The followings are the user case scenarios that WEX can be used for generating value.

1.Customer Insights

 Cotent Analytics helps compaines to gain insights about the "why" customers interact with your company, "where" and "what" there might be defective

or unsatisfied products and services from the unstructured content,in addition to what the tranditional structured data provides.These new insights can be

used to optimize the type of products and services you deliver to your customers.

for instance, WEX can be used to analyze customers' comments for optimizing products and services.

2. Call center

  Call center agents log conversations between then and their customers. These logs are free-format text records. WEX can be used to mine this data

to find correlations between multiple products or services mentioned in the call center records.

for instance: customer sentiment analysis

3. Quality assurance

Auto manufacturers use the maintenace and repair records from their dealerships as one source of information to track the quality of their automobiles.

Maintance records typically contain structured information that is coded by the technician that identifies the particular repair that was made.Usually a comment

field accompanies the report in which the technicain enters a more detailed description of the problem and the repair solution.

4. Data warehouse

  Content Analytics is an extensible platform that had been used in specific data warehouse and business intelligence use cases.

Rest API can be used to extract data from WEX and then load into predefined dimension model. Then dimension model can be used with other dimension model together.

for instance: The following is the dimension model that I designed to store the data from WEX. That is to say, we can integrate both structured data and unstructured in this way.

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