不解释,以Android平台RTMP推送模块常用接口,看看这些接口有没有存在的意义?本文简单介绍,全当抛砖引玉,相关资料,可参考 Github:
1. 初始化Publisher接口,返回推送实例句柄:
* Open publisher(启动推送实例)
* @param ctx: get by this.getApplicationContext()
* @param audio_opt:
* if 0: 不推送音频
* if 1: 推送编码前音频(PCM)
* if 2: 推送编码后音频(aac/pcma/pcmu/speex).
* @param video_opt:
* if 0: 不推送视频
* if 1: 推送编码前视频(YUV420SP/YUV420P/RGBA/ARGB)
* if 2: 推送编码后视频(H.264)
* @param width: capture width; height: capture height.
* <pre>This function must be called firstly.</pre>
* @return the handle of publisher instance
public native long SmartPublisherOpen(Object ctx, int audio_opt, int video_opt, int width, int height);
2. 相关Event事件回调,如网络状态、实时快照、录像状态等回调:
* Set callback event(设置事件回调)
* @param callbackv2: callback function
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetSmartPublisherEventCallbackV2(long handle, NTSmartEventCallbackV2 callbackv2);
class EventHandeV2 implements NTSmartEventCallbackV2 {
public void onNTSmartEventCallbackV2(long handle, int id, long param1, long param2, String param3, String param4, Object param5) {
Log.i(TAG, "EventHandeV2: handle=" + handle + " id:" + id);
String publisher_event = "";
switch (id) {
publisher_event = "开始..";
publisher_event = "连接中..";
publisher_event = "连接失败..";
publisher_event = "连接成功..";
publisher_event = "连接断开..";
publisher_event = "关闭..";
publisher_event = "开始一个新的录像文件 : " + param3;
publisher_event = "已生成一个录像文件 : " + param3;
publisher_event = "发送时延: " + param1 + " 帧数:" + param2;
publisher_event = "快照: " + param1 + " 路径:" + param3;
if (param1 == 0) {
publisher_event = publisher_event + "截取快照成功..";
} else {
publisher_event = publisher_event + "截取快照失败..";
publisher_event = "RTSP服务URL: " + param3;
publisher_event ="RTSP status code received, codeID: " + param1 + ", RTSP URL: " + param3;
publisher_event ="服务器不支持RTSP推送, 推送的RTSP URL: " + param3;
String str = "当前回调状态:" + publisher_event;
Log.i(TAG, str);
Message message = new Message();
message.what = PUBLISHER_EVENT_MSG;
message.obj = publisher_event;
3. 检测/设置软硬编码:
* Set Video H.264 HW Encoder, if support HW encoder, it will return 0(设置H.264硬编码)
* @param kbps: the kbps of different resolution(25 fps).
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetSmartPublisherVideoHWEncoder(long handle, int kbps);
* Set Video H.265(hevc) hardware encoder, if support H.265(hevc) hardware encoder, it will return 0(设置H.265硬编码)
* @param kbps: the kbps of different resolution(25 fps).
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetSmartPublisherVideoHevcHWEncoder(long handle, int kbps);
4. 设置文字水印、PNG图片水印:
* Set Text water-mark(设置文字水印)
* @param fontSize: it should be "MEDIUM", "SMALL", "BIG"
* @param waterPostion: it should be "TOPLEFT", "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMRIGHT".
* @param xPading, yPading: the distance of the original picture.
* <pre> The interface is only used for setting font water-mark when publishing stream. </pre>
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetTextWatermark(long handle, String waterText, int isAppendTime, int fontSize, int waterPostion, int xPading, int yPading);
* Set Text water-mark font file name(设置文字水印字体路径)
* @param fontFileName: font full file name, e.g: /system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetTextWatermarkFontFileName(long handle, String fontFileName);
* Set picture water-mark(设置png图片水印)
* @param picPath: the picture working path, e.g: /sdcard/logo.png
* @param waterPostion: it should be "TOPLEFT", "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMRIGHT".
* @param picWidth, picHeight: picture width & height
* @param xPading, yPading: the distance of the original picture.
* <pre> The interface is only used for setting picture(logo) water-mark when publishing stream, with "*.png" format </pre>
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetPictureWatermark(long handle, String picPath, int waterPostion, int picWidth, int picHeight, int xPading, int yPading);
5. 软编码可变码率设置(如摄像头采集编码,在设备性能允许的情况下,可以考虑软编码可变码率):
* Set software encode vbr mode(软编码可变码率).
