1.什么是aidl:aidl这是 Android Interface definition language缩写,认清,这是android进程间通信接口的叙事语言描述。通过它我们可以定义进程间通信接口

icp:interprocess communication :内部进程通信


--1.Create your .aidl file - This file defines an interface (YourInterface.aidl) that defines the methods and fields available to a client.


  1. package com.cao.android.demos.binder.aidl;
  2. import com.cao.android.demos.binder.aidl.AIDLActivity;
  3. interface AIDLService {
  4. void registerTestCall(AIDLActivity cb);
  5. void invokCallBack();
  6. }

--2.Add the .aidl file to your makefile - (the ADT Plugin for Eclipse manages this for you). Android includes the compiler, called AIDL, in the tools/ directory.


--3.Implement your interface methods - The AIDL compiler creates an interface in the Java programming language from your AIDL interface. This interface has an inner abstract class named Stub that inherits the interface (and implements a few additional methods
necessary for the IPC call). You must create a class that extends YourInterface.Stub and implements the methods you declared in your .aidl file.

实现你定义aidl接口中的内部抽象类Stub,public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements com.cao.android.demos.binder.aidl.AIDLService


  1. private final AIDLService.Stub mBinder = new AIDLService.Stub() {
  2. @Override
  3. public void invokCallBack() throws RemoteException {
  4. Log("AIDLService.invokCallBack");
  5. Rect1 rect = new Rect1();
  6. rect.bottom=-1;
  7. rect.left=-1;
  8. rect.right=1;
  9. rect.top=1;
  10. callback.performAction(rect);
  11. }
  12. @Override
  13. public void registerTestCall(AIDLActivity cb) throws RemoteException {
  14. Log("AIDLService.registerTestCall");
  15. callback = cb;
  16. }
  17. };


--4.Expose your interface to clients - If you're writing a service, you should extend Service and override Service.onBind(Intent) to return an instance of your class that implements your interface.


  1. AIDLService mService;
  2. private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
  3. public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
  4. Log("connect service");
  5. mService = AIDLService.Stub.asInterface(service);
  6. try {
  7. mService.registerTestCall(mCallback);
  8. } catch (RemoteException e) {
  9. }
  10. }
  11. public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
  12. Log("disconnect service");
  13. mService = null;
  14. }
  15. };

mService就是AIDLService对象,详细能够看我后面提供的演示样例代码,须要注意在client须要存一个服务端实现了的aidl接口描写叙述文件,可是client仅仅是使用该aidl接口,不须要实现它的Stub类,获取服务端得aidl对象后mService = AIDLService.Stub.asInterface(service);,就能够在client使用它了。对mService对象方法的调用不是在client运行。而是在服务端运行。




package com.cao.android.demos.binder.aidl; 

import com.cao.android.demos.binder.aidl.Rect1;

interface AIDLActivity {  

    void performAction(in Rect1 rect);  







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