执行npm install 出现如下提醒

  1. added 253 packages from 162 contributors and audited 1117 packages in 42.157s

  2. found 5 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 high)

  3. run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details html

按照控制台提示的命令,输入‘npm audit fix’后,控制台提示:

  1. 1 package update for 5 vulns involved breaking changes

  2. (use `npm audit fix --force` to install breaking changes; or do it by hand)

输入:‘npm audit fix --force’后,控制台提示:

  1. added 199 packages from 111 contributors, removed 64 packages and updated 23 packages in 42.194sfixed 5 of 5 vulnerabilities in 1117 scanned packages

  2. 1 package update for 5 vulns involved breaking changes

  3. (installed due to `--force` option)

重新输入‘npm audit’:

  1. === npm audit security report ===

  2. found 0 vulnerabilities

  3. in 4598 scanned packages


出于好奇,从npm官网上查阅了对于npm audit fix的相关介绍。

npm audit : npm@5.10.0 & npm@6,允许开发人员分析复杂的代码,并查明特定的漏洞和缺陷。

npm audit fix :npm@6.1.0,  检测项目依赖中的漏洞并自动安装需要更新的有漏洞的依赖,而不必再自己进行跟踪和修复。


1. 运行audit fix,但是只更新pkglock, 不更新node_modules:

$ npm audit fix --package-lock-only

2. 只更新dependencies中安装的包,跳过devDependencies中的包:

$ npm audit fix --only=prod

3.运行命令,得到audit fix将会更新的内容,并且输出json格式的安装信息,但是并不真的安装更新:

$ npm audit fix --dry-run --json

4. 得到json格式的详细检测报告

$ npm audit --json

npm audit fix的更多相关文章

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  4. 报错--"npm audit fix" or "npm audit"

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