

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; namespace RayGame{ public class PathManager : MonoBehaviour { //路点数组
public GameObject[] Path1;
public GameObject[] Path2; /// <summary>
/// 返回路点
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The node.</returns>
/// <param name="pathId">路径索引.</param>
/// <param name="nodeIndex">路点索引</param>
public GameObject getNode(int pathId,int nodeIndex){
if(pathId == ){
//超出路径数组范围,返回 Null
if (nodeIndex >= Path1.Length) {
return null;
} else {
return Path1 [nodeIndex];
if (nodeIndex >= Path2.Length) {
return null;
} else {
return Path2 [nodeIndex];
} }


// Authors:Liu Yong
// Email: <raygenes@gmail.com>
// QQ:1931195500 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace RayGame{ public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
Animator canvasAnim;
public int totalLife = 20;
public int totalGold = 200;
int curLife = 0;
int curGold = 0; UIManager uiMgr; public int[] towerPrices;
void Awake(){
uiMgr = GameObject.Find ("UIManager").GetComponent<UIManager> ();
canvasAnim = uiMgr.GetComponent<Animator> ();
} void Start(){
DataInit ();
UIInit ();
} //数据初始化
void DataInit(){
curLife = totalLife;
curGold = totalGold;
} //UI界面初始化
void UIInit(){
uiMgr.SetHeartValue (curLife);
uiMgr.SetGoldValue (curGold);
} //添加金钱
public void addGold(int num){
curGold += num;
uiMgr.SetGoldValue (curGold);
} public void useGold(int num){
curGold -= num;
uiMgr.SetGoldValue (curGold);
} //增加生命值
public void addLife(int num){
curLife += num;
uiMgr.SetHeartValue (curLife);
} public void useLife(int num){
curLife -= num;
uiMgr.SetHeartValue (curLife);
} public bool HasEnoughLife(int num){
return curLife - num >= 0;
} public bool HasEnoughGold(int num){
return curGold - num >= 0;
public void ShowButton(){
canvasAnim.SetTrigger ("ShowStartButton");
} public void EnterGame(){
SceneManager.LoadScene ("Game2");
} } }


// Authors:Liu Yong
// Email: <raygenes@gmail.com>
// QQ:1931195500 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
namespace RayGame{ public class MonsterManager : MonoBehaviour { //怪物资源路径
string monPath = "Prefabs/Monsters/Mon1";
public Transform spawnPoint;
//public float spawnInterval =3f; void Start()
for (int i=; i<= ; i++)
InvokeRepeating ("Start2",,);
} void Start2(){
for (int i=; i<= ; i++)
} }
void Spawn(){ //随机数生成,半闭半开区间
GameObject mon = (GameObject)Instantiate (Resources.Load (monPath), spawnPoint.position,
mon.AddComponent<MonsterMove> ();
mon.AddComponent<MonsterHealth> ();
mon.AddComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
BoxCollider2D collider = mon.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D> ();
collider.isTrigger = true;
} }


// Authors:Liu Yong
// Email: <raygenes@gmail.com>
// QQ:1931195500 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; namespace RayGame{ public class TowerManager : MonoBehaviour { //造塔点
public GameObject[] TowerPoints; //建造过程中的图片
public Sprite[] TowerBuilding; //血条资源路径
string barPath = "Prefabs/UI/ProgressBar"; //造塔时间
public float buildingTime = 1f; //当前的造塔点
GameObject curTowerPoint = null;
int curTowerId; void Awake(){
//遍历 所有造塔点
for (int i = 0; i < TowerPoints.Length; i++) {
GameObject tp = TowerPoints [i];
tp.AddComponent<CircleCollider2D> ();
tp.AddComponent<TowerPoint> ();
} public void ShowBuilding(GameObject _towerPoint,int towerId){
curTowerPoint = _towerPoint;
curTowerId = towerId;
SpriteRenderer spRender = _towerPoint.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ();
spRender.sprite = TowerBuilding [towerId - 1];
ShowProgress (_towerPoint);
} void ShowProgress(GameObject towerPoint){
GameObject barObj = (GameObject)Instantiate (Resources.Load (barPath),
ProgressBar bar = barObj.GetComponent<ProgressBar> ();
bar.SetBarParent (towerPoint.transform);
bar.SetActive (true,buildingTime,gameObject);
} public void ProgressEnd(){
Debug.Log ("进度条结束");
BuildTower (curTowerPoint,curTowerId,1);
} /// <summary>
/// 造塔
/// </summary>
/// <param name="towerPoint">造塔点</param>
/// <param name="type">塔类型</param>
/// <param name="level">塔的等级</param>
public void BuildTower(GameObject towerPoint,int type,int level){
string towerPath = "Prefabs/Towers/Tower"+type+"/Tower"+type+"_"+level;
Debug.Log ("show path "+towerPath);
GameObject tower = (GameObject)Instantiate (Resources.Load (towerPath),
towerPoint.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Tower tw = tower.AddComponent<Tower> ();
tw.SetTowerType (type);
tw.TowerInit (); //删除造塔点
Destroy (towerPoint);
} } }


// Authors:Liu Yong
// Email: <raygenes@gmail.com>
// QQ:1931195500 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI; namespace RayGame{ public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour { string panelPath = "Prefabs/UI/TowerPanel"; //指向当前打开的面板
GameObject curPanel = null; //指向点击的当前的造塔点
public GameObject curTowerPoint = null; public Text heartValue;
public Text goldValue;
public Text waveValue; /// <summary>
/// 在指定位置显示面板
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pos">指定的位置</param>
public void ShowTowerPanel(Vector3 pos,GameObject towerPoint){
if(curPanel != null){
Destroy (curPanel);
curPanel = (GameObject)Instantiate (Resources.Load (panelPath),
pos,Quaternion.identity); //记录当前点击的造塔点
curTowerPoint = towerPoint;
} public void CloseTowerPanel(){
Destroy (curPanel);
} public void SetHeartValue(int val){
heartValue.text = val.ToString ();
} public void SetGoldValue(int val){
goldValue.text = val.ToString ();
} public void SetWaveValue(int val){
waveValue.text = val.ToString ();
} }



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