
distinct    不同的

postorder   后序的

inorder    中序的

sequence    顺序;次序;系列

traversal     遍历





using namespace std;
#define N 32
struct node {
int data;
node *lchild, *rchild;
int in[N], post[N];
int n;
node* tree(int postleft, int postright, int inleft, int inright)
if (postleft > postright || inleft > inright)
return NULL;
node* root = new node;
root->data = post[postright];
int i, k;
for (i = inleft; i <= inright; i++)
if (in[i] == post[postright])
k = i - inleft;
root->lchild = tree(postleft, postleft + k - , inleft, i - );
root->rchild = tree(postleft + k, postright - , i + , inright);
return root;
void level(node* root)
int output = ;//记录输出了多少个数,因为最后一个数输出之后没有空格。
while (!q.empty())
node* tnode = q.front();
cout << tnode->data;
if (output < n)
cout << " ";
if (tnode->lchild != NULL)q.push(tnode->lchild);
if (tnode->rchild != NULL)q.push(tnode->rchild);
int main()
cin >> n;
int i;
for (i = ; i < n; i++)
cin >> post[i];
for (i = ; i < n; i++)
cin >> in[i];
node* root = tree(, n - , , n - );
return ;

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