* <pre>please set before SmartPublisherStart while after SmartPublisherOpen.</pre>
* is_enable_vbr: if 0: NOT enable vbr mode, 1: enable vbr
* video_quality: vbr video quality, range with (1,50), default 23
* vbr_max_kbitrate: vbr max encode bit-rate(kbps)
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetSwVBRMode(long handle, int is_enable_vbr, int video_quality, int vbr_max_kbitrate);
6. 帧率、软编码码率、关键帧间隔,编码速度、软编码profile等基础设定:
* Set gop interval(设置I帧间隔)
* <pre>please set before SmartPublisherStart while after SmartPublisherOpen.</pre>
* gopInterval: encode I frame interval, the value always > 0
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetGopInterval(long handle, int gopInterval);
* Set software encode video bit-rate(设置视频软编码bit-rate)
* <pre>please set before SmartPublisherStart while after SmartPublisherOpen.</pre>
* avgBitRate: average encode bit-rate(kbps)
* maxBitRate: max encode bit-rate(kbps)
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetSWVideoBitRate(long handle, int avgBitRate, int maxBitRate);
* Set fps(设置帧率)
* <pre>please set before SmartPublisherStart while after SmartPublisherOpen.</pre>
* fps: the fps of video, range with (1,25).
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetFPS(long handle, int fps);
* Set software video encoder profile(设置视频编码profile).
* <pre>please set before SmartPublisherStart while after SmartPublisherOpen.</pre>
* profile: the software video encoder profile, range with (1,3).
* 1: baseline profile
* 2: main profile
* 3: high profile
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetSWVideoEncoderProfile(long handle, int profile);
* Set software video encoder speed(设置视频软编码编码速度)
* <pre>please set before SmartPublisherStart while after SmartPublisherOpen.</pre>
* @param speed: range with(1, 6), the default speed is 6.
* if with 1, CPU is lowest.
* if with 6, CPU is highest.
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetSWVideoEncoderSpeed(long handle, int speed);
7. 设置audio编码类型,如AAC编码、Speex编码,并设置如AAC编码码率等参数:
* Set audio encoder type(设置音频编码类型)
* @param type: if with 1:AAC, if with 2: SPEEX
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetAudioCodecType(long handle, int type);
* Set audio encoder bit-rate(设置音频编码码率), 当前只对AAC编码有效
* @param kbit_rate: 码率(单位是kbps), 如果是0的话将使用默认码率, 必须大于等于0
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetAudioBitRate(long handle, int kbit_rate);
* Set speex encoder quality(设置speex编码质量)
* @param quality: range with (0, 10), default value is 8
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetSpeexEncoderQuality(long handle, int quality);
8. 音频处理,如自动增益控制、噪音抑制:
* Set Audio Noise Suppression(设置音频噪音抑制)
* @param isNS: if with 1:suppress, if with 0: does not suppress
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetNoiseSuppression(long handle, int isNS);
* Set Audio AGC(设置音频自动增益控制)
* @param isAGC: if with 1:AGC, if with 0: does not AGC
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetAGC(long handle, int isAGC);
9. 音频混音接口设置:
* 设置混音,目前支持两路音频混音
* @param is_mix: 1混音, 0不混音, 默认不混音
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetAudioMix(long handle, int is_mix);
10. 实时静音设置:
* Set mute or not during publish stream(设置实时静音)
* @param isMute: if with 1:mute, if with 0: does not mute
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetMute(long handle, int isMute);
11. 音量调整:
* 设置输入音量, 这个接口一般不建议调用, 在一些特殊情况下可能会用, 一般不建议放大音量
* @param index: 一般是0和1, 如果没有混音的只用0, 有混音的话, 0,1分别设置音量
* @param volume: 音量,默认是1.0,范围是[0.0, 5.0], 设置成0静音, 1音量不变
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetInputAudioVolume(long handle, int index, float volume);
12. 前置摄像头镜像:
* Set mirror(设置前置摄像头镜像)
* @param isMirror: if with 1:mirror mode, if with 0: normal mode
* Please note when with "mirror mode", the publisher and player with the same echo direction
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetMirror(long handle, int isMirror);
13. 录像相关配置,如只录制音频或视频,单个文件最大size,录像存放目录,开始/暂停/停止录像:
* 音频录制开关, 目的是为了更细粒度的去控制录像, 一般不需要调用这个接口, 这个接口使用场景比如同时推送音视频,但只想录制视频,可以调用这个接口关闭音频录制
* @param is_recoder: 0: do not recorder; 1: recorder; sdk默认是1
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetRecorderAudio(long handle, int is_recoder);
* 视频录制开关, 目的是为了更细粒度的去控制录像, 一般不需要调用这个接口, 这个接口使用场景比如同时推送音视频,但只想录制音频,可以调用这个接口关闭视频录制
* @param is_recoder: 0: do not recorder; 1: recorder; sdk默认是1
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetRecorderVideo(long handle, int is_recoder);
* Create file directory(创建录像存放目录)
* @param path, E.g: /sdcard/daniulive/rec
* <pre> The interface is only used for recording the stream data to local side. </pre>
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherCreateFileDirectory(String path);
* Set recorder directory(设置录像存放目录)
* @param path: the directory of recorder file.
