到cygwin官网https://www.cygwin.com/下载安装程序,setup-x86.exe,注意能下载这个安装程序, setup-x86_64.exe64位不支持ncl安装
2.双击运行 setup-x86.exe,从镜像网站中下载安装包至本地,不要在线安装,选择文件下载至local,并且手动点击,实现所有的程序包的下载。在选择镜像网站的时候,可以选择后缀为.jp的,也就是日本服务器,速度较快,全部下载之后大概有17G,可能需要一天时间下载
3.安装cygwin,双击 setup-x86.exe开始安装程序,选择从本地文件安装程序,在软件安装的时候,需要特别安装以下插件,以保证后续的ncl安装成功
  • Category "Devel": install "autoconf", "binutils", "bison", "byacc", "flex", "gcc", "gcc4", "gcc4-fortran", "gcc-g++", "gdb", "make", "makedepend", "openssl-devel".
  • Category "Editors": [optional] some popular editors that you might want for editing your files include "nedit", "emacs", and "vim".
  • Category "Graphics": [optional] install "ghostscript" for viewing PostScript files, "ImageMagick" for "convert"
  • Category "Libs": "expat", "libcurl4", "libexpat-devel", "libgfortran4", "libidn-devel", "libxml2", "libtirpc", "zlib"
  • Category "Net": `install "libcurl-devel", "libcurl4", and "openssh".
  • Category "Shells": install "bash", "sh-utils", "pdsh", and "tcsh".
  • Category "X11": install all of the required packages that the "Installing Cygwin/X" section mentions (see #15 where it lists all the "X11" packages and whether they are required or optional).
mkdir /usr/local
cd /usr/local
gunzip /cygwin/home/JohnDoe/ncl_ncarg-6.5.0.CYGWIN_NT-10.0-WOW_i686.tar.gz
tar -xvf /cygwin/home/JohnDoe/ncl_ncarg-6.5.0.CYGWIN_NT-10.0-WOW_i686.tar
Every user of NCL needs to set their environment before they can use NCL. You can do this by opening your "c:\cygwin\home\xxx\.bashrc" (or "c:\cygwin\home\xxx\.bash_profile" if ".bashrc" doesn't exist) file with a UNIX editor and adding the lines:
export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
source ~/.cshrc
source ~/.tcshrc
. ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bash_profile
Important note: Cygwin comes with two versions of the setup program. They are called setup-x86.exe and setup-x86_64.exe. Download the setup-x86.exe one, because the other one is for 64-bit Cygwin. NCL can't be installed under 64-bit Cygwin because there are many external packages that NCL depends on that aren't buildable under 64-bit Cygwin.
b.安装ncl之后,运行ncl,报错显示缺少一些.dll文件,例如 error while loading shared libraries: cygmpfr-4.dll:cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory等


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