10317 Fans of Footbal Teams

时间限制:1000MS  内存限制:65535K
提交次数:0 通过次数:0

题型: 编程题   语言: G++;GCC


Two famous football teams, named AC Milan(AC米兰) and Inter Milan(国际米兰) will have a match in GuangZhou City, which is
exciting. So a lot of fans get together to watch the wonderful match. This trouble the local polices. In order to avoid a
chaos caused by fans of the two teams, the police office in GuangZhou City decides to arrange the seats of the gymnasium(体育馆)
during the match. All fans of AC Milan seat Noth, while all fans of Inter Milan seat South . However, the police first needs
to identify which team a fan support. The present question is, given two fans; do they support a same team? You must give
your judgment based on incomplete information. Assume N (N <= 10^5) fans are currently in GuangZhou City, numbered from 1 to N. You will be given M (M <= 10^5) messages
in sequence, which are in the following two kinds: 1. D [a] [b]
where [a] and [b] are the numbers of two fans, and they support different teams. 2. A [a] [b]
where [a] and [b] are the numbers of two fans. This requires you to decide whether a and b support a same team.


The first line of the input contains a single integer T (1 <= T <= 20), the number of test cases. Then T cases follow.
Each test case begins with a line with two integers N and M, followed by M lines each containing one message as described above.


For each message "A [a] [b]" in each case, your program should give the judgment based on the information got before.
The answers might be one of "Support the same team.", "Support different teams." and "Not sure yet."


5 5
A 1 2
D 1 2
A 1 2
D 2 4
A 1 4


Not sure yet.
Support different teams.
Support the same team.








#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int f[];
int find(int x)
int r=x,i=x,t;
while (r!=f[r]) r=f[r];
while (f[i]!=r)
return r;
} void mix(int x,int y)
int fx=find(x),fy=find(y);
if (fx!=fy) f[fx]=fy;
int main()
int T;
while (T--)
int n,m;
for (int i=;i<=*n;i++)
char ch[];
int a,b;
for (int i=;i<m;i++)
if (ch[]=='A')
if (find(a)==find(b+n))
printf("Support different teams.\n");
else if (find(a)==find(b))
printf("Support the same team.\n");
printf("Not sure yet.\n");
else if (ch[]=='D')
return ;

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