* <pre> NOTE: make sure the path should be existed, or else the setting failed. </pre>
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetRecorderDirectory(long handle, String path);
* Set the size of every recorded file(设置单个录像文件大小,如超过最大文件大小,自动切换到下个文件录制)
* @param size: (MB), (5M~500M), if not in this range, set default size with 200MB.
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetRecorderFileMaxSize(long handle, int size);
* Start recorder(开始录像)
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherStartRecorder(long handle);
* Pause recorder(暂停/恢复录像)
* is_pause: 1表示暂停, 0表示恢复录像, 输入其他值将调用失败
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherPauseRecorder(long handle, int is_pause);
* Stop recorder(停止录像)
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherStopRecorder(long handle);
14. 实时快照:
* Set if needs to save image during publishing stream(设置是否启用快照)
* @param is_save_image: if with 1, it will save current image via the interface of SmartPlayerSaveImage(), if with 0: does not it
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSaveImageFlag(long handle, int is_save_image);
* Save current image during publishing stream(实时快照)
* @param imageName: image name, which including fully path, "/sdcard/daniuliveimage/daniu.png", etc.
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSaveCurImage(long handle, String imageName);
15. 设置推送的RTMP URL:
* Set rtmp publish stream url(设置推送的RTMP url)
* @param url: rtmp publish url.
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetURL(long handle, String url);
16. Android摄像头前后camera通过OnPreviewFrame()回调的数据接口:
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
if (frameCount % 3000 == 0) {
Log.i("OnPre", "gc+");
Log.i("OnPre", "gc-");
if (data == null) {
Parameters params = camera.getParameters();
Size size = params.getPreviewSize();
int bufferSize = (((size.width | 0x1f) + 1) * size.height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(params.getPreviewFormat())) / 8;
camera.addCallbackBuffer(new byte[bufferSize]);
} else {
if (isRTSPPublisherRunning || isPushingRtmp || isRecording || isPushingRtsp) {
libPublisher.SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoData(publisherHandle, data, data.length, currentCameraType, currentOrigentation);
* Set live video data(no encoded data).
* @param cameraType: CAMERA_FACING_BACK with 0, CAMERA_FACING_FRONT with 1
* @param curOrg:
* PORTRAIT = 1; //竖屏
* LANDSCAPE = 2; //横屏 home键在右边的情况
* LANDSCAPE_LEFT_HOME_KEY = 3; //横屏 home键在左边的情况
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoData(long handle, byte[] data, int len, int cameraType, int curOrg);
17. 部分定制设备,只支持YV12的数据:
* YV12数据接口
* @param data: YV12 data
* @param width: 图像宽
* @param height: 图像高
* @param y_stride: y面步长
* @param v_stride: v面步长
* @param u_stride: u面步长
* rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnYV12Data(long handle, byte[] data, int width, int height, int y_stride, int v_stride, int u_stride, int rotation_degree);
18. 支持NV21数据接口:
* NV21数据接口
* @param data: nv21 data
* @param len: data length
* @param width: 图像宽
* @param height: 图像高
* @param y_stride: y面步长
* @param uv_stride: uv面步长
* rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnNV21Data(long handle, byte[] data, int len, int width, int height, int y_stride, int uv_stride, int rotation_degree);
* NV21数据接口
* @param data: nv21 data
* @param len: data length
* @param width: 图像宽
* @param height: 图像高
* @param y_stride: y面步长
* @param uv_stride: uv面步长
* rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270
* @param is_vertical_flip: 是否垂直翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
* @param is_horizontal_flip:是否水平翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnNV21DataV2(long handle, byte[] data, int len, int width, int height, int y_stride, int uv_stride, int rotation_degree,
int is_vertical_flip, int is_horizontal_flip);
19. 支持YUV数据接入:
* Set live video data(no encoded data).
