satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-usb-storage:
卸载了包 :
opkg remove kmod-ath9k - 3.10.49+2014-05-22-1
root@hbg:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/kmod-cfg80211_3.10.49+2014-05-22-1_ar71xx.ipk
Installing kmod-cfg80211 (3.10.49+2014-05-22-1) to root...
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-cfg80211:
* kernel (= 3.10.49-1-935023aadcc429583511c911eb7e5dbf) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-cfg80211.
得到:Version: 3.10.49-1-df26e12aa07bfcf42c989a3a108d9f47
kernel :3.10.49-1-935023aadcc429583511c911eb7e5dbf
百度后,需要使用后缀 --force-depends
root@hbg:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/kmod-cfg80211_3.10.49+2014-05-22-1_ar71xx.ipk --force-depends
Installing kmod-cfg80211 (3.10.49+2014-05-22-1) to root...
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-cfg80211:
* kernel (= 3.10.49-1-935023aadcc429583511c911eb7e5dbf)
最后使用这个 --nodeps 解决
root@hbg:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/kmod-cfg80211_3.10.49+2014-05-22-1_ar71xx.ipk
Installing kmod-cfg80211 (3.10.49+2014-05-22-1) to root...
Configuring kmod-cfg80211
root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install kernel
Package kernel (3.3.8-1-2a0edb5ba0d101ae0bb84a44e4344525) installed in root is up to date.
satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-usb-storage:的更多相关文章
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