal_dis(dir, itr->x, W[pos].x1);
len = min( cal_dis(true, W[pos].x1, itr->x), cal_dis(true, W[pos].x2, itr->x) ); else
//len = cal_dis(dir, itr->x, W[pos].y1);
len = min( cal_dis(false, W[pos].y1, itr->x), cal_dis(false, W[pos].y2, itr->x) );
if(len < D[itr->id].dist)
D[itr->id].dist = len;
D[itr->id].id = pos;
} } void fly_x() //假设现在bird都是沿着x轴方向飞行
vector<Object> T; //存储扫描时要处理的对象
for(int i = ; i <= N; i++)
T.push_back(Object(W[i].x1, W[i].y1, W[i].y2, i, WALL) );
if(W[i].x1 != W[i].x2) //必须要加末端,因为bird可能在延长线上
T.push_back(Object(W[i].x2, W[i].y1, W[i].y2, i, WALL) );
for(int i = ; i <= M; i++)
T.push_back(Object(B[i].x, B[i].y, , i, BIRD) );
sort(T.begin(), T.end());
scan(T, true);
reverse(T.begin(), T.end());
scan(T, true);
} void fly_y() //假设现在bird都是沿着y轴方向飞行
vector<Object> T; //存储扫描时要处理的对象
for(int i = ; i <= N; i++)
T.push_back(Object(W[i].y1, W[i].x1, W[i].x2, i, WALL) );
if(W[i].y1 != W[i].y2)
T.push_back(Object(W[i].y2, W[i].x1, W[i].x2, i, WALL) );
for(int i = ; i <= M; i++)
T.push_back(Object(B[i].y, B[i].x, , i, BIRD) ); //注意顺序
sort(T.begin(), T.end());
scan(T, false);
reverse(T.begin(), T.end());
scan(T, false);
} void discretization() //离散化处理
sort(cor_x.begin(), cor_x.end());
sort(cor_y.begin(), cor_y.end());
cor_x.erase(unique(cor_x.begin(), cor_x.end() ), cor_x.end() );
cor_y.erase(unique(cor_y.begin(), cor_y.end() ), cor_y.end() );
for(int i = ; i <= N; i++)
W[i].x1 = lower_bound(cor_x.begin(), cor_x.end(), W[i].x1) - cor_x.begin() + ;
W[i].x2 = lower_bound(cor_x.begin(), cor_x.end(), W[i].x2) - cor_x.begin() + ;
W[i].y1 = lower_bound(cor_y.begin(), cor_y.end(), W[i].y1) - cor_y.begin() + ;
W[i].y2 = lower_bound(cor_y.begin(), cor_y.end(), W[i].y2) - cor_y.begin() + ;
for(int i = ; i <= M; i++)
B[i].x = lower_bound(cor_x.begin(), cor_x.end(), B[i].x) - cor_x.begin() + ;
B[i].y = lower_bound(cor_y.begin(), cor_y.end(), B[i].y) - cor_y.begin() + ;
} int main()
{ //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
scanf("%d %d", &N, &M);
for(int i = ; i <= N; i++)
scanf("%I64d %I64d %I64d %I64d", &W[i].x1, &W[i].y1, &W[i].x2, &W[i].y2);
if(W[i].x1 > W[i].x2) swap(W[i].x1, W[i].x2);
if(W[i].y1 > W[i].y2) swap(W[i].y1, W[i].y2);
for(int j = ; j <= M; j++)
scanf("%I64d %I64d", &B[j].x, &B[j].y);
memset(ans, , sizeof(ans));
for(int i = ; i <= M; i++)
ans[ D[i].id ]++;
for(int i = ; i <= N; i++)
printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
return ;

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