* @param data: I420 data
* @param len: I420 data length
* @param yStride: y stride
* @param uStride: u stride
* @param vStride: v stride
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoI420Data(long handle, byte[] data, int len, int yStride, int uStride, int vStride);
20. 支持RGBA数据接入(支持裁剪后数据接入,主要用于同屏场景):
* Set live video data(no encoded data).
* @param data: RGBA data
* @param rowStride: stride information
* @param width: width
* @param height: height
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoRGBAData(long handle, ByteBuffer data, int rowStride, int width, int height);
* 投递裁剪过的RGBA数据
* @param data: RGBA data
* @param rowStride: stride information
* @param width: width
* @param height: height
* @param clipedLeft: 左; clipedTop: 上; clipedwidth: 裁剪后的宽; clipedHeight: 裁剪后的高; 确保传下去裁剪后的宽、高均为偶数
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoClipedRGBAData(long handle, ByteBuffer data, int rowStride, int width, int height, int clipedLeft, int clipedTop, int clipedWidth, int clipedHeight);
* Set live video data(no encoded data).
* @param data: ABGR flip vertical(垂直翻转) data
* @param rowStride: stride information
* @param width: width
* @param height: height
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoABGRFlipVerticalData(long handle, ByteBuffer data, int rowStride, int width, int height);
21. 支持RGB565数据接入(主要用于同屏场景):
* Set live video data(no encoded data).
* @param data: RGB565 data
* @param row_stride: stride information
* @param width: width
* @param height: height
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnCaptureVideoRGB565Data(long handle,ByteBuffer data, int row_stride, int width, int height);
22. 支持camera数据接入(主要用于camera2接口对接):
* 专门为的格式提供的接口
* @param width: 必须是8的倍数
* @param height: 必须是8的倍数
* @param crop_left: 剪切左上角水平坐标, 一般根据 填充
* @param crop_top: 剪切左上角垂直坐标, 一般根据 填充
* @param crop_width: 必须是8的倍数, 填0将忽略这个参数, 一般根据 填充
* @param crop_height: 必须是8的倍数, 填0将忽略这个参数,一般根据 填充
* @param y_plane 对应[0].getBuffer()
* @param y_row_stride 对应[0].getRowStride()
* @param u_plane 对应[1].getBuffer()
* @param v_plane 对应[2].getBuffer()
* @param uv_row_stride 对应[1].getRowStride()
* @param uv_pixel_stride 对应[1].getPixelStride()
* @param rotation_degree: 顺时针旋转, 必须是0, 90, 180, 270
* @param is_vertical_flip: 是否垂直翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
* @param is_horizontal_flip:是否水平翻转, 0不翻转, 1翻转
* @param scale_width: 缩放宽,必须是8的倍数, 0不缩放
* @param scale_height: 缩放高, 必须是8的倍数, 0不缩放
* @param scale_filter_mode: 缩放质量, 范围必须是[1,3], 传0使用默认速度
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnImageYUV420888(long handle, int width, int height,
int crop_left, int crop_top, int crop_width, int crop_height,
ByteBuffer y_plane, int y_row_stride,
ByteBuffer u_plane, ByteBuffer v_plane, int uv_row_stride, int uv_pixel_stride,
int rotation_degree, int is_vertical_flip, int is_horizontal_flip,
int scale_width, int scale_height, int scale_filter_mode);
23. 支持PCM数据接入:
* 传递PCM音频数据给SDK, 每10ms音频数据传入一次
* @param pcmdata: pcm数据, 需要使用ByteBuffer.allocateDirect分配, ByteBuffer.isDirect()是true的才行.
* @param size: pcm数据大小
* @param sample_rate: 采样率,当前只支持{44100, 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000}, 推荐44100
* @param channel: 通道, 当前通道支持单通道(1)和双通道(2),推荐单通道(1)
* @param per_channel_sample_number: 这个请传入的是 sample_rate/100
public native int SmartPublisherOnPCMData(long handle, ByteBuffer pcmdata, int size, int sample_rate, int channel, int per_channel_sample_number);
* 传递PCM音频数据给SDK, 每10ms音频数据传入一次
* @param pcmdata: pcm数据, 需要使用ByteBuffer.allocateDirect分配, ByteBuffer.isDirect()是true的才行.
* @param offset: pcmdata的偏移
* @param size: pcm数据大小
* @param sample_rate: 采样率,当前只支持{44100, 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000}, 推荐44100
* @param channel: 通道, 当前通道支持单通道(1)和双通道(2),推荐单通道(1)
* @param per_channel_sample_number: 这个请传入的是 sample_rate/100
public native int SmartPublisherOnPCMDataV2(long handle, ByteBuffer pcmdata, int offset, int size, int sample_rate, int channel, int per_channel_sample_number);
* 传递PCM音频数据给SDK, 每10ms音频数据传入一次
* @param pcm_short_array: pcm数据, short是native endian order
* @param offset: 数组偏移
* @param len: 数组项数
* @param sample_rate: 采样率,当前只支持{44100, 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000}, 推荐44100
* @param channel: 通道, 当前通道支持单通道(1)和双通道(2),推荐单通道(1)
* @param per_channel_sample_number: 这个请传入的是 sample_rate/100
public native int SmartPublisherOnPCMShortArray(long handle, short[] pcm_short_array, int offset, int len, int sample_rate, int channel, int per_channel_sample_number);
24. 支持远端PCM数据接入和混音后PCM数据接入(主要用于一对一互动):
* Set far end pcm data
* @param pcmdata : 16bit pcm data
* @param sampleRate: audio sample rate
* @param channel: auido channel
* @param per_channel_sample_number: per channel sample numbers
* @param is_low_latency: if with 0, it is not low_latency, if with 1, it is low_latency
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherOnFarEndPCMData(long handle, ByteBuffer pcmdata, int sampleRate, int channel, int per_channel_sample_number, int is_low_latency);
* 传递PCM混音音频数据给SDK, 每10ms音频数据传入一次
* @param stream_index: 当前只能传1, 传其他返回错误
* @param pcm_data: pcm数据, 需要使用ByteBuffer.allocateDirect分配, ByteBuffer.isDirect()是true的才行.
* @param offset: pcmdata的偏移
* @param size: pcm数据大小
* @param sample_rate: 采样率,当前只支持{44100, 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000}
* @param channels: 通道, 当前通道支持单通道(1)和双通道(2)
* @param per_channel_sample_number: 这个请传入的是 sample_rate/100
public native int SmartPublisherOnMixPCMData(long handle, int stream_index, ByteBuffer pcm_data, int offset, int size, int sample_rate, int channels, int per_channel_sample_number);
* 传递PCM混音音频数据给SDK, 每10ms音频数据传入一次
* @param stream_index: 当前只能传1, 传其他返回错误
* @param pcm_short_array: pcm数据, short是native endian order
* @param offset: 数组偏移
* @param len: 数组项数
* @param sample_rate: 采样率,当前只支持{44100, 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000}
* @param channels: 通道, 当前通道支持单通道(1)和双通道(2)
* @param per_channel_sample_number: 这个请传入的是 sample_rate/100
public native int SmartPublisherOnMixPCMShortArray(long handle, int stream_index, short[] pcm_short_array, int offset, int len, int sample_rate, int channels, int per_channel_sample_number);
25. H264扩展SEI消息:
* 设置发送队列大小,为保证实时性,默认大小为3, 必须设置一个大于0的数
* @param max_size: 队列最大长度
* @param reserve: 保留字段
* NOTE: 1. 如果数据超过队列大小,将丢掉队头数据; 2. 这个接口请在 StartPublisher 之前调用
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherSetPostUserDataQueueMaxSize(long handle, int max_size, int reserve);
* 清空用户数据队列, 有些情况可能会用到,比如发送队列里面有4条消息再等待发送,又想把最新的消息快速发出去, 可以先清除掉正在排队消息, 再调用PostUserXXX
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherClearPostUserDataQueue(long handle);
* 发送二进制数据
* 1.目前数据大小限制在256个字节以内,太大可能会影响视频传输,如果有特殊需求,需要增大限制,请联系我们
* 2. 如果积累的数据超过了设置的队列大小,之前的队头数据将被丢弃
* 3. 必须再调用StartPublisher之后再发送数据
* @param data: 二进制数据
* @param size: 数据大小
* @param reserve: 保留字段
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherPostUserData(long handle, byte[] data, int size, int reserve);
* 发送utf8字符串
* 1. 字符串长度不能超过256, 太大可能会影响视频传输,如果有特殊需求,需要增大限制,请联系我们
* 2. 如果积累的数据超过了设置的队列大小,之前的队头数据将被丢弃
* 3. 必须再调用StartPublisher之后再发送数据
* @param utf8_str: utf8字符串
* @param reserve: 保留字段
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherPostUserUTF8StringData(long handle, String utf8_str, int reserve);
26. 关闭推送实例:
* 关闭推送实例,结束时必须调用close接口释放资源
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SmartPublisherClose(long handle